Saturday, November 30, 2019

Fort Worth Family Thanksgiving!

Nita and Mike hosts our Family Thanksgivings and they do such a great job!

While Lonnie spends most of Thanksgiving with his wife and her family, 
we were so happy he came over later to join his sisters!

Earlier in the week I moved a trunk out to the gazebo and found it full of old photo albums.

I loved seeing photos of us together....although this one must not have been taken at a good time for me. I can't figure out what year this is .....

....or what year this one was but I was obviously happierat the time.

Our custom is to get together and any and all of our children are invited as well, understanding that everyone can't always make it and there are a few that have standing traditions of their own.
It's all good.
We take a lot of pictures when we get together and I am real glad about that.
These will be treasured in years to come.
Just as I treasure the old photos above.

I will start with Nita and her daughter, Leah.
Nita's son lives in Arizona so he can't always be with us and this was one of those years.
It makes the years he can make it all that more special.

Mike is THE best host!
He's the one supporting all that goes into making this day a success.
I love a man who cleans up.
I remember years when Charlie and Mike single-handedly returned Nita's kitchen to normal.

Deanie had more family represented than anyone and that's the norm.
This is her son with Leah.

Deanie and James.
We all love it when they can come!

Two of Deanie's grandchildren......

This is her first born grandchild.

Charlie's son and daughter.

Deanie's daughter in love and daughter Trish.

I think Deanie has 8 grandchildren and they were ALL here this year!

Now for my family.....
I was happy to have two of my four children there.
There's been a few years when it was just Louis Dean and me.
Ben is my youngest and he always gets a LOT of attention from his aunts.

Summer didn't realize Ben was going to be there and when she saw him, 
 well, her expressions were priceless.

She has such a soft spot in her heart for her baby brother.

I was so happy they got to see each other!

Everyone was glad to see Sabrina and Rayne!

We were really grateful they went the extra mile to be with us because they had Sabrina's family Thanksgiving that evening. That was so nice. It made for a very long day for them and we appreciated them fitting everyone in. Especially since we don't see as much of Sabrina and Rayne now that they live in Puerto Rico.

Son Jesse and his family always spend Thanksgiving in the mountains of New Mexico and I understand how important this week is to them.

Amber and her family spent the holiday with Mike's parents.
Families have to share holidays. That's what we do.
Amber usually hosts a gathering later and is doing that again this year.

There was a lot of love and smiles going around.
Patrick is Leah's handsome husband and a favorite of the cousins.

Louis Dean and Deanie bonded back in 2012 after the quads were born.
Deanie had driven down to be there right after they arrived and stayed for a day or two and when she left, she took Louis Dean with her. He was still working on the camper getting it repaired and ready to bring down later so we could live in it and help Amber and Mike for awhile.
All I can say is - they talked and laughed and joked and BONDED big time.

Ever since then, they have been each other's biggest fan!

I think this was my favorite photo from the whole day.
Leah took it and I love it!

I love this one of Deanie and Lonnie, too!

It was so good to be together.

Now I have an announcement to make.
For the first time ever - Louis Dean made his own plate!
He was pretty proud of himself.
While I usually make it for him - my knee was really hurting.
I turned it wrong in the night and suffered with it all day.
I felt like a dud and didn't take as many pics as I usually do so Nita and Leah lent me theirs.

After the day was done, Louis Dean went to bed in Nita's guest room for a good long nap while I went to Walmart to pick up a few groceries for Lillian.
Her granddaughter picked her up Thanksgiving morning and she went to Weatherford for the day.
She called me when she got back.
When I was shopping I noticed a lot of extra security people, police officers and men in uniform.
Also people were milling around at the end of several isles.....finally I asked someone what was going on. The Walmart employee said, "Lady, you must live under a rock. This is Black Friday and in an hour there will be 10,000 people in here, It's gonna be a ZOO!"
I rushed to the check out without stopping for the pop tarts Lillian had asked for!!

I delivered the groceries, hung her Christmas wreath and visited for a few minutes.
I had brought her sweets and treats as well as pumpkin muffins for the staff.

When I got back to Nita's, I asked if Louis Dean was still asleep.
Mike said, "Well, we think so. We haven't heard a sound."
He was teasing but when I went in to check on him I saw his white sox and touched his foot.
It was ice cold and scared me so bad my heart was lurching.
Turns out, Nita had opened a window and his feet WERE cold.
I shook him awake and it was time to go home!

