Thursday, October 4, 2012

Potato Chip Cookies and a GROUP Picture!

This recipe just sounded so GOOD to me!
Sweet AND salty!!

I used Crisco shortening instead of butter......and be mindful when toasting the pecans!
I burned the first cup!

The cookies are all boxed up and ready to share with family.
Louis Dean and I are about to head 'HOME.'
Home as in the brick and mortar kind!
We live in the camper for 25 days out of every month and in our house for 5!

Lots of plans have been made for this weekend!
There will be a whirlwind of activity........
time with my mother, crafts and a cookout with 3 of my grands on Friday, a pumpkin farm with the other grand on Saturday, yard work, changing out my closet to fall/winter, baking, cooking and a family reunion to top it all off!

I ran over to Amber's this morning so I could help with the morning bottles.

Doesn't Harrison look angelic?

Just taking that bottle wore Kailey plumb out!!

Oops!! Someone needs to pull Trystan up!!

Ahhhhhh......I'm going to miss my Little Logan Lee!!

But before we leave we just HAD to have one more round of baby holding!!
As long as we've been here and as many times we have held the babies -
this is the very FIRST picture of us holding them all!
It may be the FIRST but it for sure and certain won't be the LAST!!


Carole said...

That is a lovely picture, Linda. All the babies were looking in the same direction! What were they looking at?? Have a lovely time back in your "big house".

Deb said...

have a safe trip back to the big I....sounds like you will be super busy this weekend...

Vee said...

That picture is so adorable of you all. Is Daddy over there making google eyes at those children? Too cute!

Enjoy your time home. That five days must go by like a whirlwind.

Vee said...

Oh meant to say that I'd really like a critique of the potato chip cookies. What did you think? You can wait until you have them all passed out to the family first. ☺

Chatty Crone said...

Harrison looked like he was praying! You have a great weekend and then you come back - right?

Dee said...

You are so blessed...I always get a smile visiting your blog.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...


Enjoy your time home.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

they get cuter by the day or maybe by the hour. the praying angel is adorable.

Nonnie said...

Those babies are just so sweet. Love the praying angel. The pic of all of you is really good.

Judy said...

What sweethearts...all of them! I love the idea of mixing potato chips and nuts in a cookie. I think I'll try that!

Debbie said...

the group picture is priceless!!

they are are such beautiful little babies!!

Carla said...

great pictures.
Potatoe chip cookies?
So how were they?