Thursday, September 6, 2018

Preparing for an Adventure!! Wednesday and Thursday.....

We had a scare with Mother on Wednesday.
Deanie called me - and my siblings - in late morning and said that Mother had been unresponsive and the chaplain and hospice had been called. They said Deanie should call us to come up there and I was throwing my clothes on and telling Louis Dean to get dressed - but before we were out the door - Deanie called back and said, "Mother woke up." This is the second time this has happened and bless Deanie's heart for having to go through this twice - so far.

I regrouped and went about my Wednesday.
It was a packing and preparing day for us.

To cheer myself up, I plugged up the grape lights I bought last week and put along the back of the living room sofa. Doesn't everyone have pretty lights in unexpected places??

 Louis Dean helped me hang the second strand up in the gazebo.
Those brown patches of duct tape are covering hail damage holes from a few months ago.

The cicadas - or locusts - as I call them - are giving their last hurrah's this month!
I always remember the very first one of the year.....but you seldom remember the last one.

I packed, cleaned and baked yesterday.

I decided on a Dr Pepper Cake to take to the nursing home.
Mike had mentioned the other day how much Amber loves a Dr Pepper Cake so I guess that's what put it in my mind - and I am so going to bake one especially for her when we get back from our trip.
This 'Dr Pepper' cake was made with a can of Cocoa Cola instead!
It tasted every bit as good.

Summer arrived last night and she is going to stay here at our house while we are away.
What a blessing she is to us to do this!

She was happy to see her Granny and her Granny was thrilled to see her first born grandchild.

Summer brings joy and laughter everywhere she goes......
Her smile is magic!

This is Mother laughing!!!
We had such a good visit!

I am fully aware that this may very well be my very last visit with Mother.

But maybe not! 
Mother is as healthy as any 92 year old could hope to be.
Still, she is looking forward to heaven.
Yesterday she even packed a bag.
It touched my heart to see what she had packed in it.
Summer gently told her that she can't take that with her.........
and Mother seemed to understand.

Summer and Charlie both need our prayers.
Summer smiles and you would think all is well .....and it is .....with her soul.
Not so much with her body.
After years of gets hard.
Hard to cope with people - friends and family - that think she should be 'well' by now.
She isn't.
 Still  - she has such a tender heart for her family and does everything she can to stay a part of all that we do. As in today and going with me to visit the nursing home.
And Charlie was in the Emergency Room last week.
He has a heart valve problem that will eventually require an extensive and complicated surgery to correct and the timing is crucial. Which leads to extra anxiety.

I was so happy to get to visit with Deanie!!
She and I went down to a public room where we could talk privately.
Deanie is the one who bears the most responsibility for Mother as in legal terms.
That's a pretty heavy burden.
I do so love my sister and admire her for all she has done for Mother.
She goes the extra mile in all that she does.

In my heart of hearts I truly hope that I am here when Mother passes.
Not so much for my sake or for Mother's sake.....but because I want to be with Lanita, Deanie
and Lonnie during that time.

 There is other family....other children - Shari and Luann - and nieces and a nephew and grandchildren and great grandchildren - and perhaps friends......
but only the four of us have this special lifelong history with Mother.
And if I am away and not here to support them.....I will mourn that.

Summer and I had a good visit and said our goodbyes.

When I visit the nursing home - the first place I go is to Lillian's room.
She is such a comfort to my soul.
I leave my purse and 'stuff' in her room and we make it our headquarters.
I do so love Lillian.
I call her during the week and check up on her and once Mother is gone - I will still be visiting the Trail Lake Nursing Home every week to see Lillian. 
Louis Dean has gathered quite a following there and loves to play and sing for the ladies.

Another favorite is Roberta who is 100 years old and a classy lady.
I want to be just like her.

Summer and I left the nursing home in Fort Worth - stopped by Hobby Lobby - and then drove back to Irving in a stormy rain complete with lightning and thunder!
I visited Reaoma and told her about my trip and that I will be gone for three weeks but I am coming back.

Can I tell you something? 
Visiting Reaoma is harder than visiting Mother.
I love Mother but you expect to lose your mother in your lifetime.
Reaoma is my friend.
You don't expect to lose your friend.
I lost Connie and I lost Carol.
That was hard.
Reaoma is closer to my age and my heart breaks for her.
It hurts but I have no choice - I love her. She is and has been my friend and is so important to me.

