Thursday, October 10, 2019

Wednesday and Thursday....

Brenda and I had lunch together at Fuzzy's Taco on Wednesday.

Month in and month out we mark our calendars for lunch.
That's what friends do!
Brenda and I went to church together and then years later we worked together.
It's a blessing when you find a true friend and that's what Brenda is to me.
I love her like a sister and you know how much I love my sisters!

Sometimes we talk a mile a minute and sometimes we are tired and just catch up and sit and chat.
Yesterday I was tired. You don't cancel lunch with your best friend just because you are tired. Best friends understand each other and you don't have to be all perky and entertaining. It's just important that you spend time together. Brenda and I love each other and have been there for each other through the years. I haven't had many close friends in my lifetime. That's another reason I treasure Brenda.
She knows me and my history. She has been a part of my life in many stages. I don't have to explain.
She gets me and I hope I get her. She's taught me so much about being a grandmother.She and Deanie have helped me navigate that role and adjust to the changes that come as the grands grow up.
She and Billy have also taught me what to look for in a marriage and helped me through that delicate time when I was dating via eHarmony. They both love Louis Dean even when he is grumpy on a cruise to Alaska and we are all three so excited about everything!

She went back to work after lunch and, in  way, so did I.
I dropped things off at Goodwill.....
my truck was so full that when I would ask Louis Dean to bring in my shopping - he brought in the bags meant for donation as well! Next was Home Depot for plants and things. Then on to Years to Your Health for herbal medicines. On to Aldi to pick up groceries for the weekend - the quads are coming! - and finally to the Dollar store for what was left on my list.
I finished my 'work' just about the same time Brenda was getting off.

Except she went home to do dinner and her activities while I went home and went to bed.
I'm a good bit older than she and am figuring out life in my 70's.
Every decade seems to change some and it's good to aware of what's going on.
I have not made up my bed all week.
That's because I keep going back to it throughout the day.
Sometimes for a nap. Sometimes to rest and read.
It's a good thing to know how to pace oneself.

So far I can still do everything I ever did.....just not as much and not as fast.

It was 6:15 when I went out to the front yard and started working.
I'm trying to go to more low maintenance plants. Pulling weeds is not nearly as pleasant an activity as it used to be. Once upon a time I had 'Weed Pulling Parties!'
I would get up early and make a marvelous breakfast and my friends would come and then after we ate - we would all go out in the front yard and pull weeds. Then I would load everyone up in my van and we would go to all the thrift stores in the afternoon and then come back to my house for refreshments. You would be surprised how popular these parties were!

I'm here to tell you mulch covers a multitude of sins!!

I freshened up the front porch adding some Halloween accessories to her wardrobe.

Then I went in to do some art.
This donkey is for Nita!
 Her birthday is November 5th and he will be ready by then!

Louis Dean was about as tired as I was and we both went to bed before 10:00.

When you got to bed early - you can get up early!!
Novel idea but that happened for me.
I put the coffee on and went out to tape off the kitchen French doors.
They have needed painting for a very long time.

Then Louis Dean touched up some of the trim.

And since I was outside working, he decided to tackle the kitchen pond.

He has been dreading that chore for months!

Once he started - he went like gangbusters! 

We make a good team.
I was his 'gopher.'

We were on a roll and finished painting the long western wall. 
This goes from the utility room to the kitchen to the sewing room.

We still have so much to do but it felt GOOD to get something DONE!!
Louis Dean will replace the two decks along this area later in the fall.

Trim will go up soon. He took it down months ago and finally find it this afternoon.

The back pond is up and running.
Still have work to do on the surrounding area......

and the kitchen pond is nice and clean.
LOVE the sounds of the water bubbling!

Tonight I finished another Tipsy Donkey!
Only one more to go and I did some work on it as well.

I finally got around to making that beef stew.
It was 92 degrees today.

This evening the rain came in and the temps started to fall.
Louis Dean and I took our glass of wine out to the gazebo and enjoyed the weather.
He had to put a blanket around his shoulders as the rain curtains we bought aren't up yet.
We pieced together what we had and have been working with that for the last few weeks.
Tomorrow we will go out and put up the new ones.

It's going to be 45 degrees by morning.
We are going to need a sweater!!!!

