Saturday, January 9, 2021

Fun Saturday!!

 Sometimes it is just a real blessing to have somewhere to go and something to do!
We could stay busy right here at home for the entire length of 2021 - and we do love our projects and working around the house and property!

But when Amber sent us a text message the other day saying the kids were playing hockey - two Bells on one team in one rink and the other two Bells on the other - right next to each other - I sent back a text as quick as a wink! We will BE there!!

And so we were and on time, too!
It was so much fun! We sat as much in the center of the two rinks as possible.

I love seeing Amber be such an encouraging Hockey Mom!!
"Good game, guys!"

Kailey scored all four of her team's points!
She and Trystan play on the same team and they are undefeated so far!

Harrison and Logan play on the other team and they won their game today, too!!
Win! WIN!!
Harrison scored 4 of the 8 points they made!

Look how grown up they are!!
By this time next year, they will all be taller than I am!!
Maybe not Trystan. We might be the same!
I started out being 5 feett 2 inches.
Now I am 5 feet and one-half inch.
Pretty soon I will be an even 5 feet!

We lingered long at the rink visiting with the kids, Amber and Mike and his parents.

I love seeing Amber and her dad together!
He will always be a  head taller!

I came home and went straight to the kitchen to make chicken soup. 
I used the broth and chicken left from our chicken and dumpling supper a night or two ago.
Now I added frozen corn, green beans, carrots, additional seasonings, a can of cream of chicken soup, a can of milk and the rest of our black eyed a couple of twigs of rosemary.
It was delicious!
We ate a bowl with saltine crackers.
We dearly love saltines!
Louis Dean and I both eat crackers and milk - it's like a comfort food when we don't know what we want to eat. But I just recently discovered that he puts salt in with his crackers and milk!
Even I don't do that and you know how much I love salt!
He says they don't salt the saltines like they used to so he does it!

Earlier, while Kailey was just off the ice and still in full hockey gear, she asked me if I wanted to FaceTime with her when I got home and we could do hand sewing together.
Of COURSE, I wanted to!!

She propped me up on the cat stand and I had her propped up on my sewing machine!
Kailey made little pillows and cushions for her Barbie dolls and I hand sewed some loose ribbons on my white Christmas sweater that had come loose when I washed it.

Then I moved to the sewing machine and ran up a couple of bowl wraps.
Thanks to my Utah friend, Sharilyn, for sending me the pattern!
Friends and family!
What would we do without them?
They help us stay centered.
God seems to bring just the right people into our lives at just the right time.

Kimmy is a friend who cheers me up with her fun humor while I wake up just about every morning to some beautiful photos from Jutta, my dear friend in Finland.
Throughout the day, I read the messages - or comments I should say - if I have posted a journal entry the night before. They never fail to encourage, comfort and cheer me on.

Another friend is Pat.
She sends me emails and funny sayings as well as some perfectly profound writings.
I do not know the original author of this following piece or I would give credit.

I just spent some time today with four of my grandchildren so reading these words gave me a sense of peace and hope. Perhaps it will do the same for you.......

God is sovereign over all things. This says it perfectly and parents and grandparents need this encouragement.
Don’t feel sorry for or fear for your kids because the world they are going to grow up in is not what it used to be.
God created them and called them for the exact moment in time that they’re in. Their life wasn’t a coincidence or an accident.
Raise them up to know the power they walk in as children of God.
Train them up in the authority of His Word.
Teach them to walk in faith knowing that God is in control.
Empower them to know they can change the world.
Don’t teach them to be fearful and disheartened by the state of the world but hopeful that they can do something about it.
Every person in all of history has been placed in the time that they were in because of God’s sovereign plan.
He knew Daniel could handle the lion’s den. 
He knew David could handle Goliath.
He knew Esther could handle Haman.
He knew Peter could handle persecution.
He knows that your child can handle whatever challenges they face in their life. He created them specifically for it!
Don’t be scared for your children, but be honored that God chose YOU to parent the generation that is facing the biggest challenges of our lifetime.
Rise up to the challenge.
Raise Daniels, Davids, Esthers, and Peters!
God isn’t scratching His head wondering what He’s going to do with this mess of a world.
He has an army He’s raising up to drive back the darkness and make Him known all over the earth.
Don’t let your fear steal the greatness God placed in them. I know it’s hard to imagine them as anything besides our sweet little babies. We just want to protect them from difficulties and the pains of life, but they were born for such a time as this. And with God’s strength, they can rise above any occasion and thrive in His name.

