Monday, March 4, 2019

A Good Day With Lillian!

It is with a happy heart that I sit here tonight to recount my day.
We arrived at the nursing home around 1:30 fully expecting to spend the whole afternoon.

I arrived with a plate of spice cake with brown sugar frosting and pumpkin muffins for the nurses.
This was my first stop and I inquired about Lillian. I thought it was good to let them know we are paying attention and realize what a stressful situation Lillian is in.
Mother was her roommate for more than a year and towards the end she was so mean to Lillian they had to move Mother to another room. After several months, they moved a new roommate in with Lillian and she didn't stay very long. Not even a week but it was not because they didn't get along. The lady wanted to go back to her old room and so they let her. Then for months Lillian had no roommate and that was just fine with everyone. Then this lady - Betty - moved in with a lot of furniture and debris.
She yells at imaginary people and gets angry if Lillian turns the TV on.
Lillian is not hard to get along with. She is kind and long suffering. No one is perfect but Lillian is not the problem here. So.....when the nurse told me that Lillian could not get along with any of her roommates - I had to speak up and remind her that my mother had been her roommate and we have been around and know that it's not Lillian who can't get along with people.
It's best to stay nice and not get any one's dander up so I was very careful and I thanked them for all they do and assured them we would do our best to cheer Lillian up.

I dress up when we visit the nursing home. Back when I taught children in Sunday School, I always wore my best. Fur coat ( I had a white mink jacket back then that was beautiful!) and nice clothes. Jewelry and perfume.  By dressing up I think the kids knew how special they were to me. The residents at the nursing home deserve to be treated special and I do my part by dressing up. Besides - it makes ME feel better when I look nice. 

Louis Dean set up his music in the common living room and I went in to see Lillian.
She was in bed but when she saw me, she got up and gave me the biggest hug.
We sat side by side talking for a good little while.
I checked her fridge to see if she had eaten the food I had left the last time I was there.
She still had a frozen shrimp cocktail ring so I took it out and ran warm water over it and left it to thaw while we went down to hear some music.

Louis Dean started telling her some of his stories and she was laughing and smiling and having a good time! I was so happy!

Louis Dean had a ball today!!

He found a French harp player!
David is a resident there on hospice and he loves music!
He didn't have his French harps at the home with him but he sang along on some of the songs.

Lillian loved listening to them!

We took a break and I wheeled her back to the room where we ate some of that shrimp cocktail. 
She dearly loves that!
 I needed to go to the grocery store and pick up a few things to restock her fridge. Louis Dean wanted to go to a music shop and buy David some French harps (harmonicas). I told them we would be gone about an hour and off we went.
I stopped at Aldi on Hulen then we went on down to the Guitar Center.

While Louis Dean was in there, I shopped Tuesday Morning and found some good coffee and tea.

By the time we got back they were serving dinning in the dining room.
David wanted him to set up his music in there. We were like dinner entertainment. 
Louis Dean loves nothing better in this whole wide world than an audience and tonight he had one!
David played the French harp and Louis Dean sparkled and shined!
So did Lillian.

We ended the music set with a duet....

I am not a singer by any stretch of the imagination but we do have fun with this song!
It was a great way to close out the music.

Roberta's room was empty when we arrived today but we met her daughter in the dining room and she said Roberta had just been released and was back.
Her daughter said that Roberta wanted to see us so after we told Lillian goodbye, we went down there. We had visited for a few minutes when Lillian came in.

This was the sweetest scene.
Two gracious ladies......
tears sprang up in my eyes seeing them together like this.

It was hard to leave. 
But we had been there over 5 hours and we still had to go to the gym and walk before going home.

The update regarding Lillian's situation is this.....
Mark - the social worker, and Virginia - the administrator - came in to talk to her and said they would come back after her 'company' left. We assured them this would be a good time to talk because we were good friends with Lillian. Bottom line - they are moving both Lillian and Betty.
Change is a good thing and it is best to roll with it. Everything changes so we must accept that.
Lillian is now actually excited about going to a new room.
I teased her and said maybe she would get one that you didn't have to hold the toilet handle down the whole time for the commode to flush! She laughed and laughed!
Mark told me they would be moving this week. 
I assured Lillian we will be back next Thursday after we come home from the ranch and I will fluff up and do whatever needs to be done to make her new room the way she wants it.

Thank you all for the great suggestions about earphones and such.
Louis Dean is going to get some before we come back.
They will come in handy no matter what room she's in or who her new roommate is.
We found out that her daughter cut the cell phone off because she can't afford it.
A granddaughter said she would get her one. If that doesn't happen in the near future, we may just add her to our phone plan.

So that's my  happy ending tonight!!

I'll leave you with this......


This should say the same week!

It was 23 degrees when we woke up this morning!


Catsngrams said...

What special people you are. So many of our elders do not get any visitors. Taking your time to go visit and play for them is a blessing beyond blessings. Your good people.


Vee said...

Ahhh...diplomacy! It’s a good thing! Didn’t work in my situation yesterday, but then I didn’t have you for a diplomat nor had I baked cake. 😉 So glad for a change in Lillian’s situation and I pray that it will make a big difference for her. Louis Dean was in his element!

DUTA said...

Echoing Carla - you are blessing beyond blessing!

Susie said...

Linda, That is good news about Lillian. I am so glad you were there for her. LD does look very happy. I loved the picture of Lillian laughing . You certainly made her day. You look beautiful in your picture with the scarf. Be safe and enjoy the time at the ranch. Blessings, xoxo,love you, Susie

Arlene G said...

