Sunday, March 25, 2018

Our Saturday and Sunday........

I have a wall!!! At least a piece of a wall!
 The camper and the new room are being joined together at the seams!

I hung my first piece of decoration on it before we left Saturday afternoon.
The wall went up Saturday morning - after I had given up all hope.

The good food was Friday's night celebratory dinner!
Celebrating the brand new shiny red tractor!

Saturday we had our morning routine of coffee and reading minus the extra stupor time.
Louis Dean went out and put up the wall while I prepared the camper for us to go home.
I left the pantry full and made mental notes - of which I most assuredly will forget - of what staples we have on hand for when we return. Tuna, jams, soups, noodles, spices, chili, seasonings, pancake mix, syrup, oatmeal, Hamburger Helpers - they were on sale at Read's for 10 for $10! Coffee, tea, flavored water, Diet Coke, wine - we left our wine for when we get back. Box wine lasts a long time!
Louis Dean filled all our water bottles - the two gallon ones we keep for handy use - from the big 5 gallon bottles. The camper has clean sheets on the beds and the floors were vacuumed.

We closed the door at the north end where we park the truck and 'locked' it.
That means Louis Dean let me out and then he turned the board he has hammered up at an angle that will prevent the door from opening.
On our next trip down we will put in a regular locking door thingy.
It already has a door knob so I think that counts for something.

Dean had gone to work and Sherry was doing tractor stuff.
It was time to say our goodbyes......

It's always more fun to arrive in the country than it is to leave but we have some good things to look forward to. And Louis Dean was really tired. He needs to come home and rest his brain. 

We went the back roads and stopped in Hubbard at The Dairy Queen for an ice cream cone.
We sat out on the patio seating and admired this pretty house across the street while we ate our cones.
I'm grateful for my life and for the blessing of having a city home and a place in the country.
But that doesn't stop me from admiring and dreaming about what it would be like to have a place like this!

We got home around 5:00 Saturday afternoon after stopping in Hillsboro for some bakery items at the Country Czech Bakery and then at the Leggs Hanes Bali outlet for some unmentionables.
We have our return routine down pat. He unloads. I put up.
I started the laundry and opened the mail. 
Once the truck was empty, Louis Dean disappeared into the bathroom for an hour or more while he sat in a hot soaking bath. We rejoined in the den and watched a Bull before I took my shower and made a batch of fruitcake cookies.
The whole reason we came home early was those cookies.

Today we celebrated a very special lady's birthday at the Ridglea Country Club
I went from one type of country to another!

Beautiful Lily and her sweet granddaughter.......

Lily loves my Fruitcake Cookies so I knew that would be the perfect gift from us.

We drove over to Nita and Mike's and rode with them as I didn't have a phone so I could bot use my Waze direction helper.

I had no camera or phone but I did bring my iPad!
This is our dear Joni and her mother, Lily.
What a blessing Lily has been to so many and we are grateful to be a part of her life.

Lily was Nita's Mother-in-Love.......not mother in law .....for many years.
We are so grateful that we remain 'Family'.....

Leah ( Nita's beautiful daughter), Lily and Nita.

It was a wonderful time of celebrating! Lily is 93 years old and she told Louis Dean, 
"We will have to do this again when I am 100!"
Yes, we WILL!!!

We left Fort Worth and headed to Lowes to buy shrubs, bedding plants, mulch and potting soil.
We have some work to do to get ready for our Good Friday Gathering.

My next stop was at AT&T to get a new phone.

It didn't take long!
I am back in business!!!
However, I am going to be very careful with this one! 
At least for the next 30 months!!

Louis Dean took a glass of wine out this evening - after I gave him a really good hair cut! - and surveyed what we need to do over the next few days.

It felt good to sit out on the driveway and talk about the gardens and landscaping plans, menus for Good Friday and just chat a bit.
He said, "I love it when we do this."
So do I.
He got sleepy and came in and went to bed.
That's what men do.
I don't fault them for it.
Women - on the other hand - do what I have done since he went off to bed.
I finished the last load of laundry and folded and put up what stays here and packed up what goes to the camper. I prepared coffee for in the morning and then turned out all the thousand points of light that I keep in this house! I picked up this and that as I went through the rooms before settling down in here in the sewing room to finish this post which I started while he was soaking in the tub tonight....again.

