Monday, November 4, 2019

Church, Burr Oak Acorns and A Cleaning Frenzy! Our Sunday and Monday

It was good to be back in church again on Sunday, albeit, I went alone.
Poor Louis Dean did not sleep well Saturday night and he was still so groggy when it was time to get ready, that I suggested he stay home. He agreed but went in his music room and played Jessy Dixon on YouTube as is his custom. Getting ready for church to that music definitely gets us ready to worship!!

Pastor Ed Young, Jr started a new series called Faded Glory.
Today was Part 1 - Mirrored

You can watch it at Fellowship Church.
 I am so grateful to be a part of this amazing church!

And guess who I met up with after the service???
All the Bells! 
Big Bells and Baby Bells - although they are certainly not babies anymore.
They were so surprised to see me and Kailey demanded to know what I was DOING here!!!
I told her this is where I go to church. 

We all went to Dickie's BBQ for lunch and it was so much fun!
The kids had their booth and we had ours.
I remember how much my children loved eating by themselves.
I took this pic right before we made a little video to send to Aunt Summer.
That Halloween Basket in the center of the picture was from her and I delivered it.
It was chock full of good stuff!
2 big bags of good candy, four yarn needle works and four painting projects plus more!

As we were leaving I noticed the huge Burr Acorns littering the ground by where I parked beside the Oak tree.

I thought they were beautiful and got a sack out of my truck and started picking up a bag full.

Amber and Mike pulled up beside me to see what I was doing.
They were not surprised to find me gathering the nuts.
When I walked up to the car window - they all said in unison - 
"Waste not - want not!"
My motto in life!

Once I had my bounty, I headed to Aldi to pick up a few things.

This is excellent butter!
And a good butter can make all the difference.

I saw these cherries last Wednesday but didn't get any and I later wished I had.
I looked for them when we were at the Aldi in Fort Worth on Friday, but they had already sold out.
I was glad to see they still had some in Irving.

I bought two jars of each!!

Then I came home and went to bed for a good long nap.
When I woke up I tackled changing out my closet and I am here to tell you I was RUTHLESS!!
I didn't finish it Sunday night because I took a break and went to the den and opened up this monster closet in there and started hauling stuff out, sacking it up and Louis Dean was hauling it all out to the was way too much for the trunk of the car!
I keep blankets, throws, bedspreads, comforters and pillows in that closet and it was time to get rid of over half of what all was in there.
We went to bed amazed at all we had accomplished!
Talk about good therapy!

I woke up this morning all set to finish up things.
Finished my bedroom closet!
Cleaned the bedroom and lit the candles.

I've been looking forward to going to bed ever since!

This is my pretty corner here at home.
I like that I have a pretty corner at the camper/cabin, too.
It's where I go to sit and think or take a break....or pray.
I do have an unspoken prayer request.....
and it's not about Summer but I do want to close with this poster....

It's hard to believe but there have been many people who take issue with the fact that Summer looks happy and smiles. They think - she must not really be in as much pain as she says.
I am extremely proud of her for smiling through the pain and sucking it up and doing as much of life as is possible on any given day.
Anyone can smile when they feel good......but if she can possibly pull one out - no matter the pain - she does! I'm proud of her!


Ginny Hartzler said...

There are so many brave people who smile through their pain, and sadly it only seems to make people think they are fine. Just because someone does not whine or talk about their health all the time means they are being courteous of other people and trying their best to spread joy, even if they are in pain or feel crummy!! There are a lot of invisible diseases for sure. I have never heard of Burr acorns. They are beautiful, and so fancy! What will you do with them?

Blondie's Journal said...

Love catching up with you, pretty lady. I love that you know when to take a nap and when to bounce back and get 'er done! You are amazing! I'm cleaning as well, man, the lack of organizing and purging over the summer really catches up in the fall. Just around the holidays. Grrrrr...

What do you eat those cherries on? Ice cream? They look delicious!


Bluebird49 said...

I don't know how people can question someone's pain behind a smile. It happens a lot - chronic pain sufferers know this!
Those Bells keep getting cuter! Oh, your bedroom looks so cozy!

Kathy said...

There is a lady at church who always says to me that I can't possibly be in as much pain as I say I am because I'm always smiling at people. I would like her to be in my skin for just 5 minutes. Summer is an inspiration to me.

That was so nice of Summer to give the quads that basket of goodies. She is a good aunt.

Good for you getting rid of so much. I took a break this week, but I have to get back to my cleaning up and out.

Carol said...

Oh my! My grand doll would love those acorns. She likes the little ones that fall off here on the farm so I know she would love those. I am glad that you ran into your friends at the church.
It does sound as though you got a lot accomplished. I could as well, if I did not seem to tire so easy these days.
I have a child with a chronic illness as well. She has been told many times, " you don't look sick" when the bad days hit and she can barely move. It makes me mad! Tell Summer to keep smiling!

Vee said...

Those acorns look huge! They have to be a hazard when parking near an oak tree. Do you use them in decor or what do you use them for?

The grands look so happy, but with a box like that from Aunt Summer and a messenger like you! 🙂 Oh that every child had a loving auntie i his or her corner. I have always been pleased that my grands have a loving auntie in my daughter.

Do you know how often I wish foe an Aldis or one of the stores you comment upon? Jealousy is a green-eyed monster. I do have Wal*mart. I even shared something I purchased there at my blog today, but I’d rather have cherries for some odd reason.

