Monday, August 5, 2019

Beekeeping Lessons Learned on Sunday and Monday Treasures....

We were all three so excited Sunday morning as we rolled through McDonald's for breakfast sandwiches and drove over to our mentor friend's house to help him harvest his honey and gain some experience before harvesting ours this week. We ate our meal tail gate style and then went around to the back of Jame's house to start work.

James and his friend are new beekeepers like we are - except they have a year's experience.
However, they have no extractor and Sherry does - so she loaned him hers for the harvesting.

It was in pristine condition and only required a hot water rinse and she was ready to assemble.

An extractor makes it so much easier to get the honey and this one holds 3 frames.

Sherry and Crystal all suited up and ready to drive the short distance to the hives.

Who would have ever guessed I would be a beekeeper???
Not I! And probably none of my children would have dreamt I would be unafraid of thousands of swarming honey bees!

Their hives......

James set to work opening up the first one.....
I had studied and thought you used a smoker to calm the bees down.

WOW!!! So many bees!
And still he opted not to have a smoker.
He left his at home.
First lesson learned - always have a smoker with you. ALWAYS!

This hive was an especially aggressive one.
Sherry was wearing a purple sweatshirt and that was the problem......
James instructed Sherry to stand in front of the hive and help open it - to the front.
That's another thing she and I thought we knew - do not stand in FRONT of the hive and do ANYTHING! Second lesson learned.

Third lesson was - wear white! Or grey.....NOT purple.

The bees swarmed out of that hive so pissed and angry and covered Sherry's shirt.
They even got in her veil.
She didn't know they didn't have a smoker and when she finally realized it - she had been stung multiple times. We three went back up to the road and yet the bees continued to attack Sherry!
We finally got most of them off of her and they were still buzzing around me so I walked back down to the hives.....

the bees started mingling with the others and I slowly backed up step by step.

This is what wax moth looks like.

We finally got rid of the bees up by Crystal's truck and got in but by that time the damage to Sherry had already been done.

I'll skip over the trauma of it all and just say that Sherry is an amazingly strong young woman.
She is also a woman of faith and such fierce determination.
These held her in good stead Sunday.
That and the prayers that were prayed for her as she struggled with anaphylactic shock for the rest of the afternoon and evening. Crystal drove her mama to the nearest Baylor Scott and White Hospital Emergency Room.
I called ahead to tell them the situation and they were waiting with a wheelchair as we pulled up at the door. By this time Sherry was in bad shape.

Dean and Louis Dean met us at the hospital within minutes of our arrival.
I have to say we all did what needed to be done.
Crystal was scared but she took care of her mama and made sure she got the treatment she needed.
In cases of emergency and life and death situations - it's good to know that God gives you the courage and strength to do what you need to do when you need to do it.

Praise God and bless her guardian angels - Sherry is doing well.
It could have gone so wrong.
They released her and we were all home before dark.

We learned lessons the hard way that day but they are lessons we will never forget.

I came in, took a shower and went straight to bed at 8:00.
My sister, Nita, called me. She said she needed to hear my voice and that was the sweetest words she could have spoken to me. It gave me an opportunity to share the scary parts of what we went through that day and give God the praise for his protection and mercy.
Talking to Nita allowed me to empty my emotions and go to sleep.
I didn't get up until 13 hours later.
Thank you, my dear sister!

The doctor said Sherry did not have a TRUE anaphylactic shock - but they treated her for one.
Her breathing was the one thing that was never compromised. But if you look up the symptoms - she had nearly every one of them but that one. And that was THE most important one NOT to have.
Once again - Praise God!

Today - Monday - was a low key day of rest and recovery for all of us down here on the ranch.
I was grateful for all the sleep I got last night.
Louis Dean sat up by himself since I went to bed so early.
He saw an amazing meteor or shooting star super bright with a ball of fire in front of it coming right at him. I got up around 1:00 this morning and went out to the front room to refill my Yeti with tea.
I took it out to the front deck and sat watching the stars and sky - but I couldn't concentrate on looking for meteors. Instead, I kept thinking how gracious God is in protecting us from ourselves.

