Sunday, July 28, 2013

A Summer Sunday Shower....

BRIDAL shower! 

We gathered at La Madeleine in Grapevine this afternoon to honor the bride to be with a SHOWER of gifts! 

This was MY kind of party!

Good food!!

Pretty flowers!

A lovely lady! Many friends!

Lots of FUN!
The best EVER 'shower game!'
As Leah unwrapped gifts she would wad the tissue paper and pitch it to the back of the room where THIS gal caught it basketball style!

Even my super cute sister got in on the action!!


We all just had the loveliest time! Everyone is so happy for Leah!
I can hardly wait for the wedding! It is in September and it promises to be as unique and interesting as Leah is! I am certain it will be a ONE of a KIND wedding!!

Grapevine is just a short drive away so I was home in no time, changed into comfy clothes and settled down in the gazebo with Louis Dean for the rest of the afternoon and evening. 

He is such a dear man. I asked him to PLEASE move the ladder!
He wasn't quite finished with the drain spout project - you know! The one where he took up the deck and dug yet another trench and laid more pipes so the den will NEVER flood again?
Notice all the different materials he's used to fashion that drain spout!
He DID mention he will help me paint it all the same color!

You remember the area that I try to NEVER show in pictures where Sanford and Son live in our back yard?
Louis Dean decided he would build us an evening fire and burn some of the rotten wood that he had accumulated! That's one way to get it cleaned up, I guess!
While he tended his fires, I marked squares for quilts and played my Facebook Scrabble and WWF games.
I keep up better since I have a NEW PHONE!!

He's so cute!

We were fresh OUT of marshmallows! I will fix THAT tomorrow - just in case he builds another fire this week!
The fire is out and we are in. It's been a good day. 
Church services this morning and only fun things to do all afternoon.
Being relaxed and rested is a nice way to start a fresh new week!

"What is your hobby? Every woman ought to have some pet interest in life, outside of the everyday routine which composes her regular occupations. What is yours?"

- The Mother's Magazine, January 1915


Shannon Hopps said...

You recorded the day perfectly, Aunt Linda! It's always good to see you and had so much fun at the shower!

Pondside said...

It's the season for showers - bridal showers and baby showers. Lots of fun! Have a good week!

jamarson1 said...

Sounds like a fun day! We had a fire to this weekend to finish burning the rest of the branches from the big storm we had.

Kathy said...

What a fun day! The shower looked great. Get those marshmallows ready!

Diana Ferguson said...

Fun day! Always love reading about what you have going!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love the pic of hubby and the ladder and the one in the firelight... great shots of your handsome hubby

Bev said...

I haven't been to a shower for ages!! and does LD ever NOT work:)

Jackie See said...

Love your cheery attitude about life. thank you for sharing. Your projects are fun to watch and inspire me to try new things. I am new to blogging and just starting my adventure, love your blog!

Linda said...

Hi Linda, lovely post and photos. Looks like a great time. I agree with Jackie Collins, I love your cheery attitude about life.

Deb said...

another great weekend....

Susie said...

Linda, I am re-writing this post. My connection is not good. I thought the shower was lots of fun. Everyone looked happy. :)
I wanted to know if you would tied Louis Dean's hands , if he would find a way to work with his feet?? That is one working man !! I know you two enjoy each other. xoxo,Susie

Sweet Tea said...

How cute you look wearing your hat at the Shower!!
Hobby? I consider "blogging" my hobby!

Carla said...

Great pictures.
Oh and I've read Lake Wobegon that you mentioned in your last post. It was pretty good. The ending was a little different if I remember. ;o)