Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Golden Glow...

I love the golden glow that has settled over most of the rooms in our home and am looking forward to enjoying all my fall 'debris' for the next 3 months.

This year I am leaving it all out until the day after Thanksgiving.

All my decorations are out and in place.
I saved a tub or two for the gazebo.
While most rooms received a heavy dose of 'fall' - our bedroom and my bathroom did not get one thing. Next year I am going to try to decorate the bedroom with 'Fall White' - as in white pumpkins and maybe some light green things.
I did go all out in the guest room.
The burgundy and dark wood just lends itself to the orange, browns and gold.

So I am done.
Now I will move on to the baking and cooking to be done on September First.
Fruitcake cookie dough will be mixed in the next day or two and ingredients for the special family meal will be purchased. I am hosting a Family Dinner on Sunday but it will be an easy peasy menu.

Louis Dean was out putting up some shade in the gazebo.
He asked if I had a large umbrella and I said I had a better idea!
How about putting the gazebo top on?
That would give him a lot of shade!

And so he did.
Now he's working on the electricity.
Or at least he was. He fixed up lighting to see by after the sun set and it grew darker.
It's still way too hot to work out in the sun and heat of the day.

I had my appointment with Dr. Sanders.
My knee is worse than it was when I started the injections in May.
Since my overall health is good and I have no heart/lungs/diabetic/kidney problems - and since I had my right knee replaced 11 years ago and it is still doing well.......

I opted for a complete knee replacement tentatively scheduled for January 6th.
I will call in October to confirm, schedule all my pre ops for December and get my house in order for surgery in January.
To buy me some time, Dr. Sanders had Lawrence give me a steroid injection that should last three month. The last month I won't be able to take all my regular meds - like Celebrex - so I will be cutting back on my Christmas activities.
I am just so very grateful for insurance and for the fact that there is something they can do for me.

The down side of the injection I had today is that it gives me a bad headache that last a couple of days....and it has already kicked in.

The water is on outside but the trash has already been taken to the curb.
All I have left is to go out and turn the water off, take a shower and try to get to sleep before the headache gets worse.

Praying for all my friends and loved ones in Florida tonight.



Ginny Hartzler said...

Of course I WILL be praying for a totally great surgery result! Your gazebo top is a fall color! Your wreath and candle is so pretty, as is your basket of leaves & pumpkins. You made a truly golden post today! I do hope you can get a good night's sleep.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Sleep before the headache gets worse dear Linda. You finished your Fall decorating just in time.

Vee said...

🌿Praying that storms will weaken, headaches will lessen, and all will be right in your world. It certainly looks beautiful in your world. Perhaps next time I visit, the gazebo will be back in operation as the welcome outdoor room. Thinking of you folks...

Bluebird49 said...

Oh, my dear! I am praying you get relief from your knee and headache.
You are just so amazing.

Kathy said...

Hoping and praying your headache gets better. So glad you have a doctor who will help you. Your house is beautiful as always. I love fall decorations. The gazebo is well on its way to being back.

Tina said...

Hope the headache doesn't end up being too bad and that you are able to sleep it off! I'm so glad the doctor will be able to fix you right up and you'll have less pain and be able to do all the things you want to do! Hope Friday is great and not too hot!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

The fall decorations look lovely, Linda, as your decor always does for the seasons. Sorry to read about the oncoming headache and hope it’s gone after you rest awhile. Knee surgery sounded like the alternative for your ongoing discomfort and pain. Hope the Sunday family gathering is a good time.

Susie said...

Linda, You are in my prayers , as is LD. I love you both and want you to be healthy and safe. Hooray for LD getting the gazebo top up. Your fall decor is looking so warm and cozy. Blessings to you, xoxo,love, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I got so nervous seeing LD standing on the fourth rung of that ladder not even holding on, hands over head, that I could hardly read the details of your knee surgey. prayers for it to be a quick recovery when you have it.

Estelle's said...

The fall decor looks so festive and warm Linda. Knee surgery can be tough..but the after care and recovery, as you know, is a slow and steady process...enjoy the holidays as they wonderful to host a family gathering!

Changes in the wind said...

Having to have surgery is not fun but you are right that it is wonderful they can repair it so you won't have constant pain. I think you are the only person I know that loves to decorate like you do but it does make for a pretty glow.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Sorry you will need surgery but like you say at least there is a fix. That will definitely slow you down. You will have to ret ignorer to heal. And I know it takes a lot to haul those bins of decorations around. I do the same here only after labor day, all things fall will be put up at my house too. The colors of autumn do tend to glow for sure. So as long as I can, I will do it. Christmas will come out after Thanksgiving. Time seems to be hurrying by at amazing speed. Hope you are felling better today and have a FANTASTIC Friday!

Debbie said...

ooooh linda, fall decorations already?? everything looks so beautiful but i am holding to every minute summer has left!! i don't concede to fall until the pool is closed and that has not happened yet!!

good luck with the surgery and i think the whole world is praying for florida!!

photowannabe said...

I pray that you had a good night's sleep and the headache is gone.
Your upcoming surgery will be a welcome relief from your pain.
I just can't see you slowing down though.
Happy family dinner...I know it will be both yummy and beautiful.

Hootin Anni said...

Power of positive thinking will 'kick in' and you will be 100% both with headache & knee!

Your home is gorgeous & I love the idea of Fall White.