Sunday, March 3, 2019

Celebrating the 'Ahhhhhh....' Moments!

It's been a cold Sunday in Texas!
Louis Dean was so happy and excited over the visit from his granddaughter and her family yesterday that he could not go to sleep last night! He was up way into the wee hours of the morning and finally sleeping soundly along about the time I woke up. I brought him a cup of coffee to bed and even the aroma of that didn't wake him up so I got dressed and went to church by myself.

There are two places that I can go and experience instant tranquility the moment I walk through the door.

One is Starbucks.
In the winter when it's cold, you can push open that door to the fragrant warmth of .....
what? Coffee, sure. But it's more than that. There's an ambiance in every single Starbucks I have ever been in. It's always an 'Ah!' moment for me. It's the same in the hot heat of summer - you go through the door into a warm welcome back experience where I can instantly feel myself relax.
I wonder now why I don't go to Starbucks more often.

The other place is when I open the door to Fellowship Church. We usually park in the east parking lot and come in through a long side hallway where I always without fail stop at the ladies room on my way to the service. I noticed today how much I look forward to opening that door.
It smells much like Starbucks because we do have a coffee shop and book store inside called The Source where you can purchase coffee, pastries and other tasty treats. And if you arrive early enough for the service, there are volunteers at several stations serving up complimentary coffees and bagels or treats. I used to be a Bagel Lady - that's what I called myself. I was one of the volunteers and helped fill huge dispensers with water with slices lemons or strawberries floating in it when I wasn't handing out the bagels or pouring up coffee. I plan on volunteering again soon.
But I don't think it's just the fragrance that enchants me and makes me feel calm and hopeful.
Perhaps it's the people who greet me. Louis Dean has a funny side and he has long said - as soon as we start the walk across the parking lot - "Look at the teeth!! Look at all the TEETH!!"
He means everyone is smiling as they greet people. Last year he had most of his teeth crowned and he told Dr. Joe - "Now I can go to church and show my teeth!"
I'll be honest in that I often arrive after all the 'teeth' have gone into the I guess it's not that. Maybe it's the sense of excitement I feel from all the energy. And at the same time, I feel a peace as I walk down that hall. I am where I want to be. Where I need to be. And I am excited to be there.
For too long I went to church because I was supposed to. I went to church to teach Sunday School and I did enjoy that. But a lot of the time I felt like we were all just 'playing church.'
Fellowship has been a different experience for me and I am so grateful to be back there.
No more changing churches. I am staying put.
Even so, there's not a lot of elderly people there. No, they are more young people and middle aged people and tons of children. That's really good. Older people need to be around young people. I have renewed hope for our country and our world when I see so many energetic youth engaged in the Lord's work. That's a work for everyone - young, old and in between.
I have loved going to church all my life.
Even when I was a young child and was obviously poor - I would take my siblings and we would walk to the closest church. They were mostly Baptist. I can't say we were made to feel welcome at any of them but we went anyway. Then through my 20's to 40's I would go to church even when I didn't feel like it. I found that teaching children was a lot more rewarding than attending adult Sunday Schools. I still have an aversion to that. Amber discovered Fellowship when she was 15 years old and I started attending then. It is a real church with real people and teach about real issues.
Our Cowboy Church did that, too. Lots of churches do. Fellowship is not a one of a kind, I'm sure but it's the one for me.
All of that to say that opening the door there and walking down that hall is a meaningful 'Ah!' moment for me.

Another 'Ah!' moment today came when I got back from church.
I love turning the key in the lock and pushing that door open to my warm cozy home.
I had left the heat unit on in the den and it felt so good to come in. You could still smell the coffee so maybe coffee has more to do with my 'Ah!' moments than I thought!
I guess you could say I'm a sucker for a coffee shop!!

I had some hamburger cooked with onions and peppers ready to use so I added taco seasoning and tomato paste and made Taco Salads for our lunch.

Louis Dean prefers Frito's to tortilla chips.

We sat in the den to eat while we watched a 'Closer' with Kyra Sedgwick.....

I think this is our all time favorite TV program!
Then we both went to bed and slept the rest of the afternoon!
We may be up late tonight. At least until midnight.
Louis Dean is supposed to take his new medicine every 12 hours and the doctor stressed -
take it at the same time every day!
So....I wasn't here when he woke up and he did not take any of his medicine.
I didn't think about it until 3:00 so that's when he took it.
I made him get up out of bed and go get it himself.
Goodness!!! He has GOT to learn to take his medicine!

We may be up late tonight but we need to not dawdle in the morning but get ourselves over to the nursing home to see Lillian.