This morning I made us a good country breakfast of biscuits, eggs and hash brown -patties, as Harrison would say.
I thought all the bacon was frozen so I cooked some hot dogs instead. Rufus will get those as treats when he comes down here later this week.

We did our reading and devotionals. 
In Gods and Generals, we are on chapter 37.
I am trying hard to finish this book so we can watch - once again - the movie.
It will be so much more meaningful this time.
It's strange how when reading the book - when it's a chapter on a a Northern general - as in Chamberlain (my favorite) - I find myself rooting and cheering for him. 
Then in the next chapter - on General Lee - I am willing him victory.

This is a real thought provoking read for us.
Yes, we are southerners. We are in the south.
But what if the south had won?
Would we be like Europe today?
A continent of different countries?
Without unity?
I am not a scholar. 
I am not an educated person.
But I am grateful that we - all 50 states - are united States of America.

We are in our last week here at the ranch.

This morning I took my coffee out to the front room and admired my table setting.
I love the centerpiece! Reclaimed wreath with a bucket bouquet of red plaid napkins in the middle.

It's Monday and we needed diesel in the truck and milk and - peaches. 
Louis Dean has been loving the peaches this season.

So off we went this afternoon!
Of course we had to hit up the Goodwills first.

I did find some treasures......

A brand new Chico top - $54 regular - for $4.99!

And this nice - what do you call it?
Whatever - I love it and will wear it a lot.

The cool!

A nice black casual dress from Old Navy.
You can't go wrong with this.

Especially when you can dress it up with this swirly pretty chiffon float.

I layered them all together on one hanger to take home.

I scored on this pair of Yellow Box sandals.
They feel so good.
I am all about footwear that FEELS good.

This $0.99 hook now holds my towel by the shower.

And this one holds my nightgown.

I love hooks to hang things on.
I may need to change that 'keys' to something else......

We came in this hot afternoon and put up the groceries from HEB - I do so love that store!
We both took naps and then regrouped.
I had goat scraps and needed to take some things back to Sherry so Louis Dean drove us down to their place in the truck. 

I saw the ducks were still out and I dearly love putting them up at night......
so I did and was surprised to see.....

A huge rat snake that Sherry had killed a day or two ago.
She said it was full of eggs!

I close this journal entry tonight so grateful to be here in the country.
So grateful Sherry is recovering and well.
Life is an exciting adventure.
Whether you are in the city, the country, the dessert or where ever God has you at this moment in time......the one thought on my mind tonight is this......

Thank you, Lord Jesus!!


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Everyone did what had to be done and Sherry is recovering safely. Thanks for the update Linda. Love your finds.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Thankful indeed! God is SO good! What a horrifying experience! You seemed to have remained calm, what a blessing I bet you were to Sherry. Your Goodwill finds are beautiful, and so YOU! But oh my, what an experience! I bet this was your first real scare at the ranch.

Vee said...

Yikes! What a scary situation! Is James a novice, too? I can’t believe that he didn’t use a smoker. So glad that everything turned out well in the end. What do Sherry’s doctors say about her continuing in the bee business? Will she have an epi pen to help with any future encounters?

It makes me smile that you are a Chamberlain fan. Me, too! He went on to become the governor of Maine, though he perhaps should have stayed out of politics as he wasn’t as successful with that as he had been in his military career.

Great finds at the Goodwill. I found a cute pair of pedal pushers this summer. Not quite the success story you have, but perhaps I am learning.

Susie said...

Linda, I hate that Sherry got stung so much. I knew those outfits were white for a reason. I was told a long time ago by a beekeeper to never wear colors around the hives. That should be number in the bee classes and the smoker is to calm the bees. Sherry with never let her guard down again. Hope the honey harvesting goes better for you girls. Blessings, xoxo,love you, Susie

Bluebird49 said...

Smokers and whites are for good reasons for bees! Thank heavens that things didn't get worse and Sherry got good care!
I won't linger on it 'cause I know how upsetting it was for everyone! It's over and God id watching over!
Hope youall wilo see some of the Perseids showers before you leave the ranch! They can be phenominal!
Have a good week dear friend!!

