Friday, October 4, 2019

From Grands to Daughters to Hockey! A Busy Wednesday and Thursday!

I got a fresh haircut Wednesday morning before heading over to Dallas to spend some time with Amber while the kids were at school.

We visited in the kitchen while Amber did the dishes and then watched Forest Gump together.
We love that movie!

Then it was time to pick the kids up at school and I treated us all to a trip to get yogurt!
Would you just look at how they have grown???

Remember when they looked like this??

Amber and I try to squeeze in a little time together as often as we can.

I love the after school time when we go in the kitchen and they all empty their lunch boxes.
They either dump the food out that they didn't eat - or if I am there - they give it to me!
Sometimes all five of us clean up any leftovers!

I like seeing what they are doing in school and looking over their papers.

Logan had her dad print off this sheet so she could fill it out and give it to me to take home.
The first one is that I like to leave a treat in their car seats for when they get out of school.
I started that a few years ago when their parents went to Hawaii for their anniversary....
and I just keep on doing it whenever I am along for school pickup.

I stayed until after traffic and came home to spend some time with Louis Dean.
He had NOT cooked while I was gone but he DID go out and get a hamburger!

This morning I drove to Rowlett to take Summer to get an upper and lower GI.

Look at these cute Trick or Treat things she made!
You slip a regular size candy bar in the open end and just pull the ribbon to get it out!
She made enough for Rayne's classroom.

Here we are waiting for them to call her back.
That daughter of mine is always smiling for the camera!
I'm so happy to say that she got a good report!

Her procedure was at 2:45 so it had been a long time since she had eaten anything.
We went to Main Street Bistro for a late lunch and it was delicious as always!
The empty dish is because we were so hungry we ate it all before I thought to take a pic.
They do such beautiful presentations.
For the first time in FOREVER - Summer was COLD!!
Probably from the procedure but it's unusual for it to ever be too cold for her.
We even changed tables and I went out to the car to get her a blanket!

She is so pretty and she is so sweet!
I tucked her in and told her goodnight and drove home right after the rush hour traffic.

But our day was not over yet!
Mike has been playing hockey as well as the all four of the quads. 
The kids had practice earlier in the evening but his game wasn't until 8:45 so we went to watch him play.

I kept my eyes on #12!!
I cheered for the BLUE team because I could not bring myself to yell,

Our handsome son-in-law!
Son-in-love is more like it!
We are so very proud of him.
He is truly a man among men.

All the guys went upstairs after the game and we joined them.

We had so much fun!!!
They play again on Saturday night and we are going to be there!!

Now I am off to shower and go to bed!
We have a fun weekend coming up.
I was praying today on my way to Rowlett and back.....
I am grateful we are able to do as much as we do.
We may burn out but we sure won't rust out!!


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Always, thank you Linda for sharing. Hugs.

Susie said...

Linda, Those wee babies are growing so fast. I know I have followed your blog before they were born. I loved the paper from Logan. Summer is a trooper. Bless her heart, always kind and smiles thru pain. Mike is a great young man. So glad you get to go to his games . Love the picture of you and LD. Blessings to all, love you guys, xoxo, Susie

Vee said...

Those papers are so sweet to see. Makes me wonder what the teacher thinks of your eating up all the food. Ha! Glad that Summer had a good report. Nope, no worries about you folks rusting. 😉 A happy weekend to you!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Not a bit of dust eaters under your feet. You do keep busy with your lovely family. So much of my life involves family too. Life would be so different wtihout them. We are blessed to have them for sure. I read about how smiling is good pain therapy and thought about maybe that is why Summer loves to smile and she does have beautiful one. It's good for her !

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Not a bit of dust lingers, I meant to say. Opps! Sorry !

Changes in the wind said...

Loved seeing that old baby picture of the quads and my have they grown!! Glad that the procedure for Summer went well and that you could spend time with each one of your loved ones in a special way.

Hootin Anni said...

Busy, fun time all day & into the evening. Happy, smiling faces. Super family, Linda. Oh... and, can't leave without saying how much I love your closing line today!

Rain said...

Lots of fun Linda! :) Summer has a beautiful smile. She seems very optimistic. I hope she's doing well. Fall is here, those Halloween crafts are so cute!

photowannabe said...

Absolutely love your ending statement..You may burn out but you won't rust out..
For sure!!!
What a busy few days you have had. It sure doesn't seem like work when it involves family. I'm so glad you live close to them. Precious memories.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your life is exhausting to me, just reading how much you do.. you go girl. staying young, both of you. I love the quilt that Summer is tucked under at bedtime.. I to love the not rusting out... you for sure never will.... glad the test was a good one.. adorable candy bar holders.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I can't wait to find out what you are doing this weekend! You have so much energy! SO, use it or lose it! Summer's crafts are adorable! Is she living back here now, not travelling as much? She has a house nearby? I am so glad about her test report, and that she will be getting another shot!

Debbie said...

it's really nice that you and amber spend alone time together. you make time for everyone and that is something i really admire about you!!

the quads sure were cuties back in the day...but they are adorable right now too!!

have a wonderful weekend you two!!!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I love that you’re able to be so active! Good family time. Glad Summer got a good report!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

yes, the quads have certainly grown up, Linda, as all children seem to do faster and faster. Of course, we adults are not aging at all (right?) Glad to read that Summer's test results were OK and that you both had such a great time afterwards. Your new "do" looked great too.

Chatty Crone said...

I can't believe the quads are that big - it just blows my mind. Love their little papers to you. Love your haircut too.

photowannabe said...

I just love reading about your life Linda. You make every moment count.
Your Grands are adorable too.
So happy Summer is getting a bit of the photo of her all snug as a bug in a rug....
Take care and do enjoy your weekend.
Sue of photowannabe