This is a picture of Louis Dean and Lillian last month when we visited.
She is smiling here but that's just because Louis Dean is hugging her.
She was so depressed when we got there. I could tell the minute I looked at her. She didn't have a speck of make up on and that's just not like her.
The roommate is 'not all there' if you know what I mean and talks all the time to imaginary people. 
Plus she makes such a fuss if Lillian turns her TV on that she has quit watching movies, TV and can't even listen to the radio. No wonder she's depressed!
Nita went over there today and confirmed nothing has changed.
Lillian was just sitting in her chair with the curtain closed so she didn't have to see her roommate.
Nita left to get some chicken and dumplings for Lillian's supper and found her in the community living room when she got back. She ate her meal there and visited with Nita.
Anyway, we are concerned and I would really appreciate your prayers for her and for wisdom for me to know how to help Lillian.


Bluebird49 said...

I'm so sorry to hear Lillian is depressed! It's not hard to get depressed in a nursing home, but she seemed so full of life and happy six months or so ago. A roommate can really be what dictates one's peacefulness in a nursing home, too. I wish the people in charge could pay more attention and try to match people up.I guess there is nobody to ask if that could be rearranged?

I like to cook up about 3 pounds of grand beef cooked up, divided and frozen. Then if I want to fix spaghetti sauce, soup or whatever,(or even what we called "barbecued hamburger"), all I have to do is thaw it out. Can't do that with fried chicken or pork chops, so I do try to think of doing the ground beef when I'm cooking something else. I also like to do enough spaghetti sauce to freeze some for next time, and I like to fix enough soup to freeze as well. We don't eat many desserts, but I do like to try to make it a little easier on myself with entrees. My husband likes a lot of fried foods--which isn't so good for us. At least he will eat spaghetti once a week or so!
I know I couldn't get him to eat taco salad--he already knows he "doesn't like it", even though he's never eaten it! Ha!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is too bad. I am wondering if you might talk to one of the nurses or supervisors about changing her room, or changing the roommate's room. Surely they would do that if it is affecting her health and keeping her from doing things she loves. Your church sounds amazing! And to have a coffee shop they must be fairly big! Phil taught Sunday school for many years. Now he is church administrator and we do our deacon work. It really sounds like this church is a perfect fit for you!

Blondie's Journal said...

I love that slowed down life, and yeah, coffee is like a morning romance for me!!

Sending love for your dear mom. I hope she takes a turn for the better.

Thank you a much loved comment on my blog this morning. You are the best, Linda! :)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

does Lillian have family that can talk to admin about moving her? if not one of you should make them aware of it. so glad you are back at the church you love. sometimes i think coffee smells better than it tastes. and i do love the taste of coffee... when i open a new can, i do deep sniffs of it...

Vee said...

Nursing homes...I could rant a good long time on that topic. Poor Lillian! Her circumstances are impossible. Who is responsible for her? A daughter? Son? Whoever it is needs to get on the ball and insist that something change there, After all, I remember when she was moved because your mom was too much for her. We have ongoing issues such as this with my sister-in-law and it makes me so sad for her. Yes, I believe in prayer and I know that Jesus is the answer to every dilemma.

I enjoyed reading your descriptions of places that make you feel welcomed. I smiled. I don’t feel that way when I go to such places, but I have felt that way in people’s homes or even their blogs. Here, for instance.

Yes, Louis Dean may have to resort to living by the alarm clock. I would ask the doc about the specific situation you mentioned because, surely, you don’t want to follow that ungodly schedule. 😳

Love you guys! Have a fabulous day! Tell Lillian to keep looking up! People are praying for her.

Estelle's said...

Linda...I loved seeing and reading about LD's granddaughter's can see the happiness on his face and hers too! I hope they are able to visit more often. You were the ultimate hostess as you always are. We need to stay by the fireside today....darn winter!!

Susie said...

Linda, I guess you may have to make a sign saying"take your meds" Ted has a small trinket dish he places his meds to take, for that dose. . But since his illness I am the pill pusher. I have forgotten my own ,reminding him, and tending to him. LOL. That is sad about Lillian. I wish they could take the other lady to another room. I feel that if people have to share a room...they should be like minded. I hope Lillian will go to the common rooms , rather than sit behind pulled curtains. She could sit where she could enjoy people come and going, or near a window to bird watch. Better than withdrawing. Hope all is good there. We are still waiting for word from the bone marrow clinic. Blessings to all. Love you, xoxo, Susie

Arlene G said...

