Monday, March 18, 2019

Things and Thoughts for Monday

It was a beautiful day in North Texas!
 Sun was shining and birds were singing and Louis Dean and I both slept so well last night.
Waking up rested makes any good day even better.
Plus I woke up knowing I was going to have company for lunch!

It has long been a tradition for my friend, Brenda C and I to have lunch together once a month.
In recent times that hasn't happened as often as we would have liked.
Brenda has lost both of her parents within the last year or so and her husband, Billy,  has lost his dad. I lost Mother and life just keeps us all so busy that we had to seriously say, "Wait a minute!"
We purposely marked our calendars and on today's date in my kitchen planner I had written -
'Lunch - Brenda - Here - 1:00'
If we plan it and write it down - it stands a better chance of happening.
Sometimes we have to reschedule but that works too.
I fixed baked potatoes and salad and mango tea.
It was really good!
I put everything I can find into salads and today I used a few sliced strawberries, a half of an orange, avocado, crispy popcorn shrimp and the usual lettuce, carrots, cheese and tomatoes.
Plus I opened up a bottle of Ken's Steakhouse Lite Sweet Vidalia Onion Dressing.
It was really really good!

I am so blessed!
I visited with a friend on Saturday night over supper and now today with Brenda for lunch.

The hour flew by and she had to go back to work and I did the dishes and rounded Louis Dean up to go walk at the Senior Center. It actually felt good to get back to our routine. I feel like we got plenty of exercise while we were at the ranch. We walk a lot when we do Critter Chores.
When we see the cardiologist on Wednesday, we can honestly say we have been doing our exercise.

We are home the rest of this month and there are some projects that we need to do.
One was caulking some cracks in the ceiling where Louis Dean had fallen through the dining room while he was in the attic several years ago. He repaired this using new Sheetrock and did a good job but the house has shifted and I could see tiny dark lines outlining the repairs. It helps that we have acoustic ceilings so now the dark lines are gone and white shows up. No matter. I'd rather see white than black when I look up. And in time it will probably not be quite so white. I am easy to please.
We did this last 'Honey Do' last night.

So moving into the afternoon, I removed all the debris from the table in the sewing room and took down the curtains and things on the wall. A long time ago, Summer and I found a long heavy sturdy box used to hold nails and such sitting on a curb in the neighborhood. We stopped and put it in the back of the van. That's how long ago it was! I still have my old Chevrolet van.  The box fit perfectly above the windows in the sewing room and I have enjoyed looking at it all these years. However.....the house shifting and all those small earthquakes we used to have caused the box to slip down on one end. It got worse and worse until it looked like it was being held up by a big heavy book at one end.
It was a pretty easy fix for Louis Dean. He thought he was done when I asked him to help me move a big trunk. You can barely see it in the picture but when he moved it, the bottom came loose. The flash flood that happened when we were on our road trip home from the cruise had done more damage than we realized. I bought that trunk in 1964 when I was 15 years old at a flea market on Hemphill Street in Fort Worth, Texas. It was an antique then. We paid $15 for it and Jesse (my ex-husband) restored it and lined it with cedar. Several years later when I started painting, I decorated the top with tole painting. It's a goner now and we are taking it to the curb in the morning.
All the denim that I had stored in it was ruined and all that is in bags at the curb for trash pickup in  the morning. The only thing I redeemed in the whole trunk was a baby quilt I made for Amber before she was born. It's in the washing machine now. I just couldn't bring myself to throw it away.

Speaking of 'throwing things away'.....I have an entire trunk full of things to take to the Goodwill in the morning! I have been doing some purging!

There's a lot to sort through in the sewing room in the coming days.
I already found this cedar box on the bookshelf above my desk.
Doug (Reaoma's husband) made this one for Benjamin, my son.
Amber has one just like it.
I sent Ben a picture of it and a text.
He knew I had it and it was safe but we just didn't know where it was.
I found a small book on horses to take to Logan and a cute little notebook to take for Kailey.
In the morning I will shop the shelves and find something for Trystan and Harrison.
I'm going to meet up with Amber for a movie tomorrow and stay and see the kids after school.

Yesterday I was thanking God for Dr. Bloom and that I no longer suffer from bladder infections.

This photo came up from this day on 2008 when we went down to Houston to attend the Launch Party for Houston Brides. Amber was the editor in chief and it was such an exciting time.
See my bent right leg? I could not make it straight. That summer I had a complete knee replacement and it was amazing! That's been 11 years ago....

So while we are busy here in the city doing all the homeowner chores and getting projects down......
I'm missing the country. But we will enjoy it better when we get back down there knowing that we have been good stewards in keeping our property up and taking good care of what we have.

Tonight we hauled the table and chair that was in our bedroom - and had been sitting outside the back door since last Wednesday - out to the gazebo. We have a job to do in there but it must wait until we get the elm tree cut. Louis Dean wants to get it topped off even with the gazebo. It's dead so it won't be growing any more and this way there will be nothing to fall on top of it.

I used to have this urgent desire to get everything done!
All the repairs. All the improvements. All the updates. All the decorating. 
I still want to do what needs to be done. But it really is the journey - the very doing of these things - that count. 

I am thoroughly enjoying the journey!


Ginny Hartzler said...

It is the same way with me too. I can only do a little every day, so it is never ending. But that is alright, it gives me more projects to look forward to! That picture of you is gorgeous! But then you always ARE! I have put this dressing on my grocery list, I want to try it!

Bluebird49 said...

