Friday, January 14, 2022

I am MeeMaw! Hear Me ROAR!!!

Tuesday was our last day in the country for thsi month. 

I've loved our Country Time - every monute of it!

I spent a few hours working on this canvas and I still have several sessions left on it but I do believe I'm heading in the right direction.

I packed up the art table before we left for the bee meeting in HIllsboro.
We apparently had our wires crossed because when we walked - just a little late - we were told this was a Wild Turkey Federation Meeting! We thought they were kidding and sat down. They were very friendly and said new members were always welcome.! We all had a laugh and then we left.
It was dark and raining and the trip there and back took three hours and it was a bit stressful at times.
Turns out - the BEE meeting is on the 18th this month. 
Sherry and I will both miss it as she will be working out of town and we will be at the Bell's house with the grand quads.

We did our normal routine Wednesday morning and got ready to go home.

We didn't forget the cats, either!

Although this one talked to us all the way back to Irving!

I stopped to take a few photos of the cattle in the area. 
They all stood up to watch me watch them!

We got home at 4:15 and had plenty of time to put things to rights and get nearly all the laundry done!

WE even took time to sit out on the driveway with a glass of wine.

It was an early bedtime for us since we were tired!

Amber and Mike were leaving on a jet plane just as we were preparing to head over to their house.
We unloaded our things - including the two cats who were NOT happy to be put in their carriers again.
I tried to tell them they should be happy because we were going to see the kids but I don't think they understood! I left them in the kennels until we got back from doing the school pickup.

I knew the kids would enjoy letting them out.

Our after school snack was hot chocolate with cookie mug buddies and a peppermint spoon to stir - and melt - into the chocolate!

I bought these for Christmas Eve but it was so warm it didn't seem right to drink something HOT!

Now that the kids are nine years' of age, they can do so many things all by themselves.

Trystan needed no help from me for this project so I simply watched her work.

She made this honeybee and it has a motor that makes her spin around.
Pretty cool!

Amber left the fridge well stocked and several menu suggestions for tasty but easy meals.
Last night we had Four Cheese Ravioli with red sauce and garlic bread - delicious!
Bedtime is 8:30 on school nights so we had about a half hour after dinner and dishes.
National Geographic 'Welcome to Earth' was our choice of entertainment and the episode was Descent into Darkness and had Will Smith in it.

The kids all went upstairs to bed at 8:10 and I went up to tuck them in at 8:25!
The entire afternoon and evening was such a wonderful time.
I'm so proud of Amber and Mike and the way they parent.

Louis Dean and I watched this movie before going to bed about 10:30.

Now you would think I could have gone right to sleep but I didn't.
I sat in the living room and read for awhile and rather enjoyed some quiet time.
The house is all pretty and decorated and I'm loving all the fairy lights.
I snapped this pic at 2:15 - right before I finally went to bed!

My alarm went off at 5:30 and I only pushed the Snooze button once!
Amber had set up a coffee station so I made mine and fixed a mini cup of a tiny bit of coffee and a good dose of Vanilla creamer + some water.....just the way she likes it!
She told me before she went to bed that if I could wake her up a little earlier, we could have coffee together. But I surprised her with coffee in bed and we both leaned nack on the pillows and sipped away for a few minutes.

I made a full breakfast and the kids all filled their own water bottles and packed morning snacks.
I brushed hair and dressed myself and we were out the door and in the car before 7:00!

It was still dark outside!!

The sky was just beginning to lighten when we got to school.....EARLY!!
The bell rings at 7:40 so this was the earliest they have EVER been!!

It was a team affort so we all congratulated one another!

Louis Dean and I kept busy today and I did not even take a nap!
It was nice to not be working hard like we would be doing if we were at home.

Louis Dean and I left at 2:10 for the 2:50 dismissal time and we were 10th in the pick up line! 
I had put out some double stuff Oreo cookies, white chocolate bark and some sprinkles on the counter before I left. The kids dipped the cookies, some Ritz crackers and peanut btter and even some tiny orange slices in the melted chocolate and then the sprinkles making a special Friday night treat!

