Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sunday Blessings and Christmas Painting Winner.....

We have been looking forward to Sabrina and Rayne's arrival back in Texas for the Thanksgiving holiday! I opened my eyes this morning before 8:00 and thought, "YES!"
I was up and at 'em getting the guest room all made up and was ready and waiting for Summer to get here and then we were off to the airport!
Our timing was perfect!
We had just parked and was walking in the door where Sabrina and Rayne were waiting at baggage claim for their luggage.

What a happy reunion!!!!

Such a  touching had been 120 days since Summer had seen them in person.
She Facetimes quite a bit and I love how Mummers and Rayne read together everyday. Technology can be a big blessing.

I was so happy to BE there and I had a bucket of pumpkin muffins for her!

She dug right in!
Plus she shared with a couple of security workers and family so I was glad I had enough muffins at home to refill her pail.

Sabrina went home with her mom and Summer and Rayne came over here to our house to spend the day and night. On our way we dropped off some pumpkin muffins with Pam and had a short visit.

Granddad was excited to see her and she was excited to see him.
He had been outside blowing and mowing leaves all morning.
He thought he had blown a breaker (electric mower since we can't keep a small engine running) but after a lot of flipping breakers and locating all the breaker boxes - he discovered it was a faulty extension cord! 

All that blowing off the leaves revealed ripe pecans ready to pick up.
I gave Rayne a pecan picker upper that you can use without even bending over!
Reaoma's husband, Doug, gave me that for Christmas long long years ago.

She decided to crack a few for a snack so I gave her the pecan cracker that Doug gave me the Christmas after the pecan picker upper.

It was such a beautiful day here! 
We sat out on the driveway visiting and shelling pecans and just enjoying being together.

While I got dinner started, Rayne made some cute cheese and crackers pies.

She used whipped cream cheese to stick triangle cuts of cheddar cheese to Trisket crackers.
Then she attached a Chicken Biskit cracker to the back using the cream cheese - thus making it look like a piece of pie. A dab of cream cheese on top finished it off.

We had a good dinner of those chicken cheese enchiladas, re fried beans, salad and a fruit salad using a light dressing of Coconut White Balsamic Vinegar and Blood Orange Olive oil. SO good!

After the dishes were done I went to bed for a good long nap.
Rayne and Summer read together and then they went out to visit in 'Percy' -that's the name of her van.
It was a little like camping and Rayne loves all the nooks and crannies and how comfortable it is out there.

We regrouped later and we got the big Christmas tree set up in the living room.
Summer was so sweet to fluff up and spruce up several wreathes and arrangements for me.

It's been a big day and we looked in the guest room and Rayne had put herself to bed!

Such a sweet little girl.
Most of my house is in Christmas disarray with only a couple of rooms all clean and decorated.
Still, Rayne was standing in the kitchen and looked all around, sighed and said, 
"This just feels like HOME!"

I would like to close with saying Happy Birthday to my first born son, Jesse!

He's up in the mountains this week for Thanksgiving as is their custom.
He and his family go up to a cabin every year and that makes for a perfect place to celebrate his birthday. Summer and I called him tonight on speaker phone and  sang happy birthday to him.

And now for the Christmas painting giveaway.....
there were 259 entries.....and I use random number generator......
and the winner is......#57......
Ginny Hartzler!
I will get this in the mail to you as soon as it's dry!!!

Now I must go out and bring in some lights for the living room tree.
Rayne is an early riser and she and Summer are going to do the lights when they get up.
It's been such a good day!


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Wonderful when loved ones are near. Hugs.

Lokesh Umak said...

Beautiful family

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am over the MOON!!!! This will sure have a prominent place on the wall!! Your artwork is extraordinary!! thank you SO much!!!! This sure is a beautiful picture of Rayne sleeping. Just look at the look on her face meeting Summer, it shows such love!! And she sure gave you the highest compliment by saying it felt like home. You always make everything look so inviting and comfy.

Bluebird49 said...