Today I have been working steady cleaning and decorating. I added the dining room, hall and bathroom to my list of clean rooms. The only ones left to do are the kitchen, bedroom, guest room, sewing room and gazebo - and the front porch.
I intend to get the kitchen and porch done tomorrow.
But before I started this morning - I had coffee and prayer time and then I exercised for 22 minutes to a program I record on PBS.
Thanks to Sandra, aka The Mad Snapper, for encouraging me to do this.
I did feel like a little old lady and exercise really does help.
I'm determined to do the 22 minute workouts every day until my surgery.

It's late and I have been used to going to bed earlier and waking up early.
Not sure that's happening tomorrow....


Bluebird49 said...

What great pictures of everyone. Loved the older photos, too! Looks like youall had plenty to eat.
I'm glad you're getting things done and exercising, too. I think your knee will thank you.
I'll look forward to more pictures of your decorations! Sleep well!

Net - "It's a Wonderful Movie" said...

What a wonderful family gathering you had for Thanksgiving! Great pictures, too!

So glad you got out of Walmart before the rush of shoppers! I've never been Black Friday shopping... it's definitely something I purposely avoid.

Happy Thanksgiving Week to You and Yours! Family is such a Blessing, indeed! :) Net

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I enjoyed all the photos and meeting your family memebers again, good job telling who they are, you have such a large family. I know that beating heart scared feeling when looking at a sleeping hubby. I would have been scared too. good job on the excercises..

Changes in the wind said...

Love the old pictures of you and your siblings:) Looks like it was a great day with lots of love and good food. Like you I love the picture of you and your sister.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How wonderful to get together as a family! These photos...and special times are priceless! Enjoy your weekend!

Arlene G said...

It is so nice to see big family gatherings Linda. It seems it is the one time of the year when family time is important. Like you we have to share so it was a quiet Thanksgiving here. We had a big one last year so we cannot complain. Kudos to LD for fixing that

Vee said...

I have grinned throughout this post. Wonderful photos from yesteryear and the current ones. They document the love, which never ends you know. Never. I hope that your knee feels you try the old-time remedies? I suppose that you try it all. (But just in case, I’m sending an email.) So glad that all was well with Louis Dean. Perhaps the weekend is for resting. Perhaps...

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

What a wonderful day! I just like the gathering part, even if it’s just a drop in visit! You all had a great day!

I love that y’all give everyone the freedom to do what works best for their families. That’s what we do, too. No obligation or pressure!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

So nice to see all the lovely smiling faces in your pictures. That is truly what the holidays are all about , togetherness and fun. Time with family is always the best of times. I'm always early to bed and early to rise. A habit from many many years of working. I can't seem to break and these short days make it even worse. by 7 in the evening, I feel like it's midnight already. It gets dark at five o'clock these days. I'm ready for bed by 8 and if I stay up later, I'll fall asleep in the chair. Glad you missed out on the Black Friday madness, but just barely. I got most of my decorating done and today will finish it up. Hope you can too. we need a rest.

Chatty Crone said...

You have a lovely family - all happy and smiling. I like the way you have your core people - we do to - and if the kids come they come and if not they don't. I think that is something you have to really learn along the way - to let go. Glad you are exercising and keeping fit until your knee is repaired.

NanaDiana said...

I LOVE all your family pictures, Linda. I feel like I could meet your family and already 'know' them.
I am sorry you got such a scare with LD. That happens to me sometimes, too, when John sleeps in a deep sleep and doesn't respond readily.
I hope you have a wonderful post-Thanksgiving week, Linda. Love you,my friend- xo Diana

photowannabe said...

It looks like you had a delightful Thanksgiving with family and lots of love thrown in.
I love that candid photo of you and I think it's Nita. You look like you are so completely enjoying each others company.
Thanks for sharing with us.

Carole said...

the other great thing about not hosting a family gathering is you don't have as much cleaning up to do... Looks like you all (y'all) had fun. Cheers

Judy said...

What a wonderful family Thanksgiving! Since our Thanksgiving was six weeks earlier, I"m well into the Christmas mode over here, and wondering how you manage to fit in all the Christmas and Thanksgiving events back-to-back. Smiling about you 'beating a hasty retreat' from Walmart before the Black Friday hordes.

Buttercup said...

Love all of your pictures. We take very few pictures and I know I will miss having them as the years go by. I can't declare any of my rooms as clean rooms, but I made good headway on cards.