Monday, May 30, 2022

Sunflowers and Country Days......

 The weather is moving into summer kind of far it's only been in the 90's but next week it will reach 100 and then plus.

Our camper AC has been dripping inside ever since Friday and I have been very concerned about this. The camper is old - as in 22 years old - and fragile.
The ceiling is holding water and bulging out and I seemed to be the only one of us who was worried about it. The bedroom ceiling held water in years past and that required a major repair - of which Louis Dean did a fantastic job. But do we want more 'major undertakings' at this stage of the game? I think not!

Enter Dean and Sherry as they were out in their garden working on Friday morning,
I had prayed in the night and again when I woke up.
Louis Dean had worked on the condensation line and unstopped it - but that didn't stop the steady water drip inside the camper.

I am so grateful for the hospitality of Dean and Sherry inviting us to keep our camper down here at their ranch and encouraging us to put down some pretty deep roots!

They are always here for us and between the three of them - Louis Dean, Deean and Sherry - they figured out the problem. 
The camper is old and the roof is a fragile fabric at this point.
Praise God for the great big red metal cover over the entire thing or the camper would most likely be uninhabitable by now.

Long story short - Dean and Sherry concocted a permanent solution using guttering material to keep the water from even touching the delicate skin of roof.  But before they could install that - Louis Dean devised a temporary fix using some metal flashing. Win! WIN!!!

I walked away from the edge of my emotions and was able to use the camper AC as the dripping grew less and less since it now had a place to flow off the roof. 
Apparently, the camper roof has a dip in it and the water was pooling there and flowing back into the camper.
I do not do HEAT very well at all and if I am sleeping HOT - it will not be good for me!
There is no way I can be here without working AC. Period.
And praise God and thank Dean and Sherry - that will not be a problem!

But I admit the stress of getting Louis Dean to even realize and then confront the fact that we had a problem and finally addressing it took a toll on me.

I escaped into the girl bunk Friday afternoon and when I got up, Sherry was on the front deck visiting with Louis Dean and she had cut a bouquet of sunflowers for me!
What an absolute blessing Sherry is!

My world shifted back into focus again.

I am not a master gardener or even an armature one but I did plant a lot of sunflower seeds last fall and in the early spring.

Saturday the dripping was less and less and still I was a bit blue.
That happens to all of us at times and we simply have to deal with it and take care of ourselves.....and ask God to lead us on to whatever He has for us.

I am still writing in my book and am now on chapter 25. It's been an amazing thing how God will bring memories back to me as I write and I suddenly realized - right in the middle of the chapter - that I was recording the happiest time of my life. It's from September 1983 when I am in the depths of despair to September of 1984 when I realize I am at the happiest time I have ever been in my entire life. Jesse and I are actually in love again without the hostility I have felt from from him for so many years. He has redeemed his relationships with Summer and Jesse, Jr and we are embarking on being new parents again.

So this week here at the ranch has ranged all he way from some exciting highs to some serious lows. And isn't that the way Life is??

I love this photo I took on Saturday afternoon. 
it reminded me that no matter what - I should be reaching for the in SON.

My goal here for my part of the garden is to have sunflowers for our bees to feast on as they make delicious honey.
And we watch them every day as they swarm over the looming sunflower plants right in front of us as we sit on the deck having our morning coffee.

Saturday night I went to bed with my glass of wine and the Summer Book my friend Jutta gifted me.  I read it every summer while I am down here at the ranch.

Sunday morning coffee and church - Fellowship online.

In the country we watch things.
Car lights up on County Line Road.
Dean and Sherry as they work.
Critters as they come and go.

Neighbor Steve brought his trailer and took home the red truck to use as parts for the matching one he has. Country folk trade things out.....

Monday morning ......

We brought food from home when we came down here last week and have not been to the store since so we are using up what we have and that's been kind of a fun adventure.
Sherry gave us some fresh eggs and a half dozen sourdough rolls.
Along with the ham and Gouda cheese I had - we had a good brunch this Monday!

I've been cleaning like a madwoman in anticipation of our going home tomorrow.

This evening Louis Dean and I did some more planting in our garden.....
I planted a row along the stone divider between HIS garden and MINE. 
Mine being wildflowers and a small field of sunflowers.

Just a guy looking at his garden.....

We planted and he watered.

For dinner tonight I grilled some smoked sausage and some sliced sweet potatoes gifted us from Sherry's parents.

This is my beloved step son Dean.....out in his amazing garden.
He is a rock in my life. We all need rocks to hold us when we are weak or fragile.
He and Sherry are rocks for Louis Dean and me.
I think we are ALL a rock for somebody.

My friend, Jutta, in Finland is another rock and I am hers.
If we are really blessed - and aren't we all? -  we have so many rocks in our lives.
Children, friends, neighbors, siblings, and so many others.
I'm thankful for those who love me and encourage me when I am down and I hope and pray that God will use me to lift other of my friends and loved ones as he has sent those who have blessed me.

Isn't that the truth??

We are going home tomorrow and I am going to be taking a huge bouquet of sunflowers!!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wonderful photos today. I cannot imagine being in a camper in the Texas heat, and am SO glad they have fixed it all up!

Anonymous said...

What fantastic photos! So glad your AC problems are solved. Thanks for the reminder that we can all be ‘a rock’ for someone.

Hootin Anni said...

Linda my opinion you are your own rock!!! You are strong, you hold up to all you are given, you are there for family and loved ones, unmoveable and steadfast. Your friends & loved ones are pebbles compared to your strengths!!!

Bluebird49 said...

In the words of the late, great Merle Haggard: "...that's the way love goes!"

Brenda said...

Camper n Texas n summer would be hot..go home and rest!,,

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. I have been down this past week too, but God is lifting me back out of it as I count my many blessings. You inspire me to start writing down my life story. I always enjoy seeing what is going on with you. So glad you guys were able to get a fix for the AC leak in the camper. Safe travels home. Have a good week. See you again soon!

Heather said...

Hi Linda! I am so happy to hear you are still writing your book! I am a long time reader and comment every now and then. LOVE seeing your time spent on the ranch, what a lovely family you and Louis Dean have. I certainly hope you publish your book, I find your life stories some of my favorite posts you write. You are a gifted writer Linda and have a story unlike any other. I hope the blues stay away (I feel them too sometimes) and you have a wonderful summer :)


Arlene G said...

So glad you got the problem figured out...those kinds of things can get you down in the blink of an eye. The sunflowers are beautiful and how nice you can take some home with you. We are going back to Grimmwood on Sunday, picking up Audrey and Monday and taking her home on Thursday. We knew we were not up for a whole week this year so we worked it out. She will get to go to VBS with my sister so Audrey will enjoy that. Hugs to you this morning, Linda.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love your sunflowers. They are such cheerful flowers that you can't help but be happy when you see them. Like you, I depend on my children a lot these days to help me out. You are blessed to have them in your lives. I hope you have a safe and happy trip home and no surprises when you get there.

Changes in the wind said...

Love how you define old age as fragile. It is true and I never thought of it that way but it is also okay and so grateful for the rocks in our lives. Safe travels.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your photos are wonderful today, the flowers and the man watering his garden with the shoulder hanging overalls. I agree with Annie that you are The Rock yourself, the rock for your family and for yourself. that said I agree with you we all need a rock, my rock was Bob but not since 2017 and I need a rock, you would never guess by my blogs but I am depressed and down more than up. I just don't post it. I have 2 blog friends who are my internet rocks, my e-therapists. all my followers are part of my rock system and help me through each day.
so glad the leak is fixed. I can't live without AC either. when I am hot you do not want to be near me... we are in the high 90's now and when I go outside it has to be early and nothing after 9 am.. mid day the area by the pool is in the hundreds in our chairs... the sun is right on top of us. I huddel in the ac.
every single thing that needs repairs I have to fight with bob and cry and yell and scream and have fits. we have a tree that is dead, it needs to come down before hurricanes come. he is refusing to do it. i have fought him about it for a year.

Vee said...

Yup, it's the truth!

So glad that the problem was fixed. Some folks are very smart, aren't they?!

Love that photo of Louis Dean in his garden with his overalls and bare feet. He
looks like a recycled teenager!

Happy writing!

Deanna Rabe said...

You've spoken a lot of truth in this post. Life has challenges sometimes, and it is hard, even when the challenges may not be as hard as other peoples challenges. You are wise to always seek the Son! I love this about you! You are a great encouragement to many, I know you are to me!

Dean and Sherry are treasure, the real kind. I'm thankful you and LD have them. I know you both are special to them.

Even in old age, we can be a blessing to others! Even if its in different ways than we used to bless people. Fragility is not a bad thing, even though our culture worships youth. We must simply chose to value and honor others regardless of what they can do for us! You've been an example of that with Lillian.

I'm typing a novel so I'll stop.

Love you friend!

Anonymous said...

Seems sherry and Dean are there for you two and help so much. Also give you a place to which you can go and escape and read. They are unique.

Brendab said...

That last anonymous comment was from me

photowannabe said...

This is such a wonderful post Linda. Heartwarming and like all of us has its "roller coaster" times as well.
My 2 sons are my ROCKS too. I lean on them and love them with all of my heart. Mark and Steve are so good to my Hubby Dave and I.
I truly miss Mark and his wife Kellie and her girls so much. Having them around for the last week was wonderful.
They helped in so many ways just like your sweet step son and wife did.
Happy you got the AC fixed. Too hot to be without it.
Love this post

BeachGypsy said...

sure hope y'all have had a safe journey back home today, it's fun to go...but always so nice to come back HOME, isn't it? Sure glad they got that water leak fixed, that's great news. Love your pretty sunflowers!! You got some real pretty pictures of them! And as always, love the pics of Mr. Louis Dean busy outside in his trademark overalls, those pictures are always great and speak LOUD.....COUNTRY!!! Hope y'all had a great holiday.

Susie said...

Linda, A loving family is a true blessing in life. LD looks like a boy in those picture with his overalls strap hanging. LOL He is a worker. The garden will be so nice for all of you. Blessings to all. Love you, xoxo, Susie

Carole said...

Glad you got the ac sorted. Have a safe journey back to the big smoke. Cheers

LC said...

Your post captured so much of the essence of living through challenges at this season of life, finding joy in blessings large and small and giving God the glory as the Source.
Reading your post after some rocky moments this morning was an encouraging treat for me!

Nancy's Notes said...

What an inspirational post. It is a blessing to have a close family, right? Nothing like family being around to lift my spirits since my husband passed away last year. I love your photographs, they are wonderful. Oh, and those sunflowers are gorgeous! I'd take some home too. Thank goodness your AC is fixed. I'm from Texas and can't live without it!
Have a safe trip home, Linda!
