Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Tuesday's Treasures.....

My Tuesday Treasures were purchased on Monday!

I replaced the winter wreath on the front door facing Mr. Jackson's cows with this one. 
It is missing one piece of fruit and I happen to have several extras at home!

 I never pass on buying a pretty pumpkin!

This is a sweet basket.....

Louis Dean and I were so excited about finding this baker's rack for just $20!
It will 'live' against the end wall after we get said wall up!
The rack was at one Goodwill and then we bought all the baskets and storage things at the 'Hot Goodwill.' That's what it's called! You fill your buggy up and then they weigh it! $1.49 a pound and I bought 12 pounds worth!
The glassware is priced at 10 pieces - doesn't matter what as long as it's breakable - for $1.99.
I bought 8 small wineglasses plus one big one that Louis Dean picked out.

This will make a great place to keep cooking supplies that I use to make meals in the new room.

These two wooden folding chairs from Ikea will come in handy for extra seating.
I bought both of them for just under $10! The hole in the back allows you to hang them on the wall for easy storage.

We had big plans for working today but woke up to chilly temps and high winds.

Louis Dean did some sorting and organizing while I did housework.
You have to keep things tidy in such a small place and I cleaned out the storage areas over the top of the couch and table.

We watched a movie and that was a good way for me to work and stay entertained at the same time.
Louis Dean had never seen this movie before!

We put together the picnic table on Sunday evening. 
We're going to use this a lot!

I can do my art, my sewing, crafts and all sorts of things here.....not to mention it's a great place to eat our meals.

Late this afternoon I went for a walk about.
I fed corn husks to the horses and food scraps to the goats and chickens.

These three look like they're in jail!

I forgot to ask Sherry tonight about the four new black chickens down there. 
That's what the three in prison were looking at!

I love the colors of spring.
Texas may not have fall color but we do have lots of spring green and blue skies.

Thumper missed out on the scraps tonight.
I didn't know where he was until I walked up to the big tank.

He's such a pretty goat and I felt bad about not having treats for him.

I always wonder what lives in the holes I see.

MiMi posed nicely for me as I was walking back up to the camper.
Yesterday I wore nice clothes and makeup.

Today I wore my Bag Lady Outfit.
I may be painting tomorrow so I probably won't be wearing my real clothes until Saturday when we go home.

Dean and Sherry went to look at tractors after they got off work this afternoon.
I made dinner for all of us - a glorified Hamburger Helper dish and corn of the cob - while they were gone.

I set out a cheese and cracker tray and a veggie plate with dip to have with our 'cocktails.'
Louis Dean's fancy new glass is on the left and you can tell which one is mine.
I made wine spritzers using a little bit of Concord Grape wine and HEB 0 Calorie flavored water over ice. It tasted like a spring drink!

Louis Dean wore his old work clothes today like I did.
We do make a pair!

When Dean and Sherry got back, we all gathered in the camper and ate dinner together.
It's nice to sit around and visit a bit while we eat.
For some reason all of us were especially tired tonight.
Perhaps it's Spring Fever since today was the first day of spring.
Whatever it is - we are calling it a night.
Louis Dean is already in bed. He said he would be asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.
I told him I wouldn't be far behind him and he said, "No, you will be right beside me!"
It's still chilly so I'm glad he will already have the bed warm with the heated throw I gave him last year.


Ginny Hartzler said...

You made the best haul EVER! Amazing that you found a baker's rack, and look at those two big beautiful baskets! I do believe that Texas Goodwills are much bigger and better than ours. I would NEVER find all these things on one day, let alone in a week of shopping. I love the corrugated pumpkin, and the wreath is awesome. We are snowing heavily right now. By tomorrow night it will be up to 7 inches.

BeachGypsy said...

Howdy my fellow night-owl! I have so enjoyed the past few posts with all the gorgeous pictures you take in the country, you have had some especially nice ones lately! I love seeing your treasures you find at the thrift stores...I usually forget to post mine! But I go all the time, I love finding neat things there! Have fun painting!

Estelle's said...

Looks like you found some great treasures and had another wonderful day down at the ranch....LD looks pooped! Love that countryside!!!

Susie said...

Linda, You and LD got some good finds at the goodwill. I thought LD looked tired in his chair...He was ready to put in hard days work and had to sort and clean, which was probably somewhat boring for that hard working man. :):) You know how he is. I laughed about you saying you would wear your real clothes on Saturday. I wear old things when I paint too. Blessings to all of you, love, xoxo, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we both love the patriot, have seen it maybe 4 times since it came out. about time to see it again. i have never heard of a hot goodwill and that is pretty amazing. wow. i used to buy sweat pants and sweat shirts by the pound when we lived in st Petersburg. bob still wears them and they are 33 years old... of course he only wears them 2 weeks a year here. LOL

Anonymous said...

what great finds!! That bakers rack will come in very handy,, I love your work clothes, I live in what you call bag lady attire lol,, I'm always mucking about in something and it saves my good clothes lol,, thank you for sharing this with us today,,take care,

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'd say you have every right to be tired out. One thing about nicer weather we do more and get more outside time and fresh air. That always makes for a good night's sleep for me. Truly I really never have trouble sleeping and always get a refreshing 8 hours or more. I love that bakers rack and could use one here, but only if I can find one like you did for $20. That was a find ! Work should be done in old clothes and also when painting. As hard as I try some paint always lands where it shouldn't. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

That hot GW sounds amazing! Good finds!

I love how you enjoy your life to the fullest.

Debbie said...

i admire your ability to and strength to go back and forth to the ranch and home, i could never do that. i always felt like it would be hard to have 2 homes, where do you keep your "favorite things" your "favorite memories"! and you go back and forth so frequently - you must really love both places!!

i have never been to a goodwill in my life. i am curious about them after reading your posts, we have one now in town...but i am trying to lessen my load, downsize. i don't think now would be a good time to start!! the bakers rack was a good find!!

Arlene G said...

I always enjoy checking in with two of the busiest people I know!! Looks like a good haul this week!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Lots of great finds and the Baker's Rack is awesome. They are so useful!!

Cheapchick said...

That was a great thrift store haul, love your new wreath

Judy said...

I've just spent the last half hour catching up on all the posts I have missed. From thrift store treasure hunts to building on to your camper and enjoying the delights of country living...it is always fun to see what you are up to. :) Have a wonderful day.

Debbie said...

You sure did find some wonderful things to fill your space, and make your home a pleasure to abide in. Love all the pictures of your sweet critters. What a cozy country life you live, Linda.

Vee said...

Always creating home... that’s you! It is a high calling and you do it well. Keep having fun!

Carole said...

Yay for bag lady clothes - it is such a relief not to have to make an effort ... Cheers