Saturday, March 17, 2018

Our Country Saturday!

I love waking up in the country! 
I can hear all the critters talking back and forth with some being more bossy than others.

The goose is loud and struts around like he owns the place!
Amon had arrived early this morning so the goats were already out in the fields when I walked down to do Critter Chores.

However, who should walk up behind me at the feed bin but Thumper!!
He's the same goat that got loose when the kids were down here last week and came up on the porch to tell Trystan hello.

The eyes of goats are so interesting - always rectangles.
I lured Thumper back to the goat pen with a little cracked corn and he got to stay there all day!

 Summer is spending the weekend with Amber. My 'Mother's Heart' is so happy to know that my daughters are getting to spend some quality time together! Summer was awake when the girls all came downstairs and they got in bed with her in the guest room. She knew I would love to see them so she called me on FaceTime. I looked horrible but children don't really care. So I pulled my hat down and put my glasses on and answered the phone! Summer noiced that I had earrings on and I told her I was also wearing perfume! We had the nicest visit!! The kids were surprised that we are still at the camper and Kailey said, "NO FAIR!"

We sat on the front deck with our morning coffee and watched the birds at the feeder.
There are so many birds down here in the country that I wondered if they would even notice a feeder.
We filled it and hung it up last year but seldom saw a bird on it.
This year there seems to be more frequent visitors.

I had planned on a pot roast for Sunday Dinner and got my days mixed up by thinking Friday was Saturday! I guess we can have leftovers tomorrow.
Louis Dean had most of his teeth crowned last fall and he has complained ever since that food doesn't TASTE anymore! "They MURDERED my taste buds!" he says.

He said the pot roast was the first thing he's eaten in awhile that tasted good to him!
But he says that a lot......

For dessert I made banana pudding.
Win! WIN!!

We keep an eye on the weather when we are down here so I check the app on my iPad from time to time. We knew rain was coming and had worked all afternoon at getting things secured and cleaning up the 'front yard' and deck. I washed all the windows and filled up the hummingbird feeders. I moved all the debris from off the deck that doesn't normally live there and generally spruced things up. Louis Dean repaired a leak in the gutter that just so happens to be right smack dab over the door to the camper.

We had pretty much decided to go in and take a nap when I remembered that I wanted to ride the four wheeler Dean and Sherry left up here.

It was pretty exciting!!!

I had two pair of glasses on my to look around and one to see up close.
I stopped to take a picture......

These are Jackson's cows and they were at the far end of his property.
Dean's property goes on......

I went all the way down to where the coyotes are......well, maybe not ALL the way.
I kind of got scared and I didn't know how much gas was in the machine I headed back.
Louis Dean took these pics with his fancy camera.

When I got off the 4 wheeler, my legs were a bit wobbly so I had a little sit down to rest.
It sure was FUN!!!

When I checked the weather, the storm clouds were starting to gather so Louis Dean suggested we go down to Dean and Sherry's house and take our showers before the rain hit.
Amon was already bringing the goats in when we drove up.
Normally we ride our bikes or walk - it's not very far - but we were afraid we would get caught up in the rain. It started to pour once we were in the house!

I was the first to shower and I had just reached down to adjust the cold water when the next thing I knew I had flipped sideways and backwards out of the tub and skidded across the floor hitting my head on the cabinet across from the tub, narrowly missing the sharp edge of the open cabinet door.
Poor Louis Dean rushed in there to find me on the floor. We started laughing about it after we realized I wasn't really hurt.

We got back in the truck and slipped and slided all the way back up to the camper!

We just sat there in the cab enjoying the rain until it slacked off enough to come in.

Look how pretty the sky is!
This is looking west......

and this is facing east.

We waited until the storm had passed before we pulled on our mud boots and walked back down to shut up the hen houses and check on the critters.

It's snug and cozy here as I sit in the new room writing. Louis Dean is stretched out on his lounger chair and has his heavy robe draped across his feet with one of his favorite fuzzy blankets pulled up to his chin.

The rain is now just a few sprinkles and we have the windows and doors closed so you can imagine my surprise when I started hearing cheeping. I jumped up to check the incubator - it's right here beside the table I am sitting at - and, no, the chick has not hatched out of its shell yet. As a matter of fact, the hole it has pecked through is only slightly larger than it was when Dean and Sherry left on Thursday evening. I can see movement through the small hole.....and I can hear the cheeping.
Perhaps tomorrow the chick will hatch!

Louis Dean and I will sit out here awhile longer. I'm going to finish 'Voices in Summer' - the Rosamund Pilcher book I'm reading before I go to bed tonight. Then I must go in and fix the coffee for in the morning. It's nicer and neater to prepare it the night before so all we have to do is turn it on in the morning. If I forget, Louis Dean will make it but there's sure to be coffee grounds scattered on the counter and wet places on the floor where he sloshes the water.
 I'm just saying.....

