Sunday, October 27, 2019

Critter Chores Day #3 -and a Goat Rescue!

We went down for a last round of critter chores this morning.

I start off with this pic of the chickens in the peacock pen.
They live companionably with the peacock and peahen.
Guineas used to live in here but they would peck at the peacock's feathers.
The wild peacock hangs around the place but they can't put him in the pen because there's only one female and she's already spoken for!

I had gone in to let Rufus out and feed the mops and cats plus fix the medicine for Rufus and let him back in. I gave him the last steak bone so he was a happy dog.

I went out to check on Louis Dean and finish feeding all the chickens.

Oh, MY!!! This goat had got himself in a major tangle with some wire tomato supports.
He was hysterical and I didn't blame him one bit!

Louis Dean found some wire cutters and he calmed right down.

That was some sturdy wire and he had really got himself in an awful mess!

Happy to say it was a successful rescue operation!
Pretty soon they were all out in the meadow looking all innocent and chomping away at the grass.

We were too late to eat breakfast by the time we got back to the camper so I started a steak lunch.
I never did get tomatoes that awful I Love Lucy day so we went with a green salad.....lettuce, celery and avocado.

Dean and Sherry are home from Roy and Ruth Ann's 50th wedding anniversary and the renewing of their vows.

I just love this picture their daughter posted on Facebook today.
Ruth Ann looks so happy!
She was excited that she had every bit as much of her family as Roy did of his.
We were sorry to have missed this milestone occasion but I talked to her last night on the phone and then Dean and Sherry told us all the highlights this afternoon!

I have pretty much finished this dozen of painted ornaments.
I need to fix a few more things - the big bird's eyes and other details but they are all mostly done except for the red truck.

These are all based in and I am packing it all up to take home with me on Tuesday and I plan to finish it all next week. My goal is to have all my art projects finished by November 16th. That's when I take fall down and start putting Christmas up. This year I am only getting out one quarter of my Christmas decorations. We plan on doing more Christmas activities like attending Christmas programs, maybe a trip to Big Spring to see Chandy and her family, a Bee Meeting pot luck and some other things. Maybe some of the grandchildren will be in Christmas programs. Less decorating and more going places, I think. My knee replacement surgery is scheduled for January 6th and I want all of Christmas to be packed away and the house clean before I go to the hospital.

I took a break between  'putting my pictures on' and 'writing my words' by the campfire with Louis Dean. We were talking about all that we accomplished while we have been here starting with that electric and plumbing problem that hit us the minute we came in.
Electric is fixed and I am so proud of Louis Dean!
Tomorrow we are going to Waco and get the parts to fix the plumbing. 
It's working for the time being but we are having to use the pump.
This has been the most challenging visit to the country this year but we did it!

For every problem we face - there is a solution.
We just have to find it and not panic.

Sometimes that's hard for me!
My motto is usually.....

When in trouble and when in doubt....
run in circles, scream and shout!

And usually I am very good at this but I am learning to ...

"Be still, and know that I am God......"
Psalm 46:10


Bluebird49 said...

Thank goodness for Louis Dean and the wire cutters--and the electrical problems. That poor goat!

I do think you two can conquer just about anything together. It's so sweet to hear about your everyday lives.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your ornaments are so beautiful! I love this picture of the chickens and their tail feather shadows!

Kathy said...

Love the picture of Roy and Ruth Ann. They both look so happy! That's quite the accomplishment to reach 50 years. You and LD are certainly not bored in the country. You are both amazing with all you do.

Vee said...

Warm congratulations to Ruth Ann and her Beloved on 50 Years Blessed. It is a lovely photo of them both.

You and I operate similarly. I have to remind myself often that I could have/should have prayed FIRST. ☺️

Well done, Friends, you made it through another adventure with flying colors and helped others along the way.

Carol said...

Oh the poor goat! Thank Goodness for Louis Dean and those wire cutters. I am so glad that you are getting to enjoy a few days at the camper without all the problems, but you two faced them with perseverance and made the entire ordeal seem less chaotic than I am sure it was.

Arlene G said...

Loved the picture of Ruth Ann and her sweet husband. Linda you are on the ball with holiday and surgery plans. Like you, I find putting all the decor away is becoming a chore so I am not doing a lot this year either. I like your idea of experiences vs decorations.

Changes in the wind said...

It is true that in the moment of chaos it is hard to be calm and collected but then afterwards you look back and see it all worked out and we did fine. That poor goat must have thought he was doomed but then comes LD to the rescue. Lovely 50th wedding anniversary picture.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am like ChickenLittle on steroids when things go BAD like your power and plumbing. and also the goat stuck in the wire. wow! now LD is a first responder added to his electrican/plumber skills. ha ha… poor little goat.

Susie said...

Linda, I ma laughing about the running in circles poem..oh girl that is so me at times. Everyone says "oh relax" , but they are not in my shoes. Ouch ! We go this week to the clinic and I am hoping for some good news on Ted. Good job watching the animals. I love the picture of Ruth Ann and Roy. Bless their hearts. Your ornament paintings look so sweet. Blessings to you and LD, love, xoxo, Susie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'M hoping you'll be leaving on a positive note with every thing fixed and working. The time seems to speed by with the added critter chores, but all is well that ends well. That goat is bound to love Louis Dean forever.

Wanda said...

Wow....just like the "Rescues" on TV. So glad you were able to free that little guy.
You food always looks inviting, and I must say I do love your Motto. the First one, and of course the last. HaHa.

Carole said...

That's one lucky goat! Cheers

Deanna Rabe said...

That little rhyme made me laugh! We all need to remember these things are not a surprise to God and that he’s with us in the events of our lives. We just need to look for him and say, “What do you have for me in this, and what should we do?”

You guys have had a challenging visit, but you’ve worked through it, the animals were well loved and cared for, especially Rufus!

Congratulations to Ruth Ann and Roy. They look marvelous!

Rain said...

Oh Linda, bless Louis Dean for helping that goat! Poor thing!! Wise words, there is always a solution, we just have to have faith right? :) xx

photowannabe said...

I absolutely love your ending quotes...
That's me All Over....
You two are quite a pair and sure can solve the hic-ups that come your way.
LD certainly is the Goat whisperer. Glad you were there to rescue him.
Your ornaments are dazzeling.
Safe trip home you two.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Your Christmas ornaments all look so lovely, Linda, and there's nothing like hand crafted decorations. Glad the goat didn't have any serious injuries and that Louis Dean was there to rescue it. Your holiday plans to enjoy seeing people and doing things sounds great. We will be starting our holiday decorations before Thanksgiving as the holiday village takes quite awhile to set up. but we do enjoy it well into January.

NanaDiana said...

Linda- That poor goat. Thank the good Lord that LD is so able to do those things.

Your ornaments are gorgeous. What a wonderful gift for family! They must be just overjoyed to get those from you. What did you use to paint them with? It doesn't look like acrylics but maybe it is?

Have a wonderful night! xo Diana