Sunday, March 22, 2015

Our Sunday.....

I am thankful to be in church on Sunday mornings!
We have a special routine for getting ready for church.
First - we have a cup of coffee!
Then we get dressed and while I'm putting on my make up and doing my hair, Louis Dean is playing some Tennessee Ernie Ford hymns from You Tube.
That sure gets the heart pumping!!!

After the service we joined up with Amber and Mike and the family for lunch at Dickey's BBQ.
We LOVE that place and our favorite table was available! That would be the one in the back and close to the restroom. Potty training is in full swing!

Granddad and I sweet talked the parents into letting these two come home with us!
SO happy we have TWO car seats!!!
Of course, the other two wanted to come as well but these kids know all about 'taking turns!'
When I asked Harrison if he would like to go to MeeMaw's house, he said, "Is it Harrison's turn?"
Turned out to be Logan's turn, too!!
Just as soon as they were buckled into their car seats, they were fast asleep!

I left Granddad in the car with them while I made a quick stop for some Potty Patrol supplies!!

They played so well this afternoon!

It's wonderful to have all four of them on Wednesdays but it is just as special to be able to give a bit more undivided attention when you just have two!

We practiced our shapes. I love, Love, LOVE Logan's sweet laughter!!

The day started all wet and cloudy but ended sunny!
Sunny enough for a little outdoor play time before we packed up to take them home.

The other two had been playing outside, too!!
We stayed for a little while and then headed home.
I have been fighting a headache all day and think I will just go to bed early and sleep it off.

Here's a tutorial for making those scented plug ins........

I made my own essential oils plug in with info from Amber's blog.......
Easy Peasy!!


Sweet Tea said...

What a fun Sunday. Sure wish you would send some of that glorious sunshine our way...I can't imagine trying to potty train four toddlers at the same time, but I'm sure Amber will have it done in no time.

Deb said...

Beautiful spring day! Hope your head feels better soon!

Kathy said...

Such a fun day! I know Harrison and Logan had fun at Memaw and Grandad's house.

Blondie's Journal said...

You always make each day the to look at the video! Thanks!

Jane xxxx

Ginny Hartzler said...

Logan looks SO pretty in her Sunday dress! I love the shot of them playing in the sandbox with the sun shining on them, they look like two little angels. Are those Tinker Toys? I need to get s some to stay here! I hope you sleep well and wake up with the headache GONE.

darlin said...

Oh my goodness, the quads are growing up so fast it seems. They sure