Fridays are special at the Bell home.
Amber grew up with Friday night Popcorn, movie and Cokes.
She's kicked it up a notch with Pizza, Popcorn, Cokes and a movie!

Tonight was Spider-Man 3 and we are actually still watching it.
We've already had our intermission and Logan was in charge of the popcorn.
Kailey handled the Coca Cola duty tonight filling the glasses with ice and pouring the drinks plus the refill when the popcorn was ready.

I'm just so impressed with these grands!

PS......Tabitha and Samantha are having a ball over here!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. Sounds like you are having a great time with your grands. I love the painting of the cross and flag. Glad you had a nice time in the country. Have a good weekend. See you again soon.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What an awesome time you are having! How long will you be there?

Bluebird49 said...

I just love hearing how the Bells work so well with each other and with you and Louis Dean! It is just so sweet to think about this!
Sorry about the bee meeting, but no biggie.
That was a lovely peek at Amber's stairs still decorated. I know you love it there!💕💕

Bev said...

Fun times... you flow from the Ranch to the grands❤️.... you are blessed

JoyM said...

Hi Linda - a happy time for everyone, lots of hugs too !

Kathy said...

Sorry about your bee meeting. That sounds like something I would do.
I love hearing about the quads and how grown up they are. It seems like just yesterday they were babies
I just watched Being the Ricardos yesterday. What a good movie!

Hootin Anni said...

You two literally wear me down. Never a dull moment. (Even last week when you had wine in the bathroom).

Love, love, L🐝VE the bee art.

Vee said...

Fun times! It really does help to have such accomplished grands. I was intrigued by the school pick-up. It sounds as if it might go more smoothly than what I experience every Wednesday. Parents and pick-up people wait in a holding parking lot. The students walk down to it and the mad rush begins to find your vehicle and get out of there. Since many of the drivers are actually the students, it can be a nightmare. 😵‍💫

Your story about nearly becoming members if the Wild Turkey Club made me laugh. 😁

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What fun you have with those kids! Hope you have time to put your feet up today! Happy weekend!

Betty said...

How very nice. You can spend time with the grands and create precious memories they will always remember.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh no on the 3 hour drive for nothing. that would just slay me. you are the roaring memaw for sure and deserve and award. so does amber for mother of the years. leaving all the food and all that, she is a planner.

photowannabe said...

You have got to be the very best Mee Maw there ever was...
Can I be one of the Quads too?

Carole said...

Do both the kitties talk? Our Molly is very 'verbal'. And I talk back! Becoming one of those cat ladies... Cheers

NanaDiana said...

I remember how our cats hated being in the carriers. One of them always got sick and I felt so bad for him. We only took them when we had to do so.

It is amazing how much those kids can do now and how big they are. Seems like yesterday they were babies. They are as cute as cute can be.

Hope you don't get too tired out so that you can just unwind a bit at night and have a little "you" time.

Happy weekend-xo Diana

Vick said...

I think those kids are exceptional and advanced. I know good parenting has a lot to do with it, but could I borrow them for awhile to visit my just graduated college Grand? It would need to be a long visit from the looks of

BeachGypsy said...

well hello there, "wild turkey person", ha ha LOL!! sorry you missed the meeting, but that WAS FUNNY! Glad you're getting to spend the time with the kids, they are adorable, strong, healthy and seem very well mannered and courteous, and smart too! Love seeing all the pictures of their fun. Enjoy your time there, and bet the kitties are having a blast too! have a happy weekend my friend

BeachGypsy said...

PS...I had been wondering if the Lucy movie was any good

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Never a dull moment for you, but then that is what family is all about, helping each other out. So glad you can enjoy time there with the quads. They don't take as much care as they did when little, so you can enjoy doing more with them now.

Debbie said...

you are such a GREAT meemaw, ld too!! those kids are so lucky to have you both and you to have them!! the painting of the flag is really beautiful!!

love the hot chocolate, i have never seen those cookie mug buddies!! i love those peppermint spoons, i also get the chocolate covered spoons that melt into the milk to make the hot chocolate!!

the quads are so adorable!!