We have been at out church for 25 years. This weekend we had missions conference which I look forward to as I love meeting the missionaries and hearing their stories. Maybe some ear plugs for Lillian's tv would allow her to watch without bothering her room mate. It really is sad when little thing are taken away. I often use my earplugs in y computer. I hope they can move Lillian to another room with someone more with it.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I agree with Vee! Someone needs to advocate for poor Lillian and please do tell her we are praying for her situation. Poor dear. Also if Lillian has a newer tv it may have bluetooth capability and she could get wireless headphones!

Louis Dean will have to make it a habit to take his daily medicines. I take thyroid medicine everyday.

I'm so glad you've settled into the church that suits you. When we left our church of 10 years last year, we thought it would take a long time to find a new church, and I was dreading it. But God brought us to our new church after visiting a different church for a few months, and now we are where we know we should be!

Have a great day!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Those Ahhhh moments certainly do make a difference. I've attended the same church for over 50 years and have never been tempted to go any place else. I was married there and for me it is home. I missed going yesterday due to a party I want to out of town, but most every Sunday that is where you will find me. Sounds like you are doing what you can to cheer up Lillian. Thankfully she has a friend in you. Everyone needs to know that someone cares. It would be good for her to spend more time in the community room and not in her room. I hope your visit goes well.

obscure said...

Poor Lillian!
It doesn't seem right that someone as vital and full of life as she should have a roommate in that state but maybe there isn't someone more else impaired that they could match the roommate to. You are all so lovely to keep caring for her

Beth said...

Has Lillian or her family requested a room change? I would say, request, request, request and when there is an opening for her to move, hopefully they will do that. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. And don't just request from the nurse's aides. Request from the charge nurse, DON, even administrator. I pray things will get better for Lillian.

Cheapchick said...

Poor Lilian, no ideas there other than she might consider buying a tablet for her entertainment with headphones or music. That would require embracing new technology though and she might not be into that. I would recommend setting an alarm on your cell phone to remind both you and LD it is time to take his meds. I do this all the time now, just a thought. It is super easy to both set and shut off (not sure what kind of cell phone you have but almost all of them have that option)

photowannabe said...

It's so interesting reading about all your highs and lows of the day.
It kind of sounds like me a lot of the time.
Finding a church that's a good fit can be difficult but it sure feels good when one does.
We do love ours most of the time and we also have a coffee cafe and book store.
Hubby and I have volunteered in various capacities since we started almost 12 years ago.
Serving is an awesome pick me up.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I am sorry that she is depressed too...that's no way to live out the last years of your life. Could she use ear buds to listen to tv or the radio? If she can't change room mates, she needs to do something to enjoy the things that bring her joy. Sweet hugs, Diane

stumblingondreams said...

So sorry to hear about Lillian; but absolutely loved reading about your "ahh" moments! Thanks so much for sharing!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my gosh we have a lot in common. We love the Closer too. I love the smell of Starbucks - just like Heaven. And our church is mostly older which is ad - but I love it and all my friends. Love, sandie

Carole said...

checking out your doings is one of my 'ah' moments. I hope Lillian's situation can be improved... is there a day room where she can be without her roommate for some of the time. I wonder if noise cancelling headphones might work to keep the roommate undisturbed by the tv?? Cheers

Wanda said...

I love Ahhh moments too. I have given up Starbucks because of the expennse, except when I get the urge that won't go away. My daughter noticed this and she gave me a $50 gift card...what a daughter. Also my dearest loves their little pitite vanilla scones. So I use my card cauciouly. haha.

Church has been a part of my life since I was 3 and my parents became Christians. When I was a teenage I comitted my life to full time Christian Service if the Lord willed. And he did. I went to Bible College, met my dearest who preparing for the ministry as a preacher....and the rest is historyl. over 50 years serving in churches. And even now as retired....still serving the Lord at our local church.

Thanks gain for sharing your life.


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sady, I do not know what advice to offer that could improve Lillian’s situation other than what so many others have suggested. It is so unfortunate that her quality of life is suffering and she is so miserable.

Judy said...

Poor Lillian! That seems so unfair. I will also pray about her situation. Ahhhh.

The smell of coffee does it for me as well! I don't often visit Starbuck's but I agree it is hard to pass by without going in! As for a warm and welcoming church...we have been at the same church all of our years! It has always felt like home to me...and I hope it feels that way to others who come through the doors. The Word is clearly spoken...and the coffee in the foyer is always great too.

Debbie said...

there are so many coffee loving bloggers, i love my sweet tea, hot or cold!!!

that taco salad looks delicious....

and lillian looks like she's in love!!!