Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Bee Meeting and Honey Tasting! Tuesday.....

I made my first solo trip to the ranch today.
It felt a bit odd but it was rather nice. Louis Dean, Summer and I finished up the last of her van conversion late last night and  I knew he would be just too tired to do anything else.
Summer was gone before 7:00 this morning back to Rowlett and she will head out tomorrow on her maiden voyage. It's been a full week since she received the injection that has given her so many days of 'normal' life. The first few were relatively pain free. Last night she had an episode where the pain came with no warning and gripped her so bad she lost her breath. It then shot down her leg and left her trembling and in tears. But it backed off after a bit. Summer is amazing and has been pushed to the limit so many times the last three years and yet she doesn't give up. The fact that she has been able to do what she's done this week has been a gift to her and she continues to be grateful and is hopeful they last as long as possible.

I drove straight from home to the HEB in Bellmead without stopping once.
And it rained all the way to 5 miles from the store.

I loaded up with bread for tonight's honey tasting and picked up some sandwich things.

I traveled light this trip with only one small bag that has a change of clothes and then the laundry I was returning to the camper. I put things away and then settled down to enjoy a little quiet time.

My sister, Luann, had given me a bag of magazines so I poured a glass of wine, ate my sandwich and browsed away!

Our bee meeting met at 7:00 and we had a good crowd. 
There were about 100 people there and everyone was so excited to talk about their honey harvest!

All who harvested brought a small jar of their honey to sample.
More jars were added after I took this picture.
They had information on a paper with each jar as to name, location of hive and the kind of honey.
Most of it was Wildflower Honey but there were also  jars of alfalfa, clover, mesquite and others.

They were all sweet but each one tasted at least a tiny bit different. Some were a LOT different.

It was such a fun meeting!!
I met a new friend who has a hive in Marlin which is close to us in Mart.

Our honey is on this table and the Bitterweed jar had quite a few tastings!
Everyone agreed it has a 'whang!'
It's an after taste that doesn't kick in fast but it does arrive albeit slowly.
And that taste seems to linger.....
Everyone agreed that it will most likely make a fine mead.

I'm still so excited that I am actually a beekeeper!
Sherry does most of it and has far more knowledge than I but I intend to keep learning!

Now it is late and I am all alone for the night - for the first time in two years - back when Louis Dean was in the hospital!
It's beautiful down here. The stars are brighter than they were when we were here last.
Dean says the Milky Way is even bright and that's what I'm going out to see now before I go to bed.

I called and checked on Louis Dean a few times today and he has been busy - with his music and resting! Although he did run to the grocery store the minute I left the driveway and bought more hamburger meat. When I called the first time that's what he was cooking!
I'm going home tomorrow so I guess he thought he needed to work fast!


Bluebird49 said...

Two very sweet treats - honey, and alone time!
Be safe driving back.

Blondie's Journal said...

You did perfect on your own at the ranch, Linda. I have spent almost all summer (and a little of spring) at the lake. I feel fearless and stronger than ever before. But I totally get you on worrying and thinking about LD. That's just pure love and commitment.

I'm so proud of you for making your own honey. What a fun event you shared. Life offers so many great opportunities and you always seem to catch them by the tail.

Sending prayers that Summer heals with each day. Stop by, my friend. I think I'm back in the swing of things with my blog! ;-D

Jane x

Susie said...

Linda, I am sorry to read that about Summer. I wondered if the treatment would last. Breaks my heart for her. Like you said she is a fighter and struggle thru things.I pray for her. Glad you made it to the tasting meeting. Take care.Blessings, xoxo,love, Susie

Arlene G said...

What a fun evening....bee keeping is addictive isn't it? We brought home two more big frames. I rendered the wax and I am saving it up to make candles. I left some comb in the jars we processed and Marvin took a jar to mens prayer breakfast at church. He got many nice comments on the taste. ( which makes us beam as you know). Hope Summer can have more good days than bad days. Chronic pain is very wearying.

Changes in the wind said...

So glad that you all were able to finish the project but sorry that Summer had a episode of pain, must be so hard not knowing when it might strike. So many jars of honey! It is the truth there is a lot more to know and learn about a subject once you begin. Glad you are enjoying it. Safe travels home.

Kathy said...

What fun to go to a honey tasting. And to meet so many other bee keepers. My brother in Tennessee is a bee keeper too.

Hoping that Summer can get some relief from her pain. I will be praying for her. There are times that my back is so painful that I can't walk and am in tears so I understand what she is going through although I am sure it is much worse than what I experience.

Leave it to LD to get another hamburger in while you are gone. You will have to get him back on track when you get home. Have a safe trip back.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am a huge fan of HONEY and would have loved to see and taste what all of you brave bee keepers harvested for us honey eaters... glad you had a safe trip in the rain, hope you can get your car out to go home... when the cats away the MICE cook burger. ha ha

Deanna Rabe said...

That's fun that you could go even if LD wasn't up to the trip!

I bet it was really interesting tasting all the different kinds of honey. Here in PA some beekeepers move their hives to warmer climates for the winter and I have tasted Orange blossom honey! It has a strong flavor but its good!

Vee said...

You are one intrepid chick! ☺️ How fun that you made the bee tasting meeting. And I am grinning about the bitterweed honey having a whallop. Glad that so many were willing to give it a try. Did you have a favorite?

Chronic pain is debilitating. I hope that Summer got in touch with her doc. Ongoing prayers for her to find the relief that she very much needs.

Happy trails home to Louis Dean!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm so glad you were able to make it out there on your own. Your bee keeping is exciting. So nice to have some thing new to learn. The taste of honey is different depending on where the bees are. I love clover honey the best. So sorry the pain returned for Summer, but glad it worked fore a short while. Knowing that there is something now that makes a difference is encouraging since nothing had worked before. I spend a few years in constant pain with my back and know how terrible that can be, but mine macaculously disappeared after my first son was born. Knowing how that felt though has left me being very cautious and benign very good to my back. I don't ever want that to return. But after many years of using my knees to life now sadly they are wearing out too. It's always something! Hope you have a good trip home and LD is doing better.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Hi Linda - so happy for you that you were at the Bee Meeting !!!!

photowannabe said...

I love your ending bible verse. It's so true.
Good for you going to the Ranch on your own.
The Bee get together is fascinating...so many keepers...how fun to taste all the different honeys, each just a bit different.
LD was smart to stay home and just recoup...that's good medicine too.
Safe travels

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so glad you made it to the meeting, how awesome!! What fun to taste all the different kinds! So funny, I could have guessed what Louis Dean did as soon as you left! I guess he was in hamburger heaven! But he deserves it, he did such hard work with Summer. I am so sorry to hear she had some pain come back! When can she get the shot again?

Carole said...

Brave you going to the ranch solo - hope you had a restful night. Cheers

Tina said...

Oh my goodness you are lucky to only have to renew your license every 14 years!! Here in Illinois we have to renew every 4 years! And I do go to the facility in a small town nearby because the one in the city where I live is so crowded and the people who work there are NOT friendly! I know what you mean about getting emotional over no traffic noise! I would love to have a place to sit outside where I don't have to hear the roar of a highway nearby! Louis Dean and his pitchers of herbal tea gave me such a smile this morning! He does get himself into trouble when you're away! Hope you both have a great Thursday!

Tina said...

Oops! Somehow just posted this comment on the wrong post! Sorry about that!