Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Clean House to Come Home To and One more Visit With Reaoma Before We Go - to the COUNTRY!

It got cold last night! Down in the 30's so this was a perfect morning for a fire.

The first and last fires of the season are the best.

One of my favorite moments of a day......Stupor Time!
Some days this lasts longer than others.

I rallied around and cleaned up the den while watching a Fixer Upper.
It was the second show of this last season where Chip and Joanne are giving out hints of a fifth pregnancy. I'm going to be going to Magnolia next week and hopefully to the cafe that is now open on the Circle.

I like to leave the house clean when we go to the ranch.

The table is set for Good Friday dinner when we return at the end of the month.

When we left last time - in January - I left the house much as it was on Christmas Eve.

All the trees were still up and decorated and it looked like we were just starting the Christmas Season when we got back home.

I will never do THAT again!

It took two weeks to undecorate and another week to clean and then a couple more weeks to put out my spring and Easter things. If it wasn't for cleaning and decorating, why, I'd have nothing to do!

The den was done and I ate a bite of lunch before picking Pam (Reaoma's daughter) up and we went to see her mom.

Reaoma has always loved the sunshine.
Today we walked the halls while they were cleaning the carpet in her apartment.
I found a sweet spot where she could feel the sun on her face without it being in her eyes.

We got a bonus treat this afternoon.
Some of the Thursday night jam session musicians were here to sing and play.

We had a good visit!

There are lots of beautiful things to see here when we walked the halls.

What a treasure!!

I stop to admire this painting every single time I walk past.

Lots of beautiful paintings are on the walls.
Makes me want to do some art!

When I got back home, I hit the floor running!

I cleaned the kitchen and packed up the pantry things to take to the camper with us and even packed my clothes and some movie DVDs and medicine for the next few weeks.

Now I'm so tired I can barely stand up straight!
I think Louis Dean and I are going to sit in the den for a little while and then call it a night.
I bet I get up early in the morning!
I have some place I want to be - as soon as possible!!

I'm Going COUNTRY!!!


Kathy said...

I saw on the show that Magnolia now has a bakery. I envy you being able to visit the Silos. Have lots of fun in the country. I know you will.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love how you put the egg wreath around the base of your lamp! I would never have thought of that. Everything looks beautiful, springlike, and ready to leave for the country! Where you will see REAL peeps and Easter bunnies.

Blondie's Journal said...

You never stop!

Safe travels!

Jane X

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Safe journey Linda and LD, have a wonderful trip there, share lots of pictures, enjoy, visit, relax, be so happy. Hugs.

Susie said...

Linda, I played your Allen Jackson video. Oh boy that took me back. A fellow at work used to play that all the time. I love it. Glad you are getting to go to the ranch...hope you and LD will relax . You know he's going to want to start working. LOL. Your house looks so comfy and clean. Ted and do our puzzles in the mornings as we watch the news and drink our coffee. :) Blessings to you, Love you guys , xoxo, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love the paintinig in the collage, with the wall and rooster. really beautiful art there, also like the treasured typewriter. i took 2 years of typing in high school, on machine almost like this one. i can still hear the noise they made, unlike the keyboards now. have fun in the country

Jean | said...

I love your expression "stupor time!" I agree with you - always get the house clean and ready for the next event.

Changes in the wind said...

Your visits with your friend are really special and glad you will be able to spend some time in the country again.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You have such a beautiful home. Nice to leave it ready for your return. Good Friday seems so far away but really it is not. Hope you have some good weather there in the country. We are snow covered once again here and expecting more.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Have a wonderful time! I'm envious of your visit to Magnolia! What fun that will be!

Lisa said...

I love to watch Chip and Joanna Gains! They are hilarious! Maybe you will run into them.

Carole said...

Wishing you lots of relaxing times down at the ranch. Cheers

Vee said...

Enjoy the ranch! Home will be so nice to return to. But I know that you left the ranch in fine shape so will find it nice to return to as well.

Carol said...

I know you will love getting back to the country! I truly don't know how you get so much done. Of course, I have the grand doll each day and work so I am rarely home alone.

Carla said...

I envy you your time in the country. I enjoy my single day or weekends when I get them. I know when we get there and even now there's work but it's so relaxing. That was an old typewriter