Oops! Here comes the rain again. Not hard but nice and steady.
It's going to be good sleeping weather tonight!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh LINDA!!! What a scary thing to happen! God is really watching over you! Not many walk away from a fall in the bathroom. What wonderful pictures of you and the four wheeler-in your apron, ha! You are so fun loving and adventuresome. I love that big smile of Louis Dean, he really IS back to himself. Yes, goat's eyes fascinate me. I read that the rectangle pupils help them see much better.

Kathy said...

I'm glad you didn't get hurt in your fall. That sounded scary. You are having so much fun in the country. I would like a ride on that four-wheeler. Hope the chicken hatches tomorrow. That would be fun to watch.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I’m so glad you didn’t get hurt! You had a good time driving the quad!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

That was quite the slip and fall Linda. The quad driving looked like fun (don't speed on those machines!). Hugs.

Bluebird49 said...

Oh, girl! Not too many of us can laugh after any fall, but one in the bathtub is really scary. After 2 years of several falls when my blood pressure would drop, I would drop with it. I fractured and re-fractured my tailbone and now need a cane when I go out,especially. Hubby put bars and handles for me to hang onto around the tub. I also have to use a shower seat. Now we both use all of them. I hope you won't be sore!
Thumper is definitely a "people-goat", isn't he!☺ I'll bet the quads would love living on a ranch with wide spaces and animals. I'm so glad they could spend the weekend! MiMi camp would be great down there, wouldn't it?
Y'all be safe, for goodness sake! We can't have either of you breaking anything, and oh, tell Louis Dean that I don't think teeth have taste buds! Not that I've heard of! 😉

Linda said...

I think it’s about time your children got together and didn’t an intervention on the two of you. You’re not safe.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad you were not hurt on that fall.. hope you are not to sore today when you get up. that blue sky after the rain is just gorgeous. love thumper but you knew that. i told bob we need to come up with something that murders taste buds, i over eat because of the taste of things, not because i am hungry. his tasted buds were murdered for a few weeks each time he had surgery, for about 3 months after heart surgry. i was told by our life guard there are herbs that will murder the taste buds.
enjoy your farm time and stay safe and be careful in the tub.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say, i came by and read your post an hour ago and when i got to the roast/carrots pic i closed your post and ran for the kitchen. we eat lunch at noon and i had stew ready to put in the crock pot and forgot. now it will cook on high for 5 hours instead of low for 7 thanks to YOU

Vee said...

You did what now? Fell sideways and skidded across the floor?! Good heavens! If that isn’t an insulting way to start a shower. I can only imagine the hilarity that ensued.

Your commentary on life at the ranch is a lot of fun and your descriptions are so good. Who else tells us that her husband is lying on the sofa with his heavy robe on his feet and his favorite blanket pulled up to his chin? With each description, you are giving us a character study that is rich and full.

Kailey’s “no fair” is a riot. It shows how much you all love it there!

Susie said...

Linda, Glad you were not hurt. Glad you are keeping up with your chores. So fun that Summer got time with her sister and those sweet kids. So happy for LD to enjoy that good meal. I was tired last night and could not sleep till past midnight. I know you probably slept well with the sound of rain. Blessings, xoxo,love, Susie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm so thankful you were not hurt. Slipping in the shower is not good at all. The roast looks wonderful and am glad Louis Dean could taste it. The banana pudding looks good too. I do have the makings here so I'm thinking I should make some soon. Your ride on the 4 wheeler looked like loads of fun. Sleeping with the rain drops on the roof is very relaxing. We're having sunshine today. A very welcome sight for sure !

Changes in the wind said...

What a great day and so glad you weren't hurt in that fall. Loved seeing you drive the 4 wheeler and it would be fun.

The Feminine Energy said...

Linda, your entries are always such FUN to read! Thank you for taking the time to cheer up the world with your writing and pictures. You look mighty fine on that 4-wheeler, girl. *haha* I think there's a Harley biker girl hiding somewhere, under those overalls. :-) Lovingly, Andrea xxx

Cheapchick said...

So glad you didn't get hurt in that fall. Enjoy your camper time!

Estelle's said...

LINDA!!! Honey I am SO glad you were not hurt but what an image that has left....glad you were able to laugh about your fall and it made me chuckle a bit...beautiful countryside...and you on the four wheeler is priceless!!!

Carole said...

So glad you weren't hurt. The pics of you on the quad bike were just great. Cheers

Terra said...

I like your cute goat and that riding on the four-wheeler and glad your shower fall turned out ok. Thanks for your comment on my blog; you asked about clematis and there are a few that grow in Texas. Jackmanii and the native C. texensis and C. terniflora (sweet autumn).