Saturday, May 7, 2022

Catching Up on my Days......

 I loved every minute of my time over at the Bell's home this week!
Wednesday morning the kids made it to school at 7:22 - matching our personal best once again! They do their best to stay on schedule so we won't be late knowing that I - who is nearly always late for most things - get them there on time! I'm actually getting better about being on time for other things now, however I'm only early for their school drop off!

Amber and I love movies and she bought tickets for the 10:45 AM showing of Memory.

We both love Liam Neeson and will watch any and every film he is in!

Look who is on the front cover of AARP!

Since it was such an early showing, we had time to time to run a few errands before I went to school pick up. Louis Dean met us at the Yogurt Place - aka Racetrack - and surprised the kids! You should have seen the look on Trystan's face!

I love it that they are so happy to see him!

We got our yogurt - which they used to weigh but not anymore - and we ate outside at the tables. When we finished, the kids played a cool game they called Concentration.
You hold hands while singing the little game song and the first player slaps the back of the hand of the one next to him and calls out the category - as in animals or food or drinks or sports or such. Without hesitation, the next player calls out his word and it goes around the circle. If one hesitates and can't think of a word fast enough - he's out! 

I love the way the kids are all looking at each other.
They sometimes bicker and quarrel like all children do - but they mostly get along astonishingly well. Must be on of those 'multiples' things!

Here they are playing the same game but with their feet!
Look how big they're getting!
Kailey wears the same size shoe and her Mommy - and sometime wears her Mommy's shoes!!

Louis Dean and Trystan are working on a song - Grandpa Tell me 'Bout the Good Old Days by the Judds.  Sad about Naomi.

We had another delicious meal and I still forgot to get pictures of it!
After the kids were in bed, Louis Dean, Amber and I watched another movie!

We didn't finish it Wednesday night since I was getting up early to do one last school we stopped about halfway and finished it the next morning.
I set my alarm at 5:45 and get right up when it goes off! 
I impress myself every time I do that!!
The kids alarms didn't go off and they got up just a few minutes late - thanks for Kailey who has an inner alarm clock and woke the others up!
Still we made it to school on time - just 10 minutes later at 7:32!

Louis Dean LOVED the jam session Thursday afternoon!!!

There were only three musicians there this week but last week there were seven!

I met the wife of the leader and next week she and I are going to a thrift store together during the first part of the jam session and then listen to them play for the second part. 
They have the room from 1:30 - 4:30!

Friday was the day I have been looking forward to for the last 6 or 7 years!!

I shopped for carpet, selected the one I wanted. purchased it and scheduled the installation - 
all in one afternoon!! Win! WIN!! 

My only other accomplishment was cleaning our bedroom, including laundering all the bed linens from pillow shams on down!
I'm telling you, sliding into bed last night was amazing!!

I've been going to bed earlier these days and getting up a bit earlier than I usually do.
Nothing drastic, mind you!

This morning Louis Dean and I did our quiet time outside on the kitchen deck.
The air was fragrant with honeysuckle and everything is blooming or about to be blooming!

This afternoon we voted!
I took the day pretty much off as I had a small headache.
I seldom get one anymore after pending years and years with a chronic headache!
What a luxury to simply come in and turn the lights off and
The new of being able to do that will never get old!!

I received four of these SWEET honey signs this week and I do not know who to thank!!!
I love them and have had them at the place settings on my Honey Bee table out in the den.
I just LOVE them and would love to thank the one who sent them!!!


Hootin Anni said...

Like a secret Santa!! Cute gift. Love your grands...just the other day I was trying to figure out how old they were. 😊
Happy mother's day Linda.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the games the kids play with each other. they always have friends to play with. happy to hear they like each other, most of the time lol. i love Liam, and have seen all his older movies but not this one or the one last one. hoping they will appear for free soon.

photowannabe said...

Precious family. I'm glad you could get the Quads to school and home again. Nice to be close enough to help your daughter out.
Love your new Honey signs and I'm so glad LD finally got to haave his Jam Session. Now you have a new friend to go thrifting with too..absolute!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy Mothers Day ! a mothers work is never done!

Vee said...

It's lovely to be needed. And I know that Amber appreciates your help. Glad that Louis Dean had a good time at the jam session. You gather friends like a bouquet—wonderful! Happy Mother's Day🌷

Carole said...

If the kids start school at 7.30 what time do they finish? I think we used to start at 8.30?? Cheers

Deanna Rabe said...

So sweet that Louis Dean and Trystan are learning that song together!

Glad you’ve been able to have fun with the Bells while truly being a great help.

You and Louis Dean are living well!

Brenda said...

Happy mother’s day

BeachGypsy said...

hope you had a great Mothers day my friend!! Love all the cute family pictures, the kids are so cute, and so smart! And that picture of Mr. Louis Dean on the porch, with his feet up!!! So glad he made it to the music meet up and playing music with others, you know he enjoys that so! Hugs! Happy new week!

Wanda said...

Enjoyed your post. Music is such a part of life! Fun to see Louis Dean in his element.
Personal question? How do you handle the language in R movies. Don and I have stopped watching them because the last few we tried to watch, the Lord's Name was taken in vain to many times I just couldn't listen to it. I wish they would make great action films without the vulgar language and the Lord's precious Name. Liam is such a good actor, I hate that most of his movies are rated R