So this is the first pic I took while we were sitting in the gazebo.......

and yet it made a video of it!

and so I just took this pic of my blogging spot tonight.......

and it made a video of it, too!!

I guess I need to figure out my new phone.........


Ginny Hartzler said...

What kind of phone did you get? Lily looks much younger than 93! I adore your little camper wreath! the house across from Dairy Queen is beautiful! The house, sky, and tree all combine to make this look like a painting! Your blogging spot looks so cozy!

Bluebird49 said...

Hope both you and Louis are enjoying a short rest before you get busy at city home! I'm sure Louis Dean would enjoy a big soaking fun in the country! Wish you could have one, but glad for you both that the wall went up!I
Have a good week!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh what an amazing few days, you certainly live life to the very fullest!

Susie said...

Linda, I am happy you are home safe. Lily looks so sweet. What a wonderful celebration for her and all the family. LD deserved a nice hot tub soaking and early to bed. He a hard working man...and you are right we women do the laundry and coffee prep.LOL Blessings for a great week. xoxo,love you guys, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh no, on learning a new phone, it has good things and bad things, learning new things i mean. that first sign, Good food, good friends, good times, if you add good family you have the perfect name for your blog, or descritipon of your blog and life.. add good shopping, forgot about that

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I got to go to a birthday party for an Aunt who's turning 90 yesterday. I could only hope to look as good as she and your friend who turned 93. A good soak in a hot bath, sure does feel good especially after not having one for a while. Showers are nice but baths are wonderful. Sounds like you've some busy days ahead with the mulch, plants and shrubs. Even though we are somewhat warmer, it's to rain after today for much of the week. Still no yard work going on here. Hope you have a great start to this new week. Happy Monday !

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Lots of goodness in your life Linda, and I know you know it!

My sweet mother in love it 96 and will be 97 in October. She married in her 30's and had 6 children. I'm married to her youngest!

Have a wonderful week!

Changes in the wind said...

They say variety is the spice of life and you do indeed have a lot of it. Glad you got a new phone and am sure you will enjoy it.

Arlene G said...

We are headed back to Grimmwood on Thursday. Charles and Nancy will pick up Audrey there. I keep a big 31 tote bag in my bed room where I put things that need to go to Grimmwood. It is quite full as we had run out of some essentials. We are blessed too Linda...having the best of two worlds.

Wanda said...

Hi Linda. Love you new header and wall paper. Fits your blog so perfectly.

How nice to see all that you have been doing, at the ranch and so many other outings. Love the pictures too, and your new phone makes nice videos.

Wishing you a blessed Easter. Love and Hugs.

SImple and Serene Living said...

It all sounds so lovely. Thanks so much for visiting me. xo Laura

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I don't know how you have the energy to do everything you do sweet friend. I would be going to bed early too. (sounds like I mean with Louis Dean) I better stop while I'm ahead! hahahaha! Take care of yourself! Enjoy your week! Hugs, Diane PS Should I delete this comment? ROFL

Judy said...

Yay, for a new phone. It's hard to live without one! Love the house across from the DQ. So pretty! Enjoy your pre-Easter week at home.

Carla said...

David informed me last night that I'm addicted to my phone. There's a lot to read. I was reading a book and then layed down in bed an texted Pamela good night. Oh boy.
That old blue house with the red bud in front of it looked really cool. And the woman with the bright colored jacket is 93. No way. I hope I look that good when I'm 93.

Carole said...

Glad you've now got a phone - you'll be on top of it it no time. Have a lovely rest. Cheers

Vee said...

Hope that you get your new phone figured out. My sister is giving me her former phone an upgrade from mine and I see that I will have a learning curve. Oh dear! Brain is becoming more like cement all the time.

Wonderful to know that you are home for the time being. A blessed Easter to you!