Monday, April 24, 2023

Monday! Monday!!

 Book Fair is over and all that was left to do was pack it up and this had to be done TODAY as the area that will be used for testing tomorrow.

We decided to call in the big guns!!

Or rather the big GUY!
After all his years of teaching school - he's not a fan of returning for ANY reason - except that he loves his Amber and will do anything for her!
Such as take on the tedious job of dealing with dozens of plastic tablecloths!

He is a sorter and an organizer!
Between the three of us and a wonderful parent who has been instrumental in past book fairs - we all made a great team.

We paused long enough to meet up with the kids for lunch and had to push two tables together to accommodate all of us!
Summer had a rough time yesterday and she was still in a good bit of pain today but she was determined to have lunch with us.
The thing with Summer is that the chronic persistent pain is still there - but the pain stimulator that is surgically implanted allows her to have a measure of functioning in spite of the pain.
On top of several other medical issues is the ever present fibromyalgia. 
And yet she smiles!
And when she can't - she hides until she CAN!

I baked up a batch of brownies in the middle of the night so they would be cool enough to cut this morning. I love surprising the kids with treats and they scarfed them right up! Plus I brought a tin of dilly bits since they noticed I bought two bags of oyster crackers at Aldi on Friday and they all asked - "Are you making DILLY BITS??"

The kids were all excited to see Granddad at lunch and each one paid him some special attention - which he lapped up like a hungry cat!

He is so cute and all the teachers loved meeting him!
I was pretty much puffed up with pride!
He is a man among men and a fine specimen of manhood and I am so blessed to be his wife!

It was really a great Monday and I do love a GOOD Monday!
But I admit that I was so tired I drove home and went right straight to bed!
I only stayed a couple of hours before getting up and going about my 'normal life.'

I found Louis Dean working on the back pond so I stayed out there and planted some begonias Summer had bought for me.

It feels good to get back to normal life again......but I would not have missed the Book Fair and spending EIGHT wonderful days with Amber!
As a Quad Mom - AND a HOCKEY Mom - and so much more - so it has been wonderful to just BE with her all this time! Plus getting to have EIGHT lunches with the grands??? You know how happy this makes me!!

I know it's after 9:00 as I finish this journal entry and I have supper on the stove and ready to serve.
Trystan gave me the menu idea and it smells delicious.
I'll take pics and share!


Rita said...

Your book fair was such a success!
I can relate to the chronic pain and fibro (and arthritis, too). Keeping on smiling is a good thing. (I tend to want to hide away when I am too tired or sore, too.)
Enjoy your week! :)

Anonymous said...

My goodness! I had no idea you were going to have all that time with Amber and the quads,too. Lucky you!!! What a delightful time, and Summer and Louis Dean in that wonderful mix, too.
You look great and happy. Who could want for more!!? A tiny bit of rest was good, I am sure. Love ya! T.

Donna said...

What fun it must haave been. Glad LD was able to come in and help everyone.
Go take a nap! Lol

Deanna Rabe said...

Louis Dean is a handsome man! What a great dad he has been to your kids!

Lots of happiness in these posts! That's the way life should be. Recognizing our blessings and enjoying them!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

both those quotes are sooo true. LOVE all the photos of the fun had while taking down the book fair. LD is such a great worker and he always looks so happy. LOVE that photo of Summer/Amber and the quads. preccious memormories

LC said...

Your post was a blessing and encouragement to this old lady. And like you, I have a treasure in my husband!

Vee said...

You make me smile! You and Louis Dean make a mighty fine couple.

photowannabe said...

We truly are blessed, aren't we..?..
Wonderful husbands, wonderful kids and grands, and despite the bumps along the way...Life is good and I am thankful.
I love your kind of "NORMAL".

Carla said...

Glad the fair was a success. I don't LD about not going back. LOL But I do go back to visit my peeps. Love the picture of Summer, Amber and the kids.
You and LD make such a cute couple.

Judy said...

Such a lovely family! Yes, you and LD are the prefect couple. Glad the book fair was as smashing success.