Sunday, February 26, 2023

Back to our City Home Again and Friday Fun!!

 We enjoyed a leisurely morning at the ranch on Wednesday before we started packing up for home!

I cleaned out the fridge and found some celery to  feed the horses.

I split it with them saving some for salads.

The camper was all clean and ready for our return in March while I did not fret about the front room since I will do a deep clean of that when we come back.
There's absolutely no way to avoid dust in the country although the camper doesn't get nearly as much as that front room.

It was a pretty day to drive home!

We stopped at El Conquistador in Hillsboro for dinner so I wouldn't have to prepare a meal after we got in.

The sun was setting so underestimated our travel time to avoid arriving after dark.

And it was already dark-thirty when we drove through Dallas!

I love our routine for coming home.
Louis Dean unloads the truck and carries stuff in while I start the laundry and put things away.
I like to have everything unpacked and back in place before we go to bed.
Makes me sleep better!

Summer drove in from Arkansas and visited with her for a little while before we called it a night.
It was so good to see her and it always blesses my 'Mother's' heart to know one of my children is asleep under my roof.

When I woke up at 8:00 Thursday morning, the room was slowly revolving around.
I think it had something to do with my inner ear.
I wear earplugs at night and I wondered if that may have been my problem.
The room moved even when I was being still in bed - so I just stayed there for a few more hours.
I rested most of the day and by bedtime I was feeling more normal - but I went to sleep WITHOUT the earplugs! I just turned the sound machine up higher!

Friday I woke up ready to do all the things I meant to do on Thursday!

That afternoon we met Jimmy Albert whom Summer and I have known since he was a little boy!
He had told us about this restaurant in Bedford called  Macarena Taco Shop and Margarita Bar.

Macarena Taco Shop & Margarita Bar is a restaurant located in the city of Bedford, TX, within the Dallas/Fort Worth area. We serve traditional Mexican dishes inspired and rooted in Mexican flavors and traditions while celebrating local and seasonal ingredients from the Tejano culture. Macarena's main beverage selection focuses on artisanal Margaritas and spirits that reflect the Texan and Mexican heritage with emphasis on their bold flavors.

It was SO good and such a great price menu!!

The fresh pork skins was the biggest hit for us along with the Jalapeno margarita!!

We will definitely be going back there!!!

I got a little behind in my journal entries so I will catch up tomorrow!
I've printed all my blog posts up in hardback books from 2010 to 2021 and I really want to do justice to the amazing trip I made up and BACK from Kansas City on Saturday to visit Family!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. Glad that you are home safely and doing well. I print off my blogs in book form too. It's a great way to keep memories. Have a good week. See you again soon!

Unknown said...

Glad you and Louis Dean made it back to the city safe and sound. Fresh pork skins and a jalapeno margarita? Yuuuum. Sorry you were feeling dizzy, that is the worst feeling. When you wake up feeling dizzy get out of bed slowly and focus on one thing (a dresser, a picture, a lamp) until it passes. Glad you're feeling better though.

Rita said...

Glad you are home safe. The inner ear thing was a bit concerning, but glad you're doing okay now. Lovely to see your smiling face. :)

Kathy said...

Glad you got home safely. I don't like driving in the dark either. So great that you got to spend time with Summer. The food looks good!

Hootin Anni said...

A great way to bid the horses adieux 'til next time ...celery.
I've been craving Mexican food! Now for sure I must have some.

It's good knowing you two are home and settled. Hope your inner ear is better now.

NanaDiana said...

I'm with you. I like to have things unpacked and put away when I get home from being away. I hate waking up to a mess that I have to take care of before I can enjoy the day.
That restaurant sounds good and I am glad you had a safe trip home.
Where did you get your blog printed? I should do that for my grandkids. xo Diana

Vee said...

Oh...I will be eager to read about Kansas City.

You have always seemed to be an efficient and organized person, among
your many other wonderful traits.

That restaurant! We have no good Mexican restaurants in my corner. I miss

Deanna Rabe said...

I haven't had good Mexican food since I visited Texas five years ago! I miss it having grown up with it in California! My favorite food!

I'm looking forward to hearing about KC!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love pork skins. those look yummie. Dallas would terrify me in the daylight and night would be a big no. I hate driving on interstates or in big towns. Summer looks well and happy and so glad you got your trip done. Kansas here she comes is now there she goes. I have never printed by blog because mine is sheer nonsense, not like your journal

photowannabe said...

Welcome back!
I'm so glad you had a good time at the ranch and them got to see your wonderful Summer too.
My goodness those plates of yummy food are huge!
I think I would go back there too. Not too sure about the Jalepeno margarita though...(:0)
I have printed an annual book of every year of my blog starting with 2005+6. When I get some extra moola I will get last year 2022 printed.
That's why I keep doing my photoblog. It's my journal. Gotta get this one going soon.
Can't wait to read all about Kansas City adventures.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Oh, I love chicharrones - Now I am craving them. Beautiful horses. The meal looks delicious. Now I am hungry! I better go and eat

Wanda said...

Love the horses. This summer I plan to ride a horse and check that off my bucket list. We have a friend that has a ranch and several horses and said she has just the right one for me. Probably an old hag! HaHa
Your trip from the Ranch and myou stops always intreige me.
So nice you could see Summer and my, what big and yummy plates of food.
Sorry to hear of your "room spinning". I've had that once or twice and never figured out why. It's been a really long time since I had one.
You hardback books will be such a legacy for your family for generations to come.
Sending hugs.

Carole said...

Lovely post - hope you have no more trouble with your ears. Cheers