Thursday, November 14, 2019

Home Again!!

We are never in a big hurry to leave the ranch and today was no exception!
When I got up, Louis Dean was sitting in the bathroom area in front of that nice Dearborn heater!
Since it was COLD, he pulled another chair in for me and that's where we sat having our coffee and waking up! No one ever accused us of being 'nomal.'

We decided he should go ahead and do the repair on the water connection under the girl bunk so when come back next month, we can hook up the water direct and not have to use the pump.

While he was doing that, I stripped the bed in the bedroom and found a wet spot......the rain had seeped in along the wall.....

He had a can of Flex Seal and climbed up to see if that might fix it.
We hope it does!!

We timed our departure perfectly!
Dean was going into town to the bank so he did the gate lock honors for us.

Spur of the moment we decided to stop for a late lunch at the local DQ!
That was a great idea!

We made it home with no problems although it was dark by the time we got here.

Thankfully, the only surprises were good ones!!
My Sweet neighbor, Tamara, had left a stack of magazines for me on the porch bench....
and the new 2020 Country Diary as well as my box of Christmas cards had both come in the mail.
Best of all was the brand new Universal remote Summer programmed for us!
When I turned the TV on - guess what channel it was tuned in?
The Hallmark Christmas Channel!!!

Normally I unpack and put everything up, start the laundry and then I take a shower.
Tonight I went straight to the shower after putting up the perishables.
I did start laundry after wards but I also turned on a Christmas movie and Louis Dean sat down with me and we both watched it! Picture Perfect Christmas!
And there were special packets of hot chocolate and frozen entrees of mac and cheese in case we needed dinner - compliments of Summer!!

Without any further ado - I am going to go to bed now!
And it's not even 10:00!!!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I hope the leak is completely fixed now. What lovely gifts you got!! Plus food you do not have to fuss with!

Stacy said...

I didn't know they still put out the Country Diary every year. I have two from the 80's that I had given my grandmother as Christmas gifts. We lived with her during those years and our oldest was just a baby-toddler. Nana documented every day of those two years. Such a neat thing to look back on.

Your DQ appears to serve way better looking food than the ones around here do.

We aren't "normal" either. No matter how toasty the house is my hubby has to have a space heater in the bathroom. He cranks that thing up to about 90 and lingers in there.

Praying that leak is fixed!

Carol said...

My daughter fixed her camper with flex seal so it should work. I pray that the next trip to the ranch is a little more relaxing for both of you. I am glad you came home to pleasant surprises and some fun stuff as well.

Vee said...

Summer is so thoughtful! Tamara is too. You are going to enjoy looking at those magazines.

Glad that you found that leak before you left the ranch. And glad that Louis Dean was able to address it.

🍂A blessed weekend to you both.

Susie said...

Linda, Some times we need the comfort of our own beds. Nice to come home to sweet surprises. Glad the TV is working . Ted and I love our D.Q. It's been so cold here. Warming up today to about 38...which s still below normal Nov. temps. Thank goodness you found that leak before it got worse . Stay warm. Blessings for a great weekend, xoxo,love you, Susie

Estelle's said...

Welcome home....Summer is the most thoughful blessed you both seems winter weather cme to us early this year...have a great weekend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

after reading all of this, first let me say WOW in bed before 10!!!!!
I loved Picture Perfect Christmas.. I am putting the new ones that run on sat and sun night on the DVR and I have 3 on right now and 4 more to record. 2 a week.. my problem is bob hates them and I can only watch when he is gone which is rare.... I may be watching them until MAY..... I loved Merry and Brite. they have had good ones so far this season. once in a while they are to silly for me to watch.. we are getting cold from you tonight, around midnight, but it will only be 49 sat am, and 7 days of waking to low 50's which is perfect. we also got rain...

Deanna Rabe said...

So many good things! What a blessing!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Glad to hear you made it home safely and had only good surprises. Hopefully that leak is sealed now and there will be no surprises when you go beak to the ranch too. I'm thinking I need to get a universal controller too. How nice to use one instead of the 3 I deal with fo watch TV. Hope you had a good nights rest and are ready to go again. and have a wonderful weekend.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm glad you got home ok and so happy your tv is working! New magazines and good tv channels! You need some relaxation! Hugs!

Changes in the wind said...

Hope the leak stuff works, leaks are irritating and destructive. Glad you made it home with no problems. I love going to the DQ for their BBQ sandwich and so happy about the remote. Summer is so sweet to thing of doing special things for the two of you.

Tina said...

Sounds like a perfect day and now I'm craving some DQ (haven't had that in quite a while!) Summer is such a treasure leaving hot chocolate and food for your dinner! AND fixing the remote! You must be so happy to have the Hallmark channel back! I'm planning on lots of Hallmark Christmas movies this weekend! They are one of the best parts of the season! Hope you and Louis Dean have a wonderful weekend!

Chatty Crone said...

Love you two having coffee by the heater in the bathroom - something I would do. Who wants to be normal?

photowannabe said...

Your Summer is a real sweetheart. How nice to come home to dinner and cozy hot chocolate.
I just love the way you work yourselves into each day. Life is Good!!
Yay for the Hallmark channel being available again.
Enjoy your time at home too.

Wanda said...

No, I would never accuse you and LD of being NORMAL. In fact, Erma Bonbbeck said Normal was a setting on the dryer. No one is normal. HaHa. That would be so boring!
Some of my best prayer time is in the bathroom.

You always have a story....and I always enjoy them,


Rain said...

Summer really set you up with a nice homecoming!!!

Lokesh Umak said...

This is called life fixing issues, don't you?

Judy said...

Sounds like the best kind of home-coming...with good surprises waiting.Enjoy this pre-Christmas season...the decor, the Hallmark movies, and cozy evenings at home.