I admit I limped home tonight.

Louis Dean had made tuna salad for sandwiches and we watched a Closer - we love Kyra Sedgewick!

It was a comforting kind of evening.
He and I sat in the gazebo as the rain poured down and had a glass of wine.

Our bags were packed - and are now repacked!
Both of them topped 50 pounds and when I called American Airlines I found that overweight bags are charged $100 EACH!!! It was cheaper to add another bag for $35 and that took care of all my problems! 
SO! I am off to bed and hope to post again from Seattle.
 We fly out in the early afternoon and I am so excited!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Hooray, time for your big adventure!! I love your couch!Is is so deep, lush, and beautiful. And you even have a fall chandelier now! It is so nice that Summer will be staying there, now you will not have to worry about the house or mail. Wonderful pictures of you with you & your mom, Roberta, and Lillain. Only God knows when your mom's time will come. But in a way, it would be so much harder if you actually KNEW when! It is such a huge blessing to me that we cannot see the future. I really don't understand why people want to know it.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

You are READY and tomorrow is the DAY. Linda, you and LD have the best trip and visits every. Summer is looking after your home, your family will keep you in touch with everything and you NEED this holiday. Thanks you for sharing today, love to you always.

Bluebird49 said...

Sounds like you managed to have a very busy, emotional week. You will need this vacation and do so hope youall will be safe and can post as often as you can!

Kathy said...

Like the others said, this is a vacation you desperately need. Have a fun and relaxing time. It came so fast! I am so looking forward to seeing and hearing about all that you and LD do.

Carol said...

I am so excited for you to be leaving on your vacation! You and LD both need to take some time to rest. It is extremely nice that Summer is staying at your home to watch over it while you are away. I love the fact that you two are so close. Enjoy the trip, but when you get back I NEED the recipe for Dr. Pepper cake!!!!!

Susie said...

Linda, I wish my grandson wasn't so busy, I would have him met you in Seattle and give you and LD a hug. I enjoyed all the pictures. I like hearing about your mother and the ladies, I pray for them. Beautiful smiling Summer, so special. I know her being in the house while you are away takes a lot of worry off your mind. I hope that she could maybe visit everyone for you while you are on the trip. This is an adventure of a lifetime, so relax and enjoy it all. Take care of each other and please don't forget we all love you. One day we may have to wear all the clothes we want on our trip, just pile them on and weight 30-50 pounds more and not pay the luggage charges. LOL Blessings to you and LD, love you, xoxo, Susie

Vee said...

Praying for God’s lerfect timing in all things. Try not to let the cares burden you on your vacation. It is for you and Louis Dean and your friends. Have a delightful time. I dare not hope to hear from you while you are away. ☺️

Tina said...

So excited for you to leave on this wonderful adventure of a lifetime! Take lots of pictures and post when you can! I'm so glad that your visit with your mom was a pleasant one with lots of laughter, that must do your heart good. Bless Summer for staying at your house for you, I know that must set your mind at ease! Just have a super trip, you both deserve it!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your adventure is finally here, have a wonderful time, and so glad you got to visit all your friends and family and say good bye to your mother, for just in case. good idea on the 3rd bag.. Prayers for Summer and her chronic pain, and God bless her beautiful smile for always shininig through that pain

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Glad you got to visit your loved ones before the trip and happy that your daughter will be there to look after your home while you are gone. I do hope you have a wonderful trip and can post as you go. Will be looking forward to hearing about your big adventure !

Changes in the wind said...

I am hoping this trip is all you hope for it to be. I know you will take lots of pictures so that we can join along on your adventure.

Chatty Crone said...

I am sorry about your mom I hope she doesn't do that again. I wish you and Dean the best trip ever!

Shirley said...

Linda, I am so excited about your trip and would love to be a stowaway and go with you all. I know that you will have fun, but I also know you will be thinking about your mother while you are gone. It is hard when you know it is a matter of time, but you need to do other things and this trip will be so exciting. I am glad you have someone staying at your house because the world that we live in is so different while we grew up. Take care and take lots of pictures. Hugs and prayers from your Missouri Friend Shirley

Carole said...

Linda, I feel that your mother and all your friends want so much for you to have a lovely vacation that they will all wait to see you back - you deserve this break. I hope you enjoy each and every moment of it. Cheers