Excellent work in the ruthless department. I need to get ruthless myself. I have begun sleeping upstairs again and can hardly find my way to the bed.🙃

Love to you and Louis Dean. I hope that he has caught up on his rest and that you stay rested as well.

Vee said...

Please pardon all typos...there are many!

Susie said...

Linda, That quote at the end of your post is so true. My neighbor girl suffers from Fibro...yet she goes to work everyday . We do what we have to do. No one wants to see a sad faced we smile. So fun you found your family after church. I know the children will love that basket of goodies. Hope LD gets to feeling good again. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

MimiG said...

I must give a big "AMEN" to your comments about chronic illnesses. For those that don't suffer, I am so very happy for you. For those that do, I/we are grateful for those days where we can get by and do "normal" things. Every time I see Summer's smile, I smile. My pain is no where near hers, but she still gives me hope!
I've never seen an acorn like that. They are huge!
Have a great day today..

Arlene G said...

I have been pretty ruthless cleaning out here as well Linda. I just do not need all the stuff I have accumulated. It does feel good to see a neat and tidy closet.

Changes in the wind said...

Doing a good mucking out is good for the soul and makes our lives less chaotic. So glad you could have lunch with the family, am always amazed how big the quads are.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I’m always amazed at how insensitive people
can be!

Good for you on the clean out of those closets! Great accomplishment!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a wonderful surprise to run into the Big Bells and Baby Bells, love that name for them... I can see you in your pretty corner... wild clapping for cleaning out the closets and donating trunks full of things. have never seen or heard of burr acorns. wow.

Teresa P said...

I have never seen acorns like that before or that big but I guess that's why they say everything is bigger and better in! I have been doing the same as far as cleaning out closets and my walk-in storage attic. I try to go through my closets each season and get rid of things I have not worn or used in several seasons plus old linens, shoes, etc. It keeps down on clutter and frees up storage. I go through seasonal décor as well and if I haven't used in over 4-5 years I take it to consignment or donate it.

As I get older, I really want to be free from clutter and excess. I like a clean, fresh look and go with the motto that less is more. Have a good week!

P.S. I like your verse about those who suffer with chronic illness/pain. My late stepfather had neuropathy and was in so much pain at times. He always tried to keep a smiling face but I know he suffered a lot in silence.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What you say about pain and smiling through it is so true. I need to follow your lead and get rid of more stuff! Enjoy your day sweet lady!

Saimi said...

I love going to church, it just rejuvenates me and prepares me for another week. What a fun surprise seeing all those cute faces smiling at you and I'm liking your choice of restaurants. We love Dickies I always get their Smokehouse salad the husband loves their ice-cream machine haha. Your room looks so warm and cozy and how wonderful it is to have a special place to sit and read or pray. I'm sure you spend a lot of time praying for Summer there. She is a trooper.
Have a great week!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I need to get done with my changing out closets. I started back in September and it's still a work in progress. Now I have to put away the Halloween things. I have lots of seasonal shirts, before we know it Christms will be here. And every day it's getting colder. No need for many of the things that are still in my closet and my room is a mess. Today I'll hopefully get done. Before we know it, it'll be Christmas. I have an oak tree here and my acorns are about the size of a gumboil. The critters here would go crazy here if they found one the size of yours.

Cheapchick said...

Unfortunately those without chronic pain will never understand how those with it must still function in daily life - including smiling when you have such a fantastic personality like Summer does.

photowannabe said...

That quote at the end of your journal is certainly right on.
I never can understand the insensitivity of people and the comments they make.
I'm so glad you have found a church to call your own.
After 12 years in one we are searching for's so sad and bittersweet.
God knows and has released us to move on..A whole lot of prayer too.
Love the acorns and see an acorn family scene in your future.

Chatty Crone said...

Okay you and the kids go to the same church there - it looks really big!
I am going to look for that pure Irish Butter- looks very good.
I know exactly what you mean when you say people with hidden illnesses hide their pain and no one knows. I know a couple of girls I call cry babies - they complain and are worse than everyone else - if only they knew true pain.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Oh wow, I've never seen acorns like that before. Not just the size, but all the bushy looking hair(?) around it. I would gather a bunch and paint faces on them.
Wish we had an Aldi in my neck of the woods. At one point it looked like one was going to move into a vacant storefront in town and we were all so excited, but then they changed their mind and backed out.

Carole said...

I agree with you about Summer being brave. As are many many people with chronic illnesses. Inspirational. Cheers

Wanda said...

Hats off to Summer. She is a inspiration. You have every right to be mighty proud of her. I did have to chuckle when I saw the word "Ruthless". The other day my son ask me if I knew what kind of man Boaz was before he met Ruth. He was "Ruthless" HaHa.

Your home is clean and cozy and I envy the way you never stop making your home a delightful place to live and visit. Hugs.

Gypsy Heart said...

Just had to respond regarding Summer and chronic pain. I think she is amazing to do so much and smile all the time! I don't understand why people are so judgmental ~ that's not our job! 😡 If you haven't walked in another's shoes you have no clue what they might be experiencing! I have back pain and it's unbearable at times. Regardless, it's no one's business how a person handles it. Summer should be given cheers and props, not criticism!


Eva B. Norvell said...

We've planted two burr oaks over the years and love them! They bear when they're about 10-12 feet tall, and make beautiful trees. And the acorns last for years. I just put them in a zip-loc bag after they've dried in the fall an put them with my fall decor, then pull them out year after year! Great find!
