Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Samantha, Leftovers, Roses, and Fluffing up the House!

 Samantha is just the prettiest cat I've ever had!!!

She's so photogenetic!

Open a cupboard door - or ANY door - and she goes right in!
I got out a pair of pants, slid into them and turned around to close the door and - there she was!!

Tabitha is the smartest of the two cats but she goes in doors and cupboards too.
The other day I had Louis Dean put a tub of white linen in the den closet and later I went in to find he hadn't shut the  door so I did.
Later that evening I heard sounds from the closet!
Tabitha was letting us know she was ready to get out and we had no idea she was even IN there!

I used all but one of my crock pots on Sunday and when I went to put them all back in the pantry -
they take up one complete shelf - guess who I found curled up in the corner?? Tabitha!

Today was a 'clean out the fridge' for meals.

I am so happy about how good the pulled pork turned out!

We have just enough beans left for one serving as well as just enough meat for one sandwich after our lunch today!

Today was Valentine's Day and Louis Dean is the more romantic of us but he gave me these roses on Sunday. Why?? He said it was to lessen the blow of buying so much ice cream!

Brenda made so much progress on our puzzle that it's not so overwhelming to stop and work it for a few minutes throughout the day.

I spend most Januarys putting Christmas away and for the last three years I haven't brought all the stuff I'd stored to make room for the seasonal things. 
In 2020 I had my left knee replaced.
In 2021 we were getting new kitchen counters in February.
Last year we were getting new carpet!

This year I will be redoing the window/wall area in the den so I am not adding to the things I will have to move once I start that project.

I am bringing back some 'debris' a little at a time.

Still have the gold theme and wreath in the foyer right now.

The kitchen table has green garland and ivy and lights.

I'm using the black and red plaid in the laundry room.

Dirt settles on everything and periodically I wash everything included wreaths and silk flowers.
You should have seen me when I went outside in the back yard to check on Louis Dean after I filled his bathtub with debris to soak - and he said he was about to go in and take a bath!

He didn't act at all surprised when I told him I had to take the flowers and decorations out of tub first!

Tonight I started my third baby quilt for my Kansas City family.

This one's for brother Buster's new granddaughter!

This is my very favorite Valentine EVER!

My sister Nita gave it to me over 60 years ago.

She had just learned to write in cursive.

When we were at Louis Dean's appointment with his cardiologist, the nurse went over his medication list and I had handwritten in the name of his new medicine.
I was so surprised when she brought the paper over and explained that she never learned to read cursive so could I spell this for her? WOW!

Today is Buster's birthday and this photo is when I first laid eyes on him!

It's so special to find family when you least expect it!

I have Nita and Mike to thank for that memorable trip!

Nita and Mike didn't get to meet my sister Rita that time but they did meet her and Thomas last March when they traveled to Texas!

I've really missed Nita today.
She would be so happy to know that Jesse and I are flying up to Kansas City on the 25th to spend the day with family!  I'll be meeting several nieces and nephews for the first time and I am so excited about that!


Rita said...

What a sweet post! Glad you are going to visit family this year.
Enjoy your week, Linda. :)

Unknown said...

I cannot believe your cardiologists nurse can't read in cursive. That just boggles my mind. She must be young. I never thought to soak flowers to get the dust off, that's a good idea. I usually just put them in a bag with salt and shake until it loosens all the dust. That's a special Valentine card you have from Nita. I'm sure it means a lot to you. Cats are so funny. My brother's cat was very anti-social. Whenever company would come over she'd head straight for the bathroom cabinet, get inside and sit on top of the towels until everyone left. Even if it meant she had to stay there for a few hours. She was too funny.

Donna said...

Couldn't Read Cursive??? Double WOW!!
Our public school system is horrible! I can't imagine that they'll never be able to read the master's handwritten letters...Declaration of Independence in its original text!!! On and on! Just omg...or even her boss's handwriting!!!
I love all your "debris"!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. I think it is crazy that cursive is not longer taught in schools, but sadly, it is not. My youngest, Josh, never learned cursive, so I had to teach him how to sign his name when he was 18 and had to sign his passport. Glad that you and Louis Dean had a nice day, even though you miss Nita so much. The roses L.D. gave you are beautiful. The pictures of your home make it look so fun and festive. I hope you continue to have a good week. See you again soon!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

My cosins 30 year old grandaugter can't tell time from a clock with hands and numbers. she only can tell time with digital. she grew up only digital. yours cats are so cute. who will stay with LD while you are gone? or will he stay with your daughter? that valentine is specail, i like it too

MimiG said...

I'll be headed to Florida on Saturday - my sister would have been 79 that day. We're going to have a little get together and spend some time with her son and daughter. It's been a hard few months, hasn't it? I've been off of computer a lot - my best friend's funeral was this past Sunday. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1994 and has fought it all these years, in treatment almost the entire time at multiple hospitals. I will miss her so very much.
Devin has had to go on muscle relaxers - they're not sure why he is having so many spasms in his shoulder. Still waiting on that last surgery. But scans are CLEAR. Still seeking prayers.

photowannabe said...

Your kitties are so precious and keep you on your toes for sure.
I love how romantic Louis Dean is and the roses are gorgeous.
The quilt is going to be so special for that new baby. Love it.
I'm glad you will be meeting more of your 'new" family. That will be a very special and wonderful time.
Oh my goodness..I never thought about anyone not being able to read cursive. What a tragedy for the future generations.

Vee said...

I had a very smart second grade teacher who wrote "secret" messages in cursive on the chalkboard daily. She taught us how to read in cursive in SECOND GRADE and prepared us for learning how to write in cursive in third grade. If I were that nurse, I would be ashamed to admit that I was that ignorant. It really is a crying shame. Our education system has been a train wreck for thirty or more years. A disgrace. Don't get this retired teacher started.

How lovely that you are going to visit your family later this month. It is good to stay in touch on purpose.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I could hardly believe they aren't teaching cursive anymore. The trouble is that everyone is on cotmputers and phones more than anything hand written. I love the fact that you got roses from your favorite beau. Somone said roses mean love and I know how much he must love you. I have no big plans for the new year hear, but life has a way of changing things. Every day is a surprise! Hope you never loose this memories of your sister. I lost one of my sisters a few years ago and that changed my whole life around. I still remember her every day !

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Amazing that Tabitha manages to get into the most unlikely of places, but a linen closet must have been a very comfortable place for a long nap. Louis dean is a real romantic! You will certainly enjoy the meet up with new family members in KC.

Debbie said...

you have the best debris of anyone i know!!! i don't write in cursive anymore, my brain just won't bring it back to me!! tabitha is a really beautiful cat, it seems like she has a sweet personality!!

i also wash things in the tub, or outdoors on the deck, i sometimes use the hose!!

i love pulled pork!!

Deanna Rabe said...

I love that quote! So true!

I'm glad Jesse is going with you to KC and will get to meet his cousins!

Our cat Watson, likes to lay in our bathroom linen closet!