Friday, July 5, 2013

Quadville Has Successfully Relocated!!

Quadville is up and running in its new location (Amber and Mike's 'Forever Home') and better than EVER!!
We are ALL thrilled with this new house! We have also all been very BUSY! It is a 'Labor of Love' all around! 

Scenes from YESTERDAY........

Louis Dean worked hard and played hard - but then he napped just as hard!!!

Someone was a tired baby boy! He was fussy but calmed right down after his granddad got him!!!

Our view from the patio last evening.
Amber looked happy and I bet she is!
Happy to be OUT of a small apartment and IN such a lovely LARGE home!!!

Our 'Boston Legal' moment outside while A & M finished the quad's dinner.

The backyard sounds as we sat with our wine.....

The NIGHT sounds as I stepped out on the patio for a minute or two before going to bed. 
Very COUNTRY!!!!

This morning we woke up to BABIES!!! Amber and Mike brought them in to greet us on their way to the breakfast room. The guest room is conveniently located DOWN stairs!

We had a full and wonderful day in which we ALL accomplished so much!!
The house has looked like a HOME from the first moment I saw it but it is even more so with each passing day.

Morning snack, anyone??

Why, YES!!! I think I WILL stand up on this table!!
You WILL help me down, won't you??
And of course I did!!

The painters were here again and were very good at working around a highly occupied home.
This guy was nice enough to explain the process he was using so I can do something like this in my hall at home - only in shades of gray.
I love NICE people, don't you??

Granddad worked his magic with all the odd and ends that needed done today!

LOVE this pic of Trystan!! She is what Louis Dean calls the 'NICE one!'
Trystan is ALWAYS nice. Nearly! I'm nearly ALWAYS nice, too, but no one's perfect!!

Harrison is walking all over the place these days!!! He swings his arms sometimes and swaggers!!

I think every child loves a BOX!!

Logan can 'play' this little musical toy.
Her Granddad has been teaching her how to do this by putting his lips close and blowing in the palm of her hand and then showing her as he blows into the trumpet. He was a second grade school teacher for 25 years so I guess he knows a thing or two about how to teach kids!

Seating for eight this evening?
This was one of the goals for today!
Do you see any boxes? NO!!!
Mike MADE this table - along with a little help from his friends who happen to ALL be engineers!!
Best thing EVER!!
Amber usually cooks every night but she was WAY past tired and beyond exhausted!
Chicken Express was the meal of choice and everyone loved it!

After dinner Amber and Mike have developed the coolest tradition.
They spend some quality time at the table with their children. They sing songs, tell stories, play games, laugh - yes, and sometimes a baby cries. It is the sweetest thing you ever saw!!

Trystan grabbed my arm and camera so it got tilted at the end!!

I loved every part of this day but seeing Amber and Mike end the day with their babies was THE most special time!!

I hope I got all these videos in the right order! After that delightful dinner routine we came back home.
The cat was glad to see us! (We had Lucy with us!)  She was in the den barking about her wine glass of water being EMPTY!!!
Never mind she had BOWLS of water elsewhere in the house!!
A hot bath for HIM and a shower for ME and we are just about ready for our Boston Legal moment!
That means a glass of wine together with our feet propped up on the stone wall  by the driveway.


Linda said...

Hi Linda, wow, lots going on! The quads are delightful!

Sweet Tea said...

So, so, very sweet and busy!
What a remarkable year your family has had. I continue to enjoy following along!

Jutta said...

Holy cow! What a adorable family! And just think how extremely lucky they are to have such a granny. Priceless! I can imagine how this beautiful house is full of laught, joy, happiness, love throughout the many years to come. So special, so great!!!

Kathy said...

A beautiful house for a beautiful family. I love how Mike is such a hands-on dad. I can just see it years down the road full of birthdays, celebrations, Christmases. The list goes on and on.

Nonnie said...

The big house came just in time. Those kids are gonna need some space! You are truly one blessed family to have all these kids and get to be around them as they continue to grow. And the quads are definitely blessed to be born into such a family as yours. So precious.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Marvelous!!!! In the Forever House!!! So much accomplished! So much. So much. So much.

And you and LD have been there, helping, all the steps of the way. :-)


Bernice said...

Hope those beautiful Grandbabies have not moved to far from Grandma and Granddad!
So Happy for Amber and Mike.
Thanks for sharing:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that table is beyond cool. he is really talented... i know they are so happy to be in a home and in the same town with you.

Kelly said...

How exciting! Congrats to Amber and Mike on successfully moving into their beautiful new home. If anyone needs a large home, it's them!! They will make good use of every square inch, I'm sure. I hope everyone is getting settled and loving it so far.

Vee said...

So happy for their new home! It's beautiful there outside and inside. Loved seeing the videos...Harrison is really walking so well. Daddy sings a mean "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and Mommy is so much fun!

Pondside said...

That's a lot of work, moving! Once again you and LD were so lucky to be able to help our, and Amber and Mike so lucky to have you!

Bev said...

How wonderful....made my day.... what a wonderful family you all are!!

Judy said...

How see them settled in their forever home. And how have you there to help them.

Carla said...

A Forever house. Nice
That picture of Trystan is adorable. She has a look on her face like mischief coming soon. ;o)