And I say, Amen and Amen!


Ginny Hartzler said...

this devotional is wonderful and very comforting! Even for me, though I am not still raising children. I am really shrinking, too! I used to be 5'7". now I am 5'3". You changed your blog background! Harrison must be an excellent hockey player!! I have never heard of bowl wraps!!

Deanna Rabe said...

What a wonderful quote at the end, and lots of sweetness in the whole post! I say Amen, too!

Changes in the wind said...

You are indeed blessed to have somewhere to go and have fun! Loved all the pictures and sewing with Kailey was so sweet. I have seen the pattern for the bowl wraps but never made them. Blessings...

Carol said...

How I needed those very words today! I needed the words I read and shared today as well. God has truly touched my heart this week and shown me that the fear I felt earlier in the week, is nothing that He doesn't have in His control.
My grand daughter has been my source of immense sadness this week. I see her growing up and I see the world around us changing so much. I feel sadness that she will never know the world in the way I have, but I will train her to trust in the Lord and know that His word is what matters.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the quads are so cute and talented and gifted. sports and sewing alike.. they are blessings to you and you are blessings to them, they were blessed with the right parents for sure. i am also shrinking to the tune of down 2 inches. common as we age.. men don't seem to shrink as much as women, and now i am wondering why... 4 years ago i changed to walmart brand saltines with unsalted tops and now we are addicted to them. both of us are on BP meds and salt is a no no... i tried to eat a regular saltine while in a resturant and it was way to salty, i could not eat it... I eat saltines and milk as a snack also.. 6 saltines and 1/2 glass of fat free milk is only 100 calories and a spoon of natural peanut butter divided to make 3 pb crackers is only 200 calories. that is my dinner many times.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Here I hace a grandson playing soccer and only parents are allowed to attend the games. And only one parent at a time. I'd love to see him play and cheer him on. Yes, you are blessed to be able to go. Hopefully soon our world will change for the better.

Susie said...

Linda, What a fun time to see those children playing and enjoying sports. They all seem to be really good at it. You and LD do encourage them to have fun . I know it lifts their spirits to see you all there just for them. Blessings to all, stay safe. love all of you, xoxo, Susie

photowannabe said...

I have said it before and I'll say it again. You are blessed beyond measure.
The "poem" at the end is perfect and profound. A wonderful way to change the way we look at our world and our precious kiddos.
I love the pictures of your Quads and especially that they want to Face-time with you and sew together..that's awesome...that's called redeeming your time.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.
I have to laugh..I slept until 10AM today..I haven't done that for years (except when sick) I was shocked when I looked at the clock. Made me think of you and your late snoozes. (:0)

photowannabe said...

Linda, I just reread the prophetic devotion you wrote out.
I had to copy it down myself.
Its profound and encouraging.
I'm passing it on to my sons too.
Thank you
That one sentence about Not letting our own fear STEAL the greatness God placed in them. Wow, there's a lot to chew on there..

Mandy said...

I just love how you and your grands have so much fun and connect online!

Bluebird49 said...

Hi sweetie! I've been sick again, so I've not been online much. I just don't feel well, but I always love seeing what you and Louis Dean are up to. It's so good to see you can be up to picking out countertops one minute and going to the quads' game the next. I know they're always glad to see you. And that precious sewing session afterward-- she will always remember those times.
I loved the poem at the end, and I hear so many people spouting woe about their children and grandchildren not living in the same world they did! It's been this way forever, good times and bad, but train a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it! He or she will trust in the Lord, and that is all,that is everything!
I've been living on saltines, jello and ginger ale for a few days now and I think I'll try a baked potato later. Seems to me that Saltines aren't as salty either. I do think our taste buds must change s bit as we age though!
Love you! Have a wonderful week!