Sue said...

WOW! Linda what an adventure you are having at the ranch, I give thanks with everyone for Sherry's recovery, I think incidents like this is why my dh has backed off from bee keeping since our hive left, but I haven't given up, yet! Knowing who to call on in times of troubles is what matters, God is so faithful....all the time.
I have a sister that I am close to, and she is always there for me, as I try to be for her,

You found some great buys, Yellow box candles ae one of my favorites.

Enjoy this last week, at your happy place.

Tina said...

Oh my goodness that must have been a real heart pounding experience for all of you to have! I'm SO happy that Sherry is okay! Hopefully your harvesting will be uneventful! You always find the best thrifting treasures! I haven't heard of Yellow Box sandals but I'm off to look them up since I love comfy footwear too! Have a wonderful and relaxing Tuesday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

snakes and bees OH MY I am so glad the bee thing turned out with all of you safe and sound. so scary and you know I am terrified of bees and this just proved I am right to be. also proved be careful who you trust to help you. glad the lessons were learned with out permanent harm done... yowsa on the snake. super duper blouse finds, I like them all.

Arlene G said...

Oh my glad Sherry is doing ok now. Yes use a smoker. Marvin was stung once the last time we were in Ga and he said it itched for days. And you are right, always work from behind the hive. When I was taking pictures I was pretty far away so as not to antagonize the bees. Another Beeman told us that for some reason bees are more irritable in July. However we robbed our hive in July and did ok. Marvin plans to bring home some more honey when he goes to GA next time. Then we should be finished for this year. We like to leave enough for the bees to eat through the winter.

Changes in the wind said...

Oh my goodness who would have thought things could go so bad with the bees. Sherry is a amazing recovering and killing that snake! Love that little overlay you got:) and they looked good all together.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

OH WOW! I'M VERY THANKFUL YOU ARE BOTH OIK. A swarm of angry bees can be terrifying for sure !
That honey is going to taste all the better knowing what it took to get it. Thank goo for the ER and the people that care for us. They know what to do in an emergency. Some lessons ar more difficult to learn than others, but we will remember them forever.

Chatty Crone said...

That scared the heck out of me. They went through that shirt and mask? How many times was she stung? You be careful out there. I am so glad everyone was okay and that everyone knew the right things to do. WOWOWOWOWOW

Like your Goodwill finds.


Aloha Acres said...

Oh gracious. I hate to hear what Sherry went through. That's so scary. Praising God with you both for her recovery.

Deanna Rabe said...

We’ve never read God’s and Generals but we really like the movie! I agree about liking people from both sides. I’m grateful too for our United States, and hope we can remain united.

So thankful that Sherry was okay and that you quickly got her to the ER! Lessons learned for sure!

photowannabe said...

Can I breathe now?
What a scary time you had but Praise the Lord it was all in his hands.
I love how you say.."How Gracious God is in protecting us from ourselves". and that God gives you the courage and strength to do what you need to do when you need to do it.
Yes and Amen!!!

Jan said...

How frightening-so glad Sherry is ok!! I have to admit I'm afraid of bees and wasps. I've never been stung and don't know how I would react.

Carole said...

Oh my goodness - what a thing? She will need to be super careful from now on. I got stung by hornets when I was little and that left me quite susceptible to stings... Take care

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

So glad to read that Sherry was ok! That was frightening. She has to be very careful to have an epi pen from now on, as if she gets a bee bite again it can trigger a severe allergic response very quickly.

Rain said...

Oh gosh poor Sherry! I'm so glad she's okay, what a scare!

Jill said...

You are very brave with all those bees! I am very allergic so could never do that. :-) I'm so glad to hear she is ok and it was not more serious. Hope you have a wonderful week!


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Oh my, Linda, what a scary experience with Sherry being stung by the bees. Glad to read that she is recovering and nice that the family was there and acted so quickly. You would not catch me around any angry bee hives for anything, but you did look protected in your gear.