Tuesday, May 3, 2022

I'm Doing Much Better!

 Sunday we were up a little earlier than usual - probably because we knew we had to get things together and go home.

I'm loving this peach rose bush! We bought it last year and I should have bought all they had!
Of the 9 new ones we planted last month, only 5 of them are growing.
The other 4 may just be dead though Louis Dean doesn't want to give up on them yet.
I went out and cut a bouquet to take home with us.

That bee sting really did a number on me and caused my face to feel like I had a bad sunburn. I arrived here last Tuesday afternoon and had not put on makeup or done my hair since then. But I was going home and so I had to make myself look halfway decent.....

I was still all puffy but makeup definitely helped.

We made a caravan going through the gate - Louis Dean went first in his big white truck and I was next in line in the car with Sherry in her vehicle behind me. He unlocked the gate and we all went through and then Sherry locked it back up.
She was going to Irving to work the next day while normally she works from home.
We all followed each other out of Mart and on to Hwy 939 out of Mart to 31. We saw Louis Dean turn right towards Corsicana (??) while we turned left to go the back roads to West where there's a really cool bakery. 

Sherry was buying treats for all her co-workers and I wanted to get some to take home.
This is Gerik's Ole Czech Bakery in West. It's also a pizza place and has some really great dishes! Like Skunk Eggs! And no skunks involved in the ingredients!

Everything looks delicious!

We bought up a bunch of 'stuff' as well as a large tea for the drive home.
Sherry went on and I stayed a few minutes so I could call Louis Dean before I got on the road.
He sounded perky when he answered and I asked him if that was HIS big white truck that turned right on Hwy 31? He said, "Yup! I'm nearly to Corsicana! I just wanted to go that way!"
And so he did! I got home a half hour or more before he did but he DID get home.
I kind of worried about him driving on I45 but he did fine.
Although he said it was a lot of FAST drivers!!

Coming home is always exhausting and even more so with that bee sting of mine.
I started the laundry and pit things to rights.
My oldest son, Jesse, is staying with us for a few weeks and he had made a pitcher of fresh tea and fixed a glass for me and we had a chance to visit a little while.
I went to bed early Sunday night. Taking Benadryl every four hours makes you sleepy!

I won't show you the pic I took when I got up this morning but it was better than Sunday morning - but I still didn't look good.
Not that I ever look 'good' when I wake up.
I remember when I was dating Louis Dean and my son, Benjamin, told me, "Mom, it's not fair for you to marry Louis Dean if he hasn't seen you without your makeup!"

I keep my best makeup here in town and I felt like a real artist fixing my face this morning!
A friend told me to drink water with baking soda in it - so I did that before we left to get pedicures. I used ice cold water and a teaspoon of soda. It wasn't bad at all and I just chugged it down.

I had planned on going to the carpet store to shop for the dining room and living room and hall carpet.....but Louis Dean needed a pedicure so we changed our plans. 
From now on when I got to the nail salon, I am NOT going to ASK him if he wants to go. I will just say WE are going!!

Our next appointment was his eye doctor. He is supposed to use special drops in his eyes twice a day. The drops come in a tiny bottle and we have 3 or 4 of them and yet he can't FIND one half the time. Still, he has been using them at least some of the time and apparently it's working because the pressure behind his eyes has gone down.

Our last stop for the day was Home Depot and then we came back home and he went to his music room to play the guitar and I went out to the front yard to pull weeds in one of the flowers gardens we cleaned out last month. I spent one whole hour and got that one done.

For dinner tonight I made roasted veggies - potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, peppers and onions sprinkled with seasonings and rosemary infused olive oil. YUM!

Our salad featured some of my homegrown lettuce and green onions from my herb garden here.

Jesse fixed frozen shrimp in the air fryer....
this was some we had in the freezer......

and this is a package he bought at Aldi.
SO we had a shrimp taste testing tonight along with Louisiana cocktail sauce and another kind. Both shrimp were good and we really like the Louisiana red sauce best.

