Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Mother Had a Room Mate and Other Tuesday News.....

It's amazing what a good night's sleep will do for you!

I slept long and hard and lingered over our coffee and reading this morning until it was no longer MORNING! I decided to dial it back a bit today and Ruth Ann and I skipped a movie. Seeing as how there wasn't one we wanted to see anyway, it was an easy decision!

I had 3 chores I wanted to do in the house today - vacuum, clean the pantry and organize one side of my closet - and when the first one took over and hour - the pantry - I decided the other 2 can wait until tomorrow - or the next day!
I picked Ruth Ann up and we hit up the ONE Goodwill and then did a spin through Aldi before we dropped in on my friend, Reaoma, for a little visit. Her husband passed away four years ago last week and next to Louis Dean, Doug was the nicest man I ever knew. I took her chocolate and roses and honeysuckle and we reminisced about their life together and how it touched and influenced mine as well as my children's. 

When I came home I found the entire gazebo deck AND gazebo all sitting pretty on the new storage deck Louis Dean recently finished! That's a LOT of lumber to load and unload and then transport around the house and put in place!!

He doesn't look like he even broke a sweat!!!
I didn't overdo it today so I had time to have a glass of wine with him and visit for a few minutes before art class.

Mother just loves sitting outside with us and keeps her pocket talker on so she can hear what we're saying!!! I forgot to tell about this morning!!! Mother gets up before we do and fixes her coffee in the guest room and then colors or reads the paper until we get up. As soon as I was awake and rattling around in our bedroom, she came out to tell me that she had a visitor spend the night in the guest room with her!!! Yes, the possum!!!! She was sitting in the chair drinking coffee and here he came out from under the bed!!! She opened the bedroom door and ushered him out!! She said he went right down the hall and where he went from there we don't know because the French doors were both closed! I'm sure he made his way outside sooner or later! I say this because as we were sitting out there on the deck, I saw him walking around the stone walkway! He headed for the bushes along the fence line so he may be visiting Stephanie as well as me for all I know!!! Oh, wait! Stephanie doesn't leave HER doors open!!! Or does she??? She does have her dog, Sam, and she may leave it open a bit for him to go in and out!! That's a possibility!!

My Goodwill finds today.....

Last week I bought this wine sign and hung it up in our bedroom.
Today I bought the white 'floating' frame and will mount four black and white photos in it!

I didn't make a big haul  but I did find two easy comfy dresses to wear in the evenings after my shower!! I love clothes I can sleep in but still look nice enough if someone stops by!

AND a sweet nightgown which I bought because the one dress above needs to be worn with a slip.
SO!!! Win! WIN!!! Take off the dress and I'm all ready for bed!!

I got my pictures out of order but this one was too cute of Louis Dean to leave out!!!
He ate a big bowl of potato soup - wiped the bowl clean so that's IT for the soup!

Then when Sabrina got here with Peach Bellini's and dinner from BABES, he was all ready to eat AGAIN!!!! I guess he worked up an appetite!!

You can tell Mother is having a good time!!! We all sat out on the deck and visited while we had our drinks and then brought our plates out here to eat!

Sherry brought us a truly decadent dessert!!!! 
I am NOT a chocoholic but this was a seriously GOOD cake!!!
Sherry's niece is in a gourmet cooking school and she is one gifted cook and baker!!!!

We finally got around to ART and we only have one more class to go on this canvas!
Next week we will paint in the details in the foreground.

Ruth Ann says this is one of her favorite paintings!!

Sabrina's painting just reminds me of Italy for some reason!
I think it would make a perfect wine bottle label!!!

Mother was very sociable and came in to visit and tell us all goodnight on her way to bed.

I am going to bed tired tonight - but just an ordinary everyday run of the mill tired.
Tired and very happy! It's been a good day!


Linda said...

When we lived in Texas we pulled up an old stump in our yard and there was a mama possum and about 4 little ones under it. They scattered and the mother went two houses up from us. The man heard a noise in the closet where the water heater was, opened the door and out walked that mother opossum. He was highly excitable and that about did him in! He had no idea a opossum was anywhere around. The mystery was how she got in that closet. I think the consensus was she had to have gotten in the attic and came down through an opening for the plumbing of the hot water heater. Who knows? She certainly scared a few years off that man's life. One baby stayed in our yard so I fed it until it wandered off. As a baby it was very cute but very ugly the older it got & not very friendly.

Deb said...

The visitors continue...EEEEEEEEKKKKK.....even on a dialed back day you are a busy girl...love your finds and the paintings are beautiful

Jutta said...

Your garden is going to be so beautiful! ����

peggy said...

You always have so many neat things going on it is hard to choose what to comment on, your working-man pictures, your painting friends and good will trips and the children and mother. I'll just say I enjoy them all. P. S. Sometime, tell me what is a pocket talker.

Susie said...

Linda, Your mom made me laugh about that possum, bless her heart. Hope that's the last of the in-house possums. LOL. LD must be strong as an ox. He is one hard working man !! I like that you and RuthAnn still had some time together. Those paintings are beautiful. I love them all. Wow, that cake did look tempting. Blessings to all of you there today. I know it's quad Wednesday. xoxo,love you, Susie

Arlene G said...

Your mama was pretty calm about the possum! I would have scared him to death with my screaming!! And that cake...could you mail me a piece??? I am a chocoholic!

Estelle's said...

You would have heard me screaming all over the state of Texas if a possum came out from under the bed!!! Cake looks divine...you are quite the belle dressing up after your bath!!! Love that!!!! Gorgeous paintings!!!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I have two words for you - screen doors! I love to have fresh air and open doors, but if I had visitors like you do, I'd make sure I had screen doors on! :)

I like your Mama's smile. Glad she is enjoying her visit. Your yard is going to be wonderful with the new gazebo and deck!

Vee said...

Your poor mother! Hahahahaha...Oh th screaming you'd have heard if it had been me.

What did that edit do to Sabrina? It changed her into an entirely different person!

Her painting reminds you of Italy? Why does it remind me of the ranch? Either way, it is lovely.

Hope that Louis Dean has a light day today...

Angie said...

I think I'd pass out if I saw a possum in my room! Sounds like your mother wasn't too bothered by it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i want cake i want cake. really i do. yum. and i really like your new dresses, especially the black one. great idea for your moms talk box. daddy had one and used it at church but refused to use it at home... love he possum story and wishi could see him/them

Carol said...

A possum in the house- UGH! That is just not even imaginable in my home. However, since I live in the country, I guess it could happen. It looks as though your mom enjoyed herself and it does look as though Louis Dean was certainly resting well after all that work.
I love the painting and I love your Goodwill finds. I wish I could find good deals there. I rarely ever do.

Penny said...

I must try your tip of wearing something nice after shower or in the morning Linda. I am always up, showered, and dressed by 6.30 am during term time when I have the boys to organise and get out to school, but sometimes during the holidays, although I am still up,early, I don't shower til mid morning. Well of course those are ALWAYS the days when someone turns up at the house, and I am still in my pajamas and dressing gown. I am always mortified. A loose casual dress would be much better! X

Carla said...

Your mom sounded like she was calm about her visitor. I'm not sure if I would be that calm. LOL. I'm with you the painting belongs on a wine label.