Sunday, April 9, 2023

Easter Weekend 2023

 We celebrated Easter a little different this year with a small gathering on Saturday afternoon.

The day dawned gray, chilly and rainy and we reconciled ourselves to the idea of entertaining in the front room instead of on the front deck.

However, around 1:30 the sun came out and Louis Dean was out the door getting the lawn mower going!

He mowed the area right in front of the deck which he is keeping as a lawn.
The rest of the fenced in yard was fair game if he mowed around the flowers!
As beekeepers we know how valuable the flowers are to our bees and we purpose to protect any and all
plants that are good for our hives.

I have tried to keep 'my' side of the garden for wildflowers and a natural meadow - but I haven't had much success after that first spring 3 years ago.
Louis Dean gets bewildered at what he is supposed to mow and what he's NOT, so we talked it over and decided on a new plan.

He is going to clean up and extend the flower bed around the pond and that will be MY little garden and everything else is up for grabs for him to mow, till, and plant where ever and whatever he wants.
Just as long as he mows around the flowers as much as possible.

We'll design my 'new' garden area when we come back in May.

I made pepper poppers and fluffed up the place for our party at 4:00!
Our sweet friend, Rosey, is retired military and ALWAYS on TIME!
I was out cutting roses in the garden when I saw her truck - right at 4:00!

We sat out on the deck to visit and pretty soon Dean and Sherry came up.
This is Tarzan and he does seem to love me!

The fact that I feed him may have something to do with his display of affection for me!

I thought Margaritas would be fun since we were having fajitas with all the trimmings for dinner and Rosey did a fine job mixing up a pitcher full!

We snacked on cheese and crackers while Son Dean grilled.

Louis Dean had taken a shower and settled down with a glass of wine to relax after working hard for nearly 4 hours straight.

The meal was SO good!!

Rosey made the best guacamole and I will be using her recipe from now on.

2 avocado - mashed 
1/2 onion -chopped
20-25 mini tomatoes - sliced in quarters
Herdez Salsa Verde to taste!
Easy Peasy!!!

We set the food out buffet style on the table in the front room then carried our plates out to the deck.
It was simply beautiful weather!
Our entertainment was watching the hummingbirds and gazing at the campfire.

It was a group effort on the fire.
Louis Dean started it and Dean, Sherry and Rosey all three kept it going.
My only contribution was asking Sherry to bring a few logs from our wood stack at home.
She was working in Irving on Friday so she stayed at our house.

Sherry drug a large portion of a fallen tree down here to the gate of the yard and Louis Dean will be chopping that up for firewood. We do campfires here just about every night.

It was such a lovely evening!
There's nothing better than to sit and visit with friends and family who are comfortable in being together. I felt like the entire evening was a gift from God.

Louis Dean had gone to bed earlier - he was worn out - and the others left around 9:00.
I sat outside awhile longer watching the embers of our campfire and counting my blessings.

Since we went to bed early on Saturday night - we were up early this Easter Sunday morning.

The cats - Tarzan and Tuxedo - remind me they are hungry, too!!
There's one more cat, Tiger, but he doesn't come down here much.

Our cats are used to being here and they keep us entertained with all their antics!

I worshipped with Fellowship Church online this morning and it was an amazing service.
This was a different kind of Easter this year and we thoroughly enjoyed it!

This afternoon I walked around to see what kind of wildflowers are blooming. 

These are called sulphur flowers of the buckwheat family.
They do not smell like sulphur and bees are attracted to them.

I don't remember seeing Indian Paintbrushes here on the ranch before.
Maybe a few but this year we have lots of them!

It's nearly 10:00 as I close tonight's journal entry so I will be going right to bed!
We have have two more full days to BEE here!!!


Ginny Hartzler said...

The Indian Paintbrush is so beautiful! And so is the fire. Your mowing plan with Louis Dean seems like a winner to me!

Jackie said...

I enjoy your blogs so very much. Thanks for always keeping us updated. Our Easter was kind of low this year. I have been having severe back pain & cannot get in to see a pain Dr. until April 24. But it is what it is. We accept what our Risen Lord sends us. God Bless

Rosey C said...

Thank you so much for including me in the Ranch Easter Celebration. Saturday evening was such a gift!

Donna said...

All the flowers are so pretty!
Sounds like you had a sweet and peaceful Easter...Enjoy the time you have left at the Ranch!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Your Easter gathering sounds just delightful. Enjoy the rest of the your time at the Ranch. Have a good week!

Hootin Anni said...

Love the kitties. And enjoyed the delicious meal of fajitas and margaritas! Your family life with friends & relatives is a blessing to us all Linda

Deanna Rabe said...

Sounds like a great celebration!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am a huge Tarzan fan and love the names of the cats. the fire would be the draw for me. i thought you were staying awhile, seems like you just got there. good idea on the mowing issues.. i would love to drag a tree behind a tractor but not interested in chopping it up

Vee said...

You are the kitty whisperer. 🐈‍⬛ Your Easter eve sounds pleasant indeed.

photowannabe said...

Your Easter weekend sounds delightful.
Sometimes mixing things up is good for everyone.
I do hope your flowers will survive LD's passion for mowing and working so hard. Gotta keep the bees in business.
We were at church bright and early 8AM..what a wonderful and inspiring service. Dinner at our son's home and our Granddaughters husband Smoked brisket and short ribs..DELICIOUS...and no photos!!! too busy eating! I popped a ham in the crock pot..easy peasy...and mad potato salad. Dave said make twice as much as needed so he can have lots to eat at I did..we will have ham and potato salad for days to come..

Rita said...

Looks like just a wonderful Easter!! :)

Debbie said...

our easter was different this year also!! my niece and the girls are in florida so we celebrated last weekend with a nice meal and dying easter eggs. we were home in the morning, doing things to get ready for the floors, then we just went for a quiet drive to see all the beautiful trees in bloom!! it was so sunny but very cold here!

tarzan loves you because you are so sweet!!

the food looks good, i love quacamole and chips, it is my favorite appetizer and chuck does not like it!! your landscape is looking beautiful!!

Carole said...

Glad you had a great EAster. Cheers

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Never heard of sulphur flowers, but they are very pretty.