Thursday, October 17, 2019

Catching the Light, Baked a Cake and Wonky Donkey.....Thursday.

We have had another lovely fall day - not chilly enough for a fireplace but I did wear a light sweater and we didn't have to use the AC!

This afternoon Louis Dean and I went out and finished up the rain curtains.

This is our third gazebo and wears parts form the previous ones - making it sturdier than just a normal gazebo. This one is- and the others were - planted in concrete and has railings to keep the wind from blowing the curtains inside. Our last covers had corner drapes on the outside and Velcro straps to hold the netting and curtains all together in the four corners. We always keep our screens in place but do like to open up the curtains in good weather. I hung the darker brown corner pieces inside between the screen and the rain curtains. They had faded in the sun but you don't see that side from the interior and the new curtains cover them on the outside. I like the way it looks. We seldom throw anything away if there's a chance we can use it somewhere else. I love re purposing things!

It was late afternoon when we took a glass of wine and settled down to rest after all the tweaking we had done. He was in his chair and I was on the small glider......

when I thought I saw a hole in the gazebo!
After all we had just done - I couldn't believe it!

Turns out it was the sun! We never could figure out where that hole was the sun was shining through and before we knew it - the sun had gone down a bit more and the hole was gone!

We are so happy with all we have accomplished this month.
Bit by bit we are getting it done.

Louis Dean was hungry today.
We've been eating up all our leftovers, cereal and easy food since we'll be going to the ranch next week. He said he wanted STEAK but I didn't have any.

He got chicken!
I had bought a huge package of drumsticks thinking I might cook them when the grands were here for the weekend. So I thawed them out and fixed them three different ways. On half I used Shake and Bake (Louis Dean LOVES that!) and did a fourth with Buffalo Hot Sauce and the rest with BBQ sauce. All three were good.

When I was putting them in the oven I was reminded of a funny story.
Not too long ago Sherry ( the lady Summer lives with in Rowlett) asked Summer to pick up a dozen drumsticks. So she did. Then Sherry wanted to know why she bought so many chicken legs!

THIS is what she was wanting!!

 I remembered I hadn't baked anything for the nursing home visit tomorrow so I whipped out the recipe from Estelle's !

She does things right but I tend to ad lib!
I baked it in a rectangle pan to better cut pieces to serve at the nursing home.
I thought I had over baked it at first but we cut a piece and pronounced it delicious!

To see what it is supposed to look like - please got to her link and see it in all its glory!

My friend Tim picked up his Wonky Donkey tonight and I worked on the last two.

Maybe a few more details and then it will be let dry and glaze time.

This video of the Scottish Grandma reading to her grandson will make you laugh!

I knew I would be cleaning up my art table tonight so I tried to finish up as many little projects as I could.

A little messy but it was a quick painting.

This one is my favorite.

And now my Thursday is done!
I am about to close the house up, turn off all my thousand points of lights and go to bed.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Your bee and sunflower paintings are exquisite! If I saw them in a store, I would buy them! Your gazebo looks so awesome in the light, English country cottage cozy and beautiful. Your pond and plants look good! And the Wonky Donkies really DO look just a bit tipsy!

Bluebird49 said...

Gosh, you two are "gettin' 'er done, aren't you? I always love reading what you get accomplished,and it just amazes me every time. I feel like lame sloth, though. You're so very busy and smart.
All that food talk as made me hungry now. I'll take the drumsticks cooked any way and have Drumstix for dessert! That cake has almost a German Chocolate cake sound--without the gooey-ness.
Hope the nursing home gals are well.
I'm so glad you posted!

Estelle's said...

Well, I want to say first what a marvelous job you both did on the Gazebo! No small task I am looks so cozy and festive and I know you will enjoy this for some time to come! Glad you enjoyed the cake...hope your friends do too! Have a lovely weekend...I feel Trader Joe's is calling my name for more seasonal goodies!

Vee said...

