Friday, April 29, 2016

A Place For Mother.....Step Two!!

I suppose Step #1 in our search for a place for mother was the decision to even BEGIN this process!
First of all, we had to come to terms with not having her in one of our homes.
That's not an easy decision and didn't happen overnight.
Since Mother has Aphasia, we thought she would be unable to live anywhere other than with one of us. While she can't speak clearly names of people and dates and such, she does communicate well!
She has ALWAYS been a great communicator!

Today as she was visiting with Ruth Ann and Sherry and me, we all three could understand every word she said. When I told her, she got excited and then tried to tell us something about the past and - there went the clear speech! I think when she gets excited or nervous she ceases to speak clearly.

We did the last few things we needed to do before the application for Medicaid was complete!

The forms were all filled out and signatures were signed!
Time to put it in the mail!!!!

We paused for a word of prayer as we slipped it in the slot asking for God's will to be done and show us the next step we need to take.
Sherry knows me well and took some good pictures with which to remember this day.

I was so grateful for Ruth Ann and Sherry being with us today!
They helped turn a stressful situation into a fun day of celebration!!

Luann was telling me just yesterday about the

Since we were in the neighborhood, we thought we would check it out!!

We all ordered something different and it was ALL good!!!

Deanie had soup and salad with a delicious vinaigrette dressing! 

Mine was the Shepherd's Salad!

Since we were belatedly celebrating both Sherry and Ruth Ann's birthday - I ordered two desserts for us to share - and brought part of BOTH of them home!!

As soon as we ordered our food, I also ordered an apricot pie to take home.
The waitress said they didn't make them and when I mentioned my sister had sent me a Facebook link that said they WERE baking them again, she hustled right over to the bakery counter and boxed up the very last one of the day for ME!!! Win! WIN!!!

We left Deanie's with a happy heart that things are going to work out all the way around!
Ruth Ann and I love shopping in Fort Worth and Sherry had never - wait for it - been to a TRADER JOE'S before!!!! So that's where we went! Just as we were getting back to the car, Summer called to tell me sever storms were imminent. We didn't have time to make it home so we did the only sensible thing we could think of! We made a run for Hobby Lobby and were drenched by the time we got in there!!! However, we happily strolled up and down every single aisle while the storm played itself out. THEN - since it was 5:00 traffic - we popped ourselves into a comfy booth at The CottonPatch and ordered appetizers and hot coffee for me, hot tea for Ruth Ann and sweet iced tea for Sherry and continued to visit while everyone else drove home.

I picked RA and Sherry up at 10:00 this morning and dropped them off at 7:00 this evening!
A good and profitable day!

It hadn't stormed much here in Irving but rained just enough to give everything a drink!
This one iris stood out as I pulled into the driveway. My niece, Leah, gave me iris bulbs years ago and here I thought I would never see a flower from them!

Louis Dean and I sat on the deck and caught up with each other's day!
I know most of what he did as I can see the mud tracks from his shoes on the carpet and rug!
He also bought some groceries as did I.
I bought lettuce - so did he!
I bought tomatoes - so did he!
I bought wine - so did he!
We must think alike!

I am sitting in the sewing room writing my journal entry for the night surrounded by piles of cushions LD brought in out of the rain. I could hear a rustling around and finally got up to see what was making noise.

My possum was back for a visit!!!
You never know when you are going to get a little excitement!!!
Now I am going to find a yard stick and escort him OUT before I shut up the house for the night!
I hope he is the only one in here.......


shortybear said...

praying for your precious family dear

Deb said...

Prayers that all goes well for your Mother🙏🏻even in s storm you girls have fun😘

Cheapchick said...

You guys have to eat salad and have wine every day now lol. I hope things work out with your Mom, it is so tough.

Linda said...

You do know your days are numbered for this possum being 'cute?' Next it's going to start baring its teeth at you and grow uglier by the day. I just emailed you a link to read a woman's story about escorting a weasel out of her house. I could taste that potato salad as I read about Swiss pastry shop, I always got a pastrami sandwich with potato salad, and of course a piece of black forest cake. Sooo good. So glad the Medicaid papers are in the mail. Sounds like it was a good day.

Kathy said...

A profitable and fun day. I will pray too that your mother gets in just the right place for her. You girls sure made the most of that rain storm. What fun! And you got your apricot pie too.

Pondside said...

That apricot pie looks very good!
Trader Joe's - one of my favourite places to go when we are south of the border. I buy their big bar of lavender soap. It's the best!

Vee said...

Is that a snowman draft dodger beside the little visitor? I have one, too. My son gave it to me before he married, which was thirteen years ago.

Just asked John what he would do in Texas in times of severe weather. We both agreed that our first instinct would be to get home. We are both impressed with the shopping instead, which he describes as good "local wisdom." It has given me pause...a little life lesson right there

Another life lesson? Mix in a lot of "sugar" with any bitter pill. Praying with you for a good result for your mom.

Latane Barton said...

My thoughts and prayers are for you in this process with your Mom. It's tough, I know that. So, I pray for peace in your heart.

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

Sorry I haven't been by lately Linda. I see I've missed a lot!

You're mother is fortunate to have you, and you're doing what is best for everyone. She is a beautiful lady, full of love and life it seems!

You always manage to have a blast, no matter what you're doing. Even the rain doesn't stop you. I guess your Apple didn't fall far from the tree. ;)

Happy weekend to you!

Arlene G said...

I was touched to see you and Deanie praying over the package before you mailed it Linda. I hope your prayers are answered in a big way!!

Haddock said...

That is so touching - praying over the package before mailing.

Arlene G said...

Oh and I forgot to tell you , tried the Appleberry Champagne perfume by Vera Bradley and it is delightful...light and fruity. I may just purchase a bottle.

darlin said...

Your photos speak volumes, the power of prayer is astounding! I am a firm believer in what is meant to be will be and in asking for help and guidance when required and often my ego is switched off and I find the responses in my heart. Wishing you and your family a blessed and smooth transition Linda.

The pie, yummm and I don't even like pie but it looks that good! lol

The mouse, I'd be up on a chair in a heartbeat and one of us would have to move!

Have a wonderful and blessed weekend Linda!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Praying with you for His plan for your mother!

Glad you had such a great day with Deanie, RuthAnn and Sherry! Should like a full and profitable time out!

Have a good weekend!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

"sounds" not should!

Susie said...

Linda, I would have had that possum flung out of the house by his tail. Probably clear to the neighbor's. Yikes. LOL. I am praying along with you sisters for your mother. I know this was not an impulse decision. Everyone can visit her and I am sure she can go home or out once in a while with you girls. Blessings to all of you. Enjoy your weekend, xoxo,Love you, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the possum looks like it is growing up really fast. still adorable though. what a day you had and so glad you were sensible and stayed out of the storm and the traffic. prayers for the medicaid to go through..

Wanda said...

The dust has finally settled around my festive Birthday, and I finding time to actually sit at my computer and visit my dear blog friends that have been on the back burner.
Fun to catch up on your busy time. Don and I were both fortunate we didn't have to make the hard decisions you are having to make with your mom. They both passed away before needing a nursing home. It hard anyway you look at it, but you and your sisters are such heroes and take such good care of your mom. Sending love and hugs.

Penny said...

Very touching photograph of you and Deanie saying a little prayer before posting the forms for your Mum. A big step and not lightly taken, but surely the right thing to do for everyone concerned. X