My husband is not the "doer" that Louis is, so I never got used to even thinking I could get impatient to get things done! In fact, I used to do more of that kind of thing on ladders with drills, etc., but after I started to fall, I had to stop. My balance is permanently off, I think. (Ed would probably say I'm more unbalanced! Ha!)
I just try to not think about things falling apart and all to pieces around the house, and be thankful our marriage is the opposite -- steady and solid. I was a tomboy growing up, and my mom was not into keeping house much. Daddy took me fishing all the time, so when I married Ed, I was lucky to have Ed's mom to show me how to cook and clean.
You do sound like me with salads. Ed is basic-- lettuce, tomato and carrots. I, on the other hand, will put anything in mine, and do! The more variety, the better. It's fun and healthy! As long as I resist putting too much dressing! 😻Ed
Was sorry to hear about your trunk, but that secretary Lillian gave you is pretty. I knew the chair in your room would have to go somewhere, but you've got the gazebo, at least.
By the time April comes, you'll be ranch ready, and you'll hear it calling, I'm sure. I know L.D. needs to pace himself for awhile.
You are awesome!

Susie said...

Linda, Glad you had a good time with Brenda. I think she went to Alaska with you. That was a good lunch . Nice to be back to walking. The little book is perfect for Logan, and so nice to know you would never just give one child a gift without one for the others. LOL. That 's how grandma are, right? Still getting lots of things done at your house. Busy workers that you and LD are. Love the keepsake box of Ben's. Blessings to all, Love you, xoxo, Susie

Vee said...

I thought the box looked like a beam and it looked great up there. It’s so much fun to find lost treasures. Give it to Benjamin quick! So sorry about the antique trunk and the denim inside. Hope the quilt comes clean. That photo is such a nice one of you. Now don’t you two get too crazy doing doing doing. Wow. Just reread this comment and it is terribly choppy...just like riding waves in a rowboat. 😉

Arlene G said...

I have some boxes in the garage that I plan to fill with stuff to take to the local charity shop. Marvin keeps asking if he can take them to the recycling center but I told him I had plans for them. I hope to get that done this week! Also I have been doing some "finishing" on my cross stitch projects. The kiddos are here this week so I want to do some things with them as well. We are picking up Mary Poppins today and a movie time will be had after lunch. Hope you get all your projects done you, I am not in as big a hurry as I used to be!:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you two are the king and queen of getter done and repairs and decorating.. our house is falling apart and will be... wish we were close enough for you to rent you and LD out to clean and repair. LOL.... good for you on the trunk full of donations...

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I'm sorry that trunk is ruined and your denim, too. I know that it takes a mess, sometimes, to get us to sort through and to donate things we no longer need! You're going to enjoy your space so much more for having sorted things out!

That is a lovely photo of you and to me you are still just as lovely. You radiate God's love!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

When you have a home, the doing never seems to stop for sure. About the time you get one thing fixed, another comes along. When I moved last and sold the house, I decided to rent and leave the repairs to somebody else. Of course I pay for it too, but its a comfort that I don't have to do it. Too bad you lost your trunk and the contents too. I know you do a lot with that denim you stock up on. Your luncheon salad sound wonderful. Never thought about adding popcorn shrimp so now I'll have to try it out! Hope you have a terrific Tuesday.

Love and hugs,

Changes in the wind said...

Projects are never ending it seems but we are blessed to have so much to take care of:) Sorry about the trunk, water can do so much damage.

Debby said...

You keep so busy. We used to have a cottage. It was hard keeping up with two homes. But when you enjoy both its well worth it.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You always have so much going on and making life more beautiful and everyday life more enjoyable. Have a wonderful week! Hugs!

Chatty Crone said...

I am with you - I really do like to purge - but my family loves to save so I have to be very careful. Did you have lunch with your friend? That salad looks so good. Glad you are getting things done. I have a list too. Sandie

Wanda said...

My dearest never claimed to be a "fixer". The man could preach a sermon to touch you to your toes, but our deacons always said....DON'T GIVE PASTOR DON TOOLS". So they didn't, they did the fixing in the parsonage and Don did the preaching. HaHa.

Love that you and Louis Dean are such fixers.

Now tht we live in a complex, the maintenance man does everything for us, even changing lightbulbs as they don't want us seniors on a ladder. HaHa They don't know the ladder master, Louis Dean.

Great post and fun to have lunch and dinner with special friends.

photowannabe said...

You are so right. Life is definitely a journey.
Sometimes there are side-roads that must be taken
Some are fun and some are not.
I just finished cleaning, purging our spare room this afternoon.
It feels so good to have it clean and I finally know where some "wayward" things had been hiding.
It's always a pleasure visiting your blog journal.
Enjoy the rest of your stay at home month.
Sue of photowannabe

NanaDiana said...

You really got a lot done but I am sorry about your trunk and all that denim.
I will be anxious to hear how the dr visit goes. You have been faithful about exercising and that is so important.
How nice that you had lunch with two friends. Friendships are so important.
I hope you have a really great week- xo Diana

Mrs.T said...

What a shame to lose all that denim and the trunk as well!

So nice to visit with a friend over a meal. Always a joy to reconnect with friends!

Sue said...

Love the quote, love your thoughts, about getting things done, fits me to a tee, I am learning to enjoy the journey more and more, and be able to realize it doesn't have to be done like, now!

I do enjoy getting projects done, and we do have quite a long list for us this year, one is getting rid of old things that have been collecting dust.
Great post.

Carole said...

So sad you lost some denim but you found some stuff as well. Cheers