Monday, January 10, 2022

Monday! Monday!

 I love a good Monday and this one marks one week that we have been at the ranch.
As Louis Dean and I sat with our coffee in front of a wimpy little electric heater this morning - since we totally out of propane - we decided to go back to Waco and find a place to fill the tanks.
We have two big 100 gallon or pounds or however they measure the gas and two small regular  ones we use for the grill.

I called the U-Haul place we were at on Saturday and they said, "Yes! We have propane. We're at Waco Dr and Valley Mills." 

It was cold but not so windy and the sky was beautiful!

On Saturday I could not get any WiFi at all......and I discovered I had inadvertenly turned it off.
I made sure I could use the navigation apps on my phone and we headed to town.
As it should happen - since it usually does - I had put in the wrong U-Haul address!
But we arrived there with no problem. And we were only 5 miles from the one we needed.
We went there only to find out that, YES!! They have propane - but the guy who does the filling didn;t come to work this morning.

Let me just say that Louis Dean was fit to be tied!!
Things were not going well.

I suggested we stop and eat lunch then decide where to go and what to do.
The Catch was his choice and he felt much better after he ate.
In the meantime, I called Star-Tex Propane - the same one I called on Saturday but all the refilling and exchange places were closed. Today they were open and I confirmed they were up and operating.

Praise God!
He had all four tanks filled and it cost half of what he was expecting to pay!
Win! WIN!!

We decided to quit while we were ahead and go back to the ranch where I promptly got back in the girl bunk and took a nice long nap while Louis Dean got the tanks in place and hooked one up to the bathroom heater from the outside.

When we were at the Dollar store the other day, I picked up another scripture decal to go on the fridge.
I think on and read these verses on LOVE often.

I added four calendar pages from 2021 to the fridge holding them with magnets.

Then finally, at long last, I sat down to the art table to paint!

I finished this one except for his face.
I wiped it off a number of times and started over and was still not able to get it right.
Maybe next time.

I started some sunflowers back in August and I cannot believe how long it has taken me to do this small painting. I did have to start over more than once.

It is nearly done!!
Can you see the tiny honeybee??
The one I had in mind was too big so I painted in a smaller bee.

I meant to have this one done for Christmas but now it will surely be finished by Christmas of this year!

Louis Dean is already in bed sound asleep and I am enjoying some alone time.
We all need a little 'Me' time.
I have been reading and and sitting and 'Bee-ing' instead of doing.
Ahhhhh......I needed this.
Tomorrow is our last day here and tomorrow night is our bee meeting in HIllsboro.
They always have a speaker and a program and we look forward to that every month.
The bees Dean and Sherry rescued are doing fine. We meant to suit up and inspect the hives but it's been too cold. It feels good to look over there at the apiary and see all the colorful bee boxes!
They have more than replaced the hives we lost die to the Artctic freeze last year.

Everyday I purposely remind myself to live in the moment!


Ginny Hartzler said...

My favorite is your bee and sunflower; it is stunning!!! And the one of louis dean is so good, too! Wow, those calendar pages are big!

Bluebird49 said...

I love the paper you posted. Family Love. Yes!
Glad you found propane and that y'all got to eat out. I know that was good for you both.
Hard to believe you will be going home after tomorrow, but please be careful and safe. 💕💕

Hootin Anni said...

Have a safe drive home from the ranch!!
Like Ginny, I love the sunflower painting most. It just brightens up the area wherever it would be.
Glad you found the propane and someone to fill the tanks! You two are all set for a return trip!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hello. Glad you finally got your propane. I LOVE those sunflower paintings, and the scripture decals you got for your fridge. Hope the rest of your time in the country goes well. See you again soon. :-)

Sandi said...

"This moment is your life."


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We sure have to be flexible in this life and patient. I need to work on the patient part! Hope your day is good and trip is easy! Hugs to you both!

Bev said...

Yes...we do all need ME time!!...Love you adventures!

Changes in the wind said...

So glad you were able to get the propane tanks filled. Things are kind of crazy out there and not being able to get supplies seems to be a theme. The painting are really good and can't wait to see them finished.

Vee said...

So glad that you were finally able to get those propane tanks filled! What a relief! It takes a lot of energy to keep warm. I am not surprised that you spent some time in your bunk. Chilly weather makes me tired, too. Have fun at the bee meeting! 🐝

Donna said...

We sold our motorhome back in June ...really havent missed it too much but it would be nice to pick up again and head farther south...We live in the Waco area and I was surprised to find a fellow blogger from the Dallas/Waco area.
Hope you made it safely home...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the sunflower painting is just BEEutiful! love it and so glad they have replaced their bees. bob and I got a laugh out of the driving miss daisy tale of finding propane. yowsa, what a story, like Murphy on Steroids. glad you could be comfy your last couple of days, seems like your time there went really fast. your blog is always a joy to me even when things go wrong

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a blessing to have heat again. I'm thankful I don't have to rely on propane here. It is much more expensive than the natural gas we have piped in our homes to heat the house. Thankfully all is warm and cozy here and I get to stay inside today. Good job on the paintings. One of my favorites is sunflowers. I've painted them many times. Enjoy your last day there and have a safe trip home.

Brenda said...

Enjoy your last few days. Sounds like you and husband needed the rest...time two are good examples of keeping is so so good...we must enjoy every single day no matter your blog and always have...since I started reading them...

photowannabe said...

Linda, Your paintings are masterpieces..Love them all. I can't wait to see the one of LD when completed.
This Moment is your Life..that says it all.
Happy you finally got all the propane you need and the bees are doing well.
Safe trip home.
Coming to your Journal is one of my pleasures every day.

Wanda said...

Oh what a blessing you were able to find the propane, and keep your darling from any more stress!! "Fit to be tied" was an expression I remember from childhood! Must have been my mom saying it about my dad..hahaha
Your paintings are so realistic. Love the one of Louis Dean.
Your camper is so full of life and you.

LC said...

I loved this post, and happy to know you often return to reread those scriptures. I. too, find great comfort and joy in the promises and lessons of scripture. May the rest of your week be filled with joy.

Carole said...

couldn't agree more about me time. Lovely post as ever Cheers

Deanna Rabe said...

Stay warm! Glad you got the propane!

Carole said...

Linda, in the Diana Gabaldon book Claire is gifted some bees and is told that it is important to talk to them about people leaving or arriving... have no idea what this is based on - but thought you would be interested. Cheers

Judy said...

Beautiful paintings! Glad your tanks are full again! My hubby had all our big tanks filled we are prepared in case another extreme weather event rolls through.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Glad that you and Louis Dean were able to finally find the propane, Linda, and getting a deal was also great after your perseverance. All your paintings were great to see and I liked the one of LD and those sunflowers. Safe travels on your way home from the ranch. And, yes, we should always live in the moment as it only comes around once.