Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Welcome Home to Amber and Mike......and my Tuesday Treasures!

 Tuesday was our last school run with the kids and I started it off right!!

Coffee in bed for three!
Logan and Trystan share a room so it worked out perfectly!
Kailey joined us for a nibble of the cookies and we spent a peaceful 6 minutes total with our little  Coffee Klatch.....which is.....
an informal social gatherings for coffee and conversation.

And that's exactly right! 
It was a great way to start our day!!

I fixed sausage, cheesy eggs and biscuits for breakfast thinking if we needed to - we could make a breakfast sandwich and eat on the way to school.

And we made it to school early for the second time!!
I love our conversations in the car!
That day we talked about our favorite words and words we can't stand.
I hate the word 'nasty.' I don't even like the word 'tasty' because it rhymes with 'nasty!'
Harrison's favorite word is 'encyclopedia' and 'chicken enchilada.'
Kailey's favorite word is 'interesting' and that's a very good one.
We talked non stop all the way.

I snapped the pic at 7:14 but that was on my way out of the line.
It was 7:11 when we pulled up to the school but it took them a minute to unbuckle and get out.

I was back home before it was fully light!
What a blessing it is to have true Quiet Time. Louis Dean slept for another hour or more and I was content to read and think and pray.

Since it was Tuesday and since there was a Goodwill within 2 miles of the house - why NOT???

As a beekeeper - my eyes pick up any and all bee related things and I love this one!!
It will go down to the ranch with me next month.

I used some of the neon green in the hall decorations for Christmas and now have plans for the long wall in the hall for this next one.

I love all things fall so this went in my basket.

I love this felt wreath on Styrofoam base.
It will live in our bedroom.

I could not pass up a book by one of my favorite writers!

The warming slppers were brand new in the box!
I put them in the morcowave when I got back to the house and put my feet up for a few minutes.
You can also put them in a ziplock bag and freeze them!

I couldn't believe the LED candles work!
Batteries were still good.
I'll use these all winter.

A really BIG candle!!!

I love Rae Dunn things!
Munch! Nibble! Snack!!

Who knew there would be three pretty glasses???

And they were also Rae Dunn!!

I did a few things - like eating lunch and setting out some snacks - and then it was time for school pick up.

We made it to Parking Pick up Space #8.....but three cars moved out and we were at #5 by the time the kids came out!! They were so impressed!!

Home for snacks and then we played a few rounds of NUTS!
They were so anxious for their parents to get home!

We went outside to watch for them and the girls all carried their books out with them.
I love that they all love to read!!!

Home at last!!!!!
Can you tell how happy they all are??

Granddad and I stayed to hear about their trip and they gave us a slide show on the TV by synching up their phones. Is that right? I am not very high tech but I am always impressed with those who are!

I had this casserole all prepped and ready to put in the oven.
My friend from church long years ago (she was a teenager back then and now she has grandchildren!) sent this as a 'tuck in' with her Christmas card.
I love 'tuck ins' and used to do them in my cards and letters.
I hope to follow Amy's example this year in my correspondences.
I didn't take any pictures but I served brown rice, refried beans, tortillas, guacamole and chips and salsa for our dinner that night.

Then it was time to present our birthday cards to Mike and have cake!
The kids and I made his very favorite.
Plain yellow cake from a box and chocolate frosting!

We went home about 8:30 and I was in bed by 10:00.
The time could not have gone any better and we enjoyed every single minute with the kids.
Not one of them had to reprimanded the entire time their parents were gone by either set of grandparents! That's pretty good!! But then, they are really good kids!

Today is the first of 26 days that we will be HOME!
We had hoped to go to Snyder this coming weekend and see Chandy and Chris and the kids, but they have been ill and we are being cautious about staying healthy. Plus, we are tired.
Going back and forth and the business of the holidays - we feel like we need to stay home for awhile.

Since we have been gone much of the month, all our Christmas is still up and I am not in a big hurry to take it all down. It has been wonderful to just sit back and enjoy our pretty rooms.

It was in the 50's today but will be in the 20's while it was still warm enough to work outside.....

we cleaned out the 'Christmas House.'
This is the former playhouse where Amber played when she was a little girl.
We cleaned it out - lots of leaves had blown in - and will store the wheelchair and walkers in the larger storage building we have out in the back yard. I am hoping to put nearly ALL my Christmas decorations in here. It's 8x10 or 9x12 (I can't remember which) and it will be completely FULL of all my debris! I bought lots of new RED tubs and this afternoon, Louis Dean and I took all the older RED tubs out of the other storage building. SO I have them all ready to fill and store away.