What a grand post! Rayne is such a sweet, smart granddaughter who helps everyone so much. I know that "full heart feeling" that only comes from loved ones -- especially grands and great-grands. It's our life's blood, isn't it!
Congratulations to Ginny! What a nice Christmas win for her. Can't wait 'til next year, when I'll try again!
Sure hope you're resting your knee when you need to. You've fit so much in this past month...from bees to baking, Lillian to Louis Dean, meals to Mercy Me, and so much more. You just can't know how much I admire your determination to squeeze every moment into a blessing for someone. I appreciate our cyber-friendship, and I love this blog so much, my friend. Enjoy "the Rayne"! <3

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I’m so happy to see Rayne back with you all and especially with Summer! I’m glad she and Sabrina made it back safely. I love what she said about your home!

Enjoy your time together!

MimiG said...

That photo of the three of them in a big hug - made my tear up. That Rayne is just a sweet, beautiful child. So happy you all are getting to spend time with her.
Congratulations Ginny! I'm envious... ;)

Arlene G said...

I loved the picture of Rayne eating her pumpkin muffin in the airport.:) She is such a pretty girl. I know you enjoyed having your girls for a sleepover. I am going to try to get out a few more Christmas things today. I will save the tree for Friday.

Vee said...

Oh my! How Rayne has grown. She is such a pretty girl and looks a Christmas Princess...asleep in her red bed.

Thanksgiving in the mountains sounds delightful and Thanksgiving right there sounds great, too. And Thanksgiving with your sister sounds lovely as well. That’s where I’ll be. Well, not with your sister, but with mine.

Happy Thanksgiving week to all...

Estelle's said...

Oh how blessed to have your little precious home for Thanksgiving. What a touching picture of the three of them...Rayne is just a beautiful child...treasure the time and have a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving.

Tina said...

This post just made me so happy on a dreary Monday morning! Rayne looks so happy to see everyone and she is such a creative girl with the cheese & cracker pies! Hope you all have a very nice visit and a wonderful Thanksgiving! Congrats to Ginny!!

Changes in the wind said...

Reunions are so sweet and your pictures captured this for sure. Happy Birthday to Jessie, we don't hear as much about him but know you love him the same. Dinner sounds great and would love to try that dressing. Congratulations to Ginny am sure she is delighted.

Susie said...

Linda, Your beautiful little Rayne is growing up. I am sure the quads are going to love seeing her again after all that time. Happy birthday to your handsome son. Sounds like there's going to be a fun week ahead of you. Enjoy it all. Tell everyone hello from me. Blessings to all, love you guys, xoxo, Susie
p.s. congrats to Ginny. :)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Welcome Home to Rayne and Happy Birthday to your son! Truly a day to celebrate ! Good Luck with all the decorating A couple of extra hands should help!

The Feminine Energy said...

Congratulations Ginny.... how wonderful!!!!!

Oh Linda, I just adore Summer's smile. Simply adore it! What a beautiful testimony to YOU that her precious smile is. YOU put it there, dear friend. No child has a smile without his/her mother putting it there!

Much love, Andrea

MadSnapper n Beau said...

YAY for Ginny winning the painting. I know she is even higher than over the moon... Rayne is so beautiful and looks so happy to be HOME... that sleeping photo is priceless for the memory books. so glad they are home for the holidays. I like the name Percy

photowannabe said...

Family..warm hugs...laughter...The Love just oozes out of the photos.
Your Granddaughter is such a sweet young lady. I really liked that she shared your muffins with the airport security people.
Enjoy your time and rest when you can.
I love that Ginny won the painting. She will cherish it.

Latane Barton said...

What a wonderful visit and Rayne seems like such a sweet and delightful little girl. Have a great Thanksgiving, Linda.

Carole said...

A lovely girl indeed. And already talented in the cooking department! Have a lovely visit. Cheers

Buttercup said...

Love your happy pictures. Very thankful you've visited Buttercupland and a big congratulations to Ginny!