Thursday, May 22, 2014

Throw Back Thursday!

I will start this journal entry the way I usually end it on Thursday!

My 'Throw Back Thursday' pic on Facebook today.

Just days before Amber delivered the quads at 29 weeks 5 days.

She was holding on to those babies for dear life!
They were holding on just as tightly!

Flash forward to this morning when we woke up in Quadville!
Granddad is a great entertainer!

It is such a blessing to see these babies - all so happy and healthy!!

I will never cease to praise God for the four miracles and for Amber and Mike!
And I also will never forget how many wonderful people prayed along with us on this journey!
Those quads have many honorary aunts and uncles!!

We came home this afternoon and was happy to see Maggie all safe and sound!
I couldn't find her when we left on Wednesday so I was hoping she had not strayed outside!
I took a nap while Louis Dean did errands.

We met up in the gazebo where I sanded and then varnished the wooden parts on the vintage lamps I am working on.

I sprayed primer on the metal parts.

Then I varnished the benches on the kitchen deck.

All the mulch we have added to the flower beds make weed pulling so much easier!!
If anyone is local and wants mint - please feel free to come by and pull some up to take home!

As we sat our on the driveway taking a break we listened to the mockingbird sing!

The feeders are such a good investment!
Less insects and free music!

Here's to some serious driveway sitting!

There really is nothing better!

Louis Dean made us homemade hamburgers for supper and now it's time to go to the BACK yard and water the flowers before bed.

The weather is heating up in Texas and we savour the hours we get to be outside.
Summer is coming and it will hold us hostage indoors more than we would like.
Soon it will be only early morning and late nights that we venture out to work in the yard,
Still and all - we have so much to be grateful for - and we are living and loving our life!


Linda said...

Linda, what great memories and lovely photos, and Louis Dean's homemade hamburger looks really good! Too bad I live so far (Montreal). :) Thanks so much for your comment earlier today on my blog post, and I am so glad that Louis Dean enjoyed the Finnish folk music! :)

Kathy said...

I praise God with you for those four little miracles. How far they have come. And Amber too. She went through a LOT. You do so much work in one day. I don't know how you manage. I am so tired all the time.

Sweet Tea said...

The quads are amazing - looking so strong and "busy"! LOL. How tiny and frail at the beginning, they are definitely little miracles!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Ahhh, the perfect life!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Ahhh, the perfect life! I can almost hear the crickets chirping...

Vee said...

What a ride it has been for you. I can get pretty teary about all that Amber has done for her sweet babes. It wasn't easy, but so worth it. Love how your family works together. Stay cool now.

Changes in the wind said...

I first started following your blog when Amber was first pregnant with the quads and had the privileged of following the journey thanks to your faithful blogging.

Marsha Young said...

They are indeed miracles, and we all enjoyed the privilege of that prayer journey with you! have a happy Weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

count me in for the burgers and the driveway sitting.... oh my on the throwback..

Deanie W said...

I am so thankful for so many prayers from others so far away! We know the power of prayer. Without prayer we would not have the Quad Squad in our family. We are all very blessed! Amber & Linda thank you both for letting the rest of us watch these fantastic kiddos grow & develop!

Susie said...

Linda, I love this post. I am as proud of Amber and Mike as if they were my own kids. They are raising wonderful children. I know that the sweetness of loving grandparents makes a big impact in their lives too. When you show pictures of you and LD in the gazebo or driveway at the end of the day...I think ,"Well deserved !" Blessings for a great weekend. xoxo,Susie

Bernice said...

I have followed both you and Amber for all a lonnnng time, you are both amazing,and I have fallen in Love with the Quads.
Thanks so much for sharing :)

Linda said...

I bet your ears were burning Wednesday! We were talking about you and what a friend you have been to us!! I do so hope we all get to meet someday!