I think it is so good that you all visit the nursing home and bring joy to the staff and the residents.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a great day you had! It is time spent that you will never regret. I'm thinking you not only cheered Lilian up but a whole lot of others too. Hope you have a terrific Tuesday too!

Mrs.T said...

So thankful to hear that Lillian will be able to move to a new room! Good too that Roberta is back.

Linda, I was just thinking this morning what a blessing it is that you and Louis Dean are using so many of the gifts and talents God has given you to make a difference at the nursing home. What an encouragement to those dear residents!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am so glad this story has a happy ending, God bless you and LD for all you do at the home and for caring so much about the residents and staff. I know from personal experience how much the residents love visits and music. wow on your weather

Changes in the wind said...

A special day for all. Am sure Lillian is grateful to have your love and care. So many elders don't have loved ones to care for them.

Tina said...

You are both just the best! You're doing so much to make all of the residents' lives better and that is the most wonderful thing! If more people in the world thought about others as much as you and Louis Dean do the world would be a much better place! Have a terrific Tuesday!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That really is ALL good news! It makes a difference to have an advocate and you and Louis Dean are the best! I'm glad you're both on MY side! Sweet hugs!

Ginny Hartzler said...

You two are absolute ANGELS!! With your sparkly laugh, and Louis Dena's stories and music, you would make anyone feel so good! You are definitely putting the gifts God gave you to work!! You are so pretty in the leather jacket and leopard scarf. I wait to see all about Lillian's new room. I hope it goes well, especially with a possible new roommate.

Teresa P said...

God Bless you and Louis Dean for all the wonderful, thoughtful and loving things you do for others! Both my husbands late grandmother and mother were in assisted living/rehab facilities before their deaths and regular visits from outsiders whether singing groups, youth groups, friends and loved ones make all the difference in the world to their well-being.

My husbands late grandmother was in a private room so roommates weren't a issue but we had continuous problems and issues with some of the roommates they paired my late MIL with. Sometimes, it was my MIL causing the problems other times it was the roommate. One roommate would take my MILs things and hide them on her side of the room. We did a lot of roommate shuffling over the years! Thankfully, we got her paired with a sweet, quiet women and they got along very well.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

That is answered prayer about Lillian! I think we all felt defensive when the nurse indicated that Lillian is the problem! Glad that situation is changing, and I’m going to pray that she will have a sweet and fun roommate!

You and Louis Dean are a blessing! You’ll have to get someone to take a video of you to singing a duet!

Bluebird49 said...

I just want to echo what everyone else has said!! It's a tightrope walk to try to see all sides, but when the nurses like the family and friends of a resident, it seems they pay more attention. A lot of us have been through having family in a nursing home, and there is very little that is fun about it. I know they loved having entertainment. Mama always went down to the main room when music came, or they played bingo. It's a bit hard to even talk about, because I miss her so.
The people who don't have family or advocates coming in or checking on them often sometimes get a little lost. My brother and I went nearly everyday, but rarely can you get someone moved out of the room. It's good to hear they will try. I pray Lillian will like her new room, and have a good roommate! I'm so sorry to hear her daughter turned her phone off. I payed for Mama's phone -- it was her lifeline, and we always called each other, especially before she went to bed.
I know Lillian is resting better now. All we all need is to know someone cares enough about us to listen and treat us like we're someone a little special, and Lillian is!
I'm so glad Louis got some friends to play with. My husband likes to play music, but loves it when his friends get together with him to play!!
Hope you can visit the ranch soon!

Carole said...

So glad things are going to improve for Lillian. You are a great friend to have. Cheers

photowannabe said...

Oh Linda, you and your precious husband have such servants hearts.
PTL for Lillian getting moved and that she is happy about that.
You are making her last years some of her best years.
You wrote on my blog post that TIME was the greatest gift...
Yes it is and you give that gift to those in the Home too.
Stay warm and enjoy your time at the ranch.

Wanda said...

Linda you and Louis Dean are angels in human skin! How you must bring the Father Glory with your love and visits to Lilliian. I visited a lady for years in a nursing home when we lived up North. Elizabeth, we bacame so close she became my second mother....I has passed so many years before and I so missed her. Elizabeth met a need in me....and I in her as she didn't have many visitors.

God bless you both!!

Chatty Crone said...

I loved all your story but I was so happy they moved poor Lillian!

jujupage1 said...

Glad you spent so much time with the people at the nursing home. I'm sure you were great company to them! :)

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh Linda, I can't tell you how much I love you for being such a kind & compassionate human being! Louis Dean too! In the midst of a discouraging world, YOU are the bright beautiful sun!!!! Love, Andrea xoxo

Lisa said...

Lillian is so pretty! What a great precious friend you are. I would hope that if I ever have to go to a nursing home, Someone like you and Dean will be there to entertain me and make me laugh.

Debbie said...

it is so wonderful that you have continued your relationships and visits with the nursing home. you and ld, special people who brighten the day for many people!!

bj said...

You have to be the most caring and loving person on the planet. I know Lillian loves you like a daughter.
And, you found a jewel when you met LD...he seems so sweet and fun loving..and I think your marriage was made in heaven.
I am still planning on calling you when I come to will be sometime this summer...when I go to daughter's lake house at PK, she and I are planning to come see you
I will get your phone number before we come.
Love to you.