That one tub in the foreground has a white lid and it holds the colored LED lights I have been looking for the past 2 years! It's not plain LED but the strands look like candy and are so pretty!
Leaving them in that one tub that's different so I will know where they are!

I'm deep cleaning the guest room and Louis Dean repaired the litter box house for me.

He used his favorite glue, too!
Gorilla Glue!!

It's going to be COLD in Texas for the next few days but we will be snug and warm here at home.

"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire; it is the time for home."

Edith Sitwell


Ginny Hartzler said...

I am glad that Lois Dan did not glue your cats to the litter box! What a wonderful time you have had with the Quads! You got so many cool Goodwill treasures this time!! I think my favorite is the candles in mason jars.

Bluebird49 said...

You got some great treasures -- you always do!
The kids are justvwonderful, and it is amazing how grown up they are. I declare, Harrison look about 12-years-old! Don't tell him we don't want them growing up so fast.
I know you all had a great time together!!
Do be careful -- you don't need to get sick, much less come down with Covid.
Ed went to the supermarket and got necessary things for the pantry and freezer. I don't know if we will get any of the 8" of snow predicted. Most likely not, but its better to have than not, you know.
Sending love to you two, and to all the Bells! 💕💕

Kathy said...

It's fun to be away and doing different things, but it's also fun to be home. There's something about having our favorite things around us and just being able to relax. Enjoy your time home. Love your buys at Goodwill. Those warming slippers sound wonderful.

Hootin Anni said...

Tired indeed!!! You've been busy with your kids, enjoying each other!!

I loved reading about the favorite (and not so favorite) words best!!!

Great thrifting Linda.

Donna said...

Hahaaaa...oh girlfriend! The word nasty... There is a teacher on Youtube that has made a name for herself using the word nasty!
Her pound cake recipes are Wonderful! Copy this link, paste it in your search line and watch her bake... she has a thing about washing your nasty hands...Hahaaa...

MimiG said...

What wonderful days with the quads - and how awesome that all the grands get to spend time with the splitting the time up.
I want to go to YOUR Goodwills - you have the best luck.
I've only been one this year to shop, got a picture and a pair of loafers, very "slim pickins".
Have a grand time getting a little rest..

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. Great finds at the Goodwill. We love going to Goodwill and other thrift stores around here. It is always so fun to find "treasures." So glad you had a wonderful time with your kids. Now, enjoy a few days resting and relaxing at home. See you again soon!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I don't think I have a favorite word, i have a few I use over and over, Nevermind! that is the one I use the most. I say it over and over to the man who can't hear. if i repeat some nonsense twice and he still can't hear me, I say never mind which means forget it.
they look so happy on the porch when they got home. I nearly passed out from shock when the photo came up of an EMPTY ROOM on your property. shocked, I say shocked. ha ha... soon it will be full. we all know that

Arlene G said...

I always loved taking my kids to and from school. I always felt they were a bit more free with their emotions in those trips. One reason I never wanted to be in a car pool!! Like you, we are enjoying being home for a while. We were going to GA every week in Nov and Dec so we have stayed home for three weeks. It is BLISS. We go back to Grimmwood on the 31st. Now I have to think of what is my favorite word....hmmmm

Unknown said...

Thanks for the recipe! I'm going to make it soon, sounds great! Beth J. from Iowa

Vee said...

That's a wonderful Welcome Home picture. I can see that the Bells were all happy to see one another.

Glad that you are staying put for a while. Rest is always good, especially in winter.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

There truly is no place like home for comfort ! Glad you had such a great time and can take a rest for awhile and enjoy your lovely home.

photowannabe said...

Ahhhh...home sweet home.
You and LD are fantastic grandparents and know how to make the best memories for all of you.
Now please rest and just "Be" or should that be "Bee"?
I laughed at Sandra's comment about being in shock over your empty room..Yes, it really is a shocker but how nice to have a place to store all of your Debris.

Carole said...

such great storage! Cheers

Debbie said...

i have to say that i think conversations in the car are the best!! chuck and i take little trips in the car, sometimes we run out of things to talk about. lets face it we have been married for 43 years!! so i google, things to talk about when there is nothing to talk would be amazed at the fun we have had with that!! kids never run out of things to talk about...or funny stories!!

packing and storing your christmas decorations, thats going to be a big job!!!

NanaDiana said...

Glad you had bits of quiet time here and there while watching the kids. You did good getting them out the door and to school on time!
Love all your treasures-especially that BEE sign. So cute.
Nice picture of LD. I love his smile and presence that he brings to your blog.
Happy weekend- xo Diana

Judy said...

How nice that you could be there for your grands while the parents were away! It sounds like they are a treat to be with! You always find the best stuff at 'goodwill'. Here's my you still have room to store more treasures? :) Enjoy your at-home time!