When my sister first heard that video, she set about to order her grandson one. In those first weeks after the release of that video, The Wonky Donkey sold for over $400 a book. It was crazy! Eventually, there were reprints and the book went down to its usual price making it possible for her to purchase it. It is such a fun book.

The gazebo looks fabulous...cozy and comfortable. You might feel like Bedouins out there with all the comforts of home.

Betsy always posts the best recipes. I have so many that I enjoy from her blog. Those Jordan Marsh blueberry muffins are fantastic.

Back to the ranch next week. Off to see Lillian tomorrow... lots going on, as always, with you folks.

Fun story about the drumsticks. I like the way Sherry thinks.

Vee said...

I am not being coherent, but perhaps you can figure it out. 🙃

Arlene G said...

Oh Linda, I love those bee paintings. So cute. We are staying in a small Air B and B at Tybee Island this weekend and lets just say it aint I guess I am spoiled. You and LD are so clever at figuring things out. Great idea for making it work in the gazebo.

Changes in the wind said...

I am glad the gazebo is done as I know how much the two of you like spending time there. The little pond looks great but no twinkle lights? So after cooking all those chicken legs I assume you froze some of them? The ladies at the rest home will love that cake.

Wanda said...

Finally getting a minute to visit. Love every thing you and your dear Louis Dean do in your home. You are truly a homemaker of all homemakers!!
Off to a Memorial Service....the older we get it seems the more funerals we attend. Praise God this dear woman is in heaven.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your quick painting is gorgeous. I love sunflowers. the wonky donkey's are amazing. I want to kiss him on the nose... glad you have your gazebo ready to enjoy with the cool weather. we woke up to 73 degress at 4 am and it is still only 75 WOOOOOHOOOOO! the first cool day since April... of course there is a lot of rain and wind coming in tomorrow morning but we need the rain. yay for cool and rain.... the drumsticks have me ROFL.... I love the ones she wanted and refuse to eat chicken legs, never have, never will.

Susie said...

Linda, The gazebo looks so nice. Like an extra room. A perfect place to relax after working. I loved the story of the drumsticks. So funny. Well now you fixed three different kinds of drumsticks , that will be so nice to eat when you have no cooking time. I love things that I can re-heat or whip up quickly on those pinched for time days. Love the pond area, looking so pretty. Blessings, xoxo,love you guys, Susie

photowannabe said...

Whew, even on your quiet days you are SuperWoman !!
Absolutely love The Wonky Donkey yours and that sweet Scottish grandma.
Your gazebo looks so inviting..what a place of refuge.
Love your Bee too.
Have a great day, Linda.

Rain said...

The sun peaking through a mysterious hole is really cool! And I love your Wonky Donkeys! I can imagine how that chicken tastes! I haven't had Shake and Bake since I was a kid but I remember loving it.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Kyle likes Sherry’s kind of drumsticks!

Glad you got the gazebo done and it looks so cozy! You Wonkey Donkey paintings are so cute.

Carole said...

Yay for ad libbing! Cheers

Nancy Chan said...

Hope you will find the little hole where the sun was shining through. The paintings are beautiful.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Glad you are getting so much done there. You have an added incentive as you are planning a trip to the ranch. I think that makes a big difference when it comes to getting things done. Funny how it takes only the tiniest hole to let the light in. I love the sunflower pictures and a nice touch to add the bees. I bet you DIL would love that one. Thanks for sharing that reicipe for the cake. It sounds wonderful and Ill be sure to try it soon. Hope you have a wonderful weekend !

NanaDiana said...

As always, you and LD are busy,busy, busy. I had to laugh about Summer picking up the 12 drumsticks. I would have thought the same thing! lol I got a big kick out of listening to the Scottish grandma reading The Wonky Donkey. Made me laugh.

Doesn't Betsy (Estelle's) have THE best recipes?! xo Diana

Carla said...

I just love your gazebo. Love the sunflower and bee picture. Who doesn't love sunflowers right. Now the the drumstick story was too funny. That was awesome.