Tuesday, March 20, 2018

A Wonderful Day in Waco!

I normally linger in bed having my first cup of coffee but I was quick to get up this morning!
I was going to Waco and Louis Dean was coming with me!
At home, the senior discounts are on Tuesday. In Waco, they are on Monday.
There  are four Goodwills and I was hoping to go to them all!
We had coffee, did our reading and devotionals and headed out!

We drive up to the gate and normally turn right towards County Line Road.

This morning we decided to take the road less traveled and turned left.

To be fair, that's the direction our Waze direction app told us to go.

We saw some pretty things!

We were relaxed and not in a hurry so it was fun to meander a bit.

Sometimes the road looked more like a path.....not in this pic but a few more miles down.
That's when we came to a 'road closed' sign and had to turn left instead of going straight.

Waze figured it out and rerouted us.
I am perfectly amazed that the app even knew there was a road where the closed sign was.
It truly looked little more than a rough path. Our ranch road looked far better than that one!

We came out at this Church of Christ and Louis Dean noted the time for service.
He only has overalls with him and we are actually going home on Saturday - a few days early - but he will bring a pair of regular slacks when we come back next month so we can go to church.

The back road spit us out on Walts Road so we made a huge loop but it was worth it!
On to Waco where we hit up two Goodwills and stopped at Walgreen's to get Louis Dean's blood pressure medicine.

Lunch was next!
On the Border was my choice!
Next month Louis Dean gets to choose and he's already said he wants to go to Golden Corral.

The waiter was wonderful!!!
The food was delicious and my margarita was perfect!!
Plus we took enough food home for our dinner tonight!

All for just $20!
Plus I tipped him well!!

We hot up a third Goodwill where you buy things by the pound!
$1.49 a pound and I got 12 pounds plus some glassware which is 10 pieces for $1.99.
I also got a brand new laptop bag for $2.99 and a Baker's Rack for $20! and more!!

Finally we were down to our last two stops!
HEB and Home Depot!!!
Louis Dean looks down right cute in this pic!

We took the scenic back roads home and stopped to pick this year's first wildflowers!

We know to turn left at the silo and the lone tree.

The sun was setting as we made it back.
We were gone all day!

We unloaded all our goodies and I put things up before we settled out in the room with a glass of wine. Dean and Sherry had been up to check on the chick. When we got back, he was out of his shell and in the other container Sherry had made ready for him. It has a light on to keep him warm. He doesn't look like much just yet. When I looked through the glass he was lying in a heap and I thought he looked rather lifeless until I notice he was breathing and then he did a few cheeps. I hope he makes it!

It was dark and the lighting is not good so I will have to take my treasure photos tomorrow.
However, I turned the camera back to take a pic of this brand new apron I bought today!
Less than $2! 

I'm so in love with it that I put it on as soon as I got home and just took it off awhile ago when I put my gown on.

I love all things Victorian and Romantic!!

These are the wildflower bouquets we stopped to pick!

We are still under construction but I try to keep an area pretty and tidy so we can enjoy our room even as Louis Dean is building it.
Guess what??? He says that tomorrow we will start putting up walls on the camper side!
I am so excited!! It is open under the camper even though I have tried to block some of it off with tubs and doors and such as I have. Still,  it is open and skunks or cats and dogs or other critters could just come right in. It makes me feel vulnerable. Especially when the coyotes are howling or I smell skunk in the air. So I am going to get up in the morning with a purpose!
I'll do my housekeeping chores and then go out and help Louis Dean tear down the makeshift shelves along the camper wall and then I will start painting the sheets of plywood or whatever it is that we are going to put up. I know it's wood and not Sheetrock.
I am so excited!!!
The toilet is in and working and I am going to get walls!!!
Then I can really start decorating!!!

It's just after midnight and I can't wait until morning!
Goodnight, Folks!!


Susie said...

Linda, What a long day you and LD had. It does look happy in that photo. He is always cute.:):) The road less traveled was a pretty one. I love the little church. All those good wills !! It's great to find something brand new with the tags still on it. I wish you both only the best of luck on the walls and tie ins. Blessings, xoxo, love Susie

Arlene G said...

Sounds like the perfect day to me Linda. Have fun working with LD.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It sounds very exciting for you there ! Things are progressing wonderfully. How nice to see wildflowers blooming. Although it is the first day of Spring, we could see some snow here today. Happy Spring!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you sure don't want a skunk under your house. PHEWWW. love the trees, the roads, all the views you found by turning the other way... beautiful little church... my favorite pic today is the wild flowers, in the pitcher and the green bottles. wild flowers are my favorite flowers

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so excited for you!!! I cannot wait to see it completed! Yes, this is the very best picture of Louis Dean!! He is smiling like there is steak in that shopping cart! What a beautiful day this was! I love the country roads, especially the silo and tree. FOUR Goodwills!! I would have been in heaven! Goodwilling is the most fun thing EVER! I cannot wait to see your haul...or haulS. Your apron is so pretty, just like the country. I love the farmhouse look, and the romantic look.

Lisa said...

Thanks for the the trip down the old dirt roads. Everything looks so pretty! I love going to the Goodwill. Looks like you found some good stash! Now I want a margarita!

Carole said...

do you ever encounter other traffic - looks pretty isolated in your pics. Cheers

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

That apron is fabulous! What a good day you had!