It's nice having Jesse here, He is such a calm, easy going and gentle man.

I gave Louis Dean a haircut before dinner tonight and I nicked him a tiny bit with the scissors when I was sprucing him up and cutting some nasal hairs. After that I was afraid to address his ears but I did mow down his eyebrows.
Jesse told me he has some grooming tools and showed them to me and explained how to use them. Did I mention that Jesse has a kind heart? He's looking out for Louis Dean!

Thank you for all the caring thoughts and prayers for me and that bee sting. I truly love every one of you, my sweet friends!


Ginny Hartzler said...

You are a real makeup artist. You look like a different person with the makeup applied. Better, but still you do not look like YOU. So it feels like sunburn now?

Hootin Anni said...

With your make-up skills you look marvelous!!! I'd be concerned with L D taking the interstate too. Yep, I'd stop at the bakery too! Yummy.

Brenda said...

Glad you are better…that looked like bad reaction…prayers.

Vee said...

You are looking better after looking so rough. Benjamin's comment all those years ago cracks me up. We all look better and brighter with a bit of paint. Now I am intrigued by the grooming kit...

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Benedryl is great for bee stings. Glad you are better and that you have Jesse there helping you and Louis Rean out. Enjoy your time with him.

Debbie said...

oooh wow linda, that bee had quite the impact on your beautiful face!! i hope you are feeling better, picture number 2 looks almost normal to me. i have never worn makeup, never....and only a tiny bit as a teenager.

i would think that coming home is exhausting, all the time...i don't know how you guys do it!!

haircuts and nose hairs, i too am familiar!!!

Sandi said...

Glad you are doing better!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am wondering if the bee that stung you is a new breed and unlike your other bees. you have been stung before and never like this. you are indeed a wizard with makeup. I don't have that talent and have not worn any since the 2020 shutdown. I still wear a mask in public. i cover the ugly brown spots with concealer. it is true that men should see us without makeup before we marry. that gave me a good laugh. LD would marry you anyway. hope the puffy stuff goes away soon. you are amazing to keep on keeping on while all puffed up.

Changes in the wind said...

So sorry the bee sting has been such a ordeal. I hope it clears up soon. Nice to have your son there as you don't see him as often as Amber and Summer.

Jan said...

So glad you are better! Bee stings always worry me-I've never had one, but our 7 year old grandson is very allergic to them.

LC said...

It is admirable how you keep on going through such events! I confess I am envious of your artistic skills--from you magic with makeup to all your other artistic skills, including documenting your life's joys and challenges in living color, especially those vivid colors of your roasted veggies. Yum!

Deanna Rabe said...

You do look better! That was quite a reaction! I second the person who mentioned Benadryl. It blocks the histamine.

Enjoy your time with Jesse.

Carole said...

so glad you are a lot better. Jesse is clearly a gem. Cheers

Susie said...

Linda, You honestly did not look like yourself. Glad you are better. Take it easy for awhile. Love you guys, Blessings, xoxo, Susie

photowannabe said...

You are so precious Linda. I am glad you are recovering and pray it will all be over asap...Love that you have Jesse there for a bit too.
I think you and that fabulous Hubby of yours work too hard but I think that it's what keeps you so young!

Anonymous said...

So glad you are feeling better

Judy said...

So sorry about the nasty bee sting! Glad you are on the mend. And yes...you definitely are a make-up artist! We have a granddaughter that is very allergic to bee stings. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Be careful to not get stung again. A doctor once told me that if you react strongly it will be worse each time after. You could stop breathing. You may want to get a epi pen just to be safe. You can put a bag of frozen English peas on your face while resting. It is lightweight and helps with swelling. Sherry Delaine

Wanda said...

Hi Linda. Just wanted you to know I stop by when I can to read..but don't always comment. Sending hugs.