I am so exited!!!!


Bluebird49 said...

I so love it when I see on FB that a new post is up at LLJ. And the quads this weekend! Yesssss!!
Yes to friends, and gazebos, and stews, and paints and paintings, and to love!! Yes, yes, yes!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Big day for both of you. Sleep well. Love reading your updates each time you post Linda.

Vee said...

The wild swings in your weather! 92° 45°? That is something else! I am glad that you are excited about sweater weather because you def are going to need one.

That fresh paint looks great!

I am intrigued by your discussions of friendship and life in your 70s. These things vary from person to person as I am already where you are, though I am in my 60s. In my book, you are amazing.

Well I must scoot. I have shopping to do as my entire family (that’s 11) will be here tomorrow. Have been cleaning and preparing all week! I am ready for a nap and I just got up. 🙃

Have a blessed weekend.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Linda, you are so right about how wonderful it is to have a best friend. While I have several long-standing friends, none of them live here in New England, but in our native NJ. We keep in touch by emails, calls, and notes and cards and visits when we can. You and Louis Dean are amazing with all your projects, now I need a nap!

Stacy said...

What a lovely tradition with your friend! It is so nice that you make a date for every month and don't let life get in the way. I got a giggle out of your comment about her liking Louis Dean even when he is grumpy on a cruise...we went on a cruise with friends this summer and my hubby was grumpy a good bit of the time (he hasn't been feeling well for a while now) and our friends loved him anyway. Your kitchen pond is lovely. I so miss my pond. That sweet donkey face is adorable! Have a blessed day!

Arlene G said...

You both get a lot done in my opinion Linda. As you say, getting older is a learning process. I am finding it is better to slow down a bit and to be more relaxed about things. We are very low maintenance outside here as we just have some bushes and hostess to tend to but Marvin has more work to do at Grimmwood. We are kind of looking forward to fall and winter and no mowing.:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yay for cool weather on the way, I would love a little sweater weather or even a little cooler weather. the doors look wonderful. no wonder you are always tired, it seems neither of you ever stop, going and working and doing stuff. keep on keeping on and enjoying your life. you both find joy in what you do and with whom you do it. great job living life to the fullest

Changes in the wind said...

Another big day but a lot was accomplished so am sure that is a blessing. You are so right that friends are precious.

Latane Barton said...

I haven't had many close friends over the years either. I always said my children were my best friends.
I love your donkey... just so cute. And, you are quite talented, little lady.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

After all the heat you've had, I can only imagine you are excited bouts weather weather. Today we are to be close to 80 degrees and tomoww, wei will be in the 50's . Really cooling down here. Not just a sweater, but a coat may be needed soon. Yes it is good to pace ourselves. I work a little and rest a lot. But still get done what needs to be done and that is a blessing.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That is excited about sweater weather, please excuse my mistake

Ginny Hartzler said...

The donkey with his wine is so cute! Your newly painted area is pretty! Wow, he got rid of all those big rocks in the pond! How did they get there, anyway? It is charming now.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I’m learning from you Linda, about pacing myself and accepting that I can’t always do what I want to get done when I have pain.

You and Louis Dean are a great team.

Cheapchick said...

I guess the heat would be trying...but we've had sweather weather here since September 1! I even had to put a coat on Buddy for his recuperation walks

Susie said...

Linda, How wonderful that you and Brenda have had such a lasting friendship. It is important to have good friends. Work, work ,work, dang girl is that all you people know? LOL Looks like you and LD got a lot done and have a bunch to do yet. But the ponds looks wonderful. I just cleaned ours while Ted was in the hospital and it was a job. Try to get some rest. Blessings, xoxo,love you guys, Susie

photowannabe said...

What a joy to read bout your everyday life.
Happy fresh bubbly kitchen pond, mulch covering a multitude of sins, weeding parties..what a hoot and knowing your limits.
I love how you live life to the fullest and have a dear friend that understands you, inside and out.
I also love eHarmony...thats how our youngest son found the most fabulous wife for himself.
After his difficult prior marriage we are forever grateful that God provided restoration for him now.

Carole said...

Don't they say:

Early to bed
Early to rise
Makes a (wo)man healthy and wise
