Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Cleaning up the Gardens!

Today was another work day but this time we went to the back yard!

My herb garden is alive and well with the odd strands of ground cover creeping over the top.
I forget what that stuff is called but it has pretty little bluish purple flowers and grows like crazy.
I bought ONE plants years and years ago and it has multiplied itself over and over and over!

Louis Dean's garden area is completely grown over with weeds but they are the kind that pull up easily! Thank goodness. That part of the yard was not on my agenda for today but when he asked me if I was game to help him, I couldn't refuse. He drops everything anytime I ask him for help.

We got a bonus!
All these onions and more were in amongst the weeds!
I have plenty for a potato salad I'm going to be making for a gathering at Nita's on Saturday.
For lunch we had sandwiches and a fresh green onion that tasted just like spring!

This is the ground cover I was talking about!
It's everywhere! But only here in the back yard.

Dianthus is wonderful about coming back each year.
Not all of them do but some!
These live in our first fire pit that we couldn't bring ourselves to put on the curb.
Instead we filled it with potting soil and planted these pretty things.
They just keep coming back!

Our chives are looking healthy and I was happy to see these other perennials come back.
I forget the names of things but Louis Dean especially loves whatever they are!

Our back pond is gurgling away as I sit inside the sewing room at my desk writing.
I love the overgrown English garden look!
The only fly in the buttermilk is that pesky Seven Sister Rose bush back there that sends out such long spikes of thorny growth and precious few roses. Louis Dean ordered this online and I do not think it is a REAL bonafide Seven Sister Rose bush!

I don't think that big bush is a red tipped photinia like I thought I had planted but whatever it is seems to be healthy and growing well!

It was a good day to work outside and pull weeds.
While it never poured down rain, the air stayed wet all day long.
The weeds came up easily and we ended up getting soaking wet by the time it was all done.
Actually, it wasn't ALL done. We just had to stop because we got too tired.

This was our movie of the day and my first time to see it!
It was a really good story and I love Jimmy Stewart!
Filmed in 1965! I guess they don't make westerns anymore, do they?

In other news......

Dean posted this on his Facebook page this morning.
I am missing the country.

This is Dean's garden area.......
pretty wet but the ducks are happy.
Is that an egg I see?

I managed to clean up the gazebo tonight before I started writing my journal post.
Tomorrow will be a grocery shopping, cooking and baking day.
Good Friday is coming........


Ginny Hartzler said...

And I believe I saw this movie in 1965, or somewhere around that time. I love it because it is filmed where we live. Your garden is so charming!!!

Bluebird49 said...

I know we saw that movie many years ago, and we enjoyed it. You and LD stay in busy mode all the time, but you play as hard as you work!!
I wish we were able to get half as much done in a week as you do in two days!! I guess the aging process for me was quicker, but you're a champ and so is Louis Dean. I so hope you two keep going and going like this.

Susie said...

Linda, I think that was a lot of work even if the weeds come up easy. I have so much clean up around here, inside and out. Ted's too busy with that trailer to help. Gee girl, I will be glad when that is over and done . LOL. Funny you eat those onions. I have always liked green onions, but one would kill me now. :) Are you going to have a garden again this year? It was fun to see the quads help pick the veggie last year. You will have a busy day ahead of you this Thursday. I went to the grocery yesterday and ran into my sister Brenda and a dear friend who retired from the store. So it took longer, from all the talking. LOL Wishing you and LD a great day. Blessings to all, xoxo,love, Susie
p.s. I will keep your sweet Summer in my prayers. She's a tough girl.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It was wonderful to see everything growing there. From past experience I do know how much work it is to get it all cleaned up after the winter. I no longer have flower beds only planters on plant stands these days for me. Won't be able to plant anything in them though till middle of May when we no longer have a chance of frost. You two do make a great team when it comes to getting things done.

Arlene G said...

I am looking forward to all the nice summer fruits and vegetables. Especially Tomatoes...nothing like one grown in a garden.

Carla said...

That bush in the corner looks like a red tip to me and that thing floating does look like an egg. You too are such little energizer bunnies. Hugs

Changes in the wind said...

Your back yard is plant haven...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is a lot of water, we need rain but not THAT much, only the ducks are happy i am betting. all that mucking about in mud. yuck. love all your plants and i did have a few small giggles at the cant' let the old firepit go story. bob loves those onions but i don't eat onions at all

Tina said...

You two are amazing! I hope I have half the energy that you all do when I'm that age! Your yard is looking good, can't wait until it's time to do that in our neck of the woods...winter is going on and on for us this year! Have a wonderful Good Friday get together and a very Happy Easter!

Wanda said...

Your garden areas are so green and full of life and goodies. We love green onions, and I put them in eggs, tuna, and sometimes just lay them on the plate to eat with whatever.
I miss not having a yard, but will continue to thank the Lord for my balcony. I do think I will plant some pots of herbs.

Blessing on all your cooking, and hosting for Easter. Love and Hugs.

Jan said...

I think your ground cover is called Vinca Major Variegata. (Varigated Greater Periwinkle). I'm not a plant expert, I just know because the same thing happened to me. That stuff really takes over!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I am a big Jimmy Stewart fan! Gardens are a lot of work but the beauty of the plants and flowers growing are worth the work!

NanaDiana said...

That is one wet looking planting area!!! That ground cover is in the Vinca family. It is a great ground cover but can go crazy, too. You probably have the perfect weather conditions for it.

I love those old movies. This time of year I love the old Jimmy Stewart movie called Harvey (where he believes in the 7' tall Pooka). One of my all time favorite movies.

Hope you and Louis Dean have a blessed, wonderful Easter. xo Diana

BeachGypsy said...

Howdy there Linda, always enjoy stopping in and seeing what all you and Louis Dean are up to! Like always---y'all have sure been busy! LOl Enjoyed all the pictures and seeing y'all get started on your gardening for this summer. Love love love those green onions, wish I'd find some of those in our garden! Loved reading all about your "Treasure" day...looked like a perfect day to me. The food, the friendship, the thrift store finds, all of it. And how is Summer doing after the shots?---sure hoping the pain has left and she will be feeling so much better and able to be up and around to enjoy Easter this Sunday. I love Easter, it's my favorite.

Eva said...

Yep, your bush is a photinia, or red tip, as we commonly call them. It needs a good haircut to give it some shape, though. You'll get some new pretty red leaves after a cut. They do bloom, although it's not very pretty when they do. I'd also give that seven sisters a big cut, too, to give it a new start, or put something sturdy to train those canes on. Nice to be able to finally get back in the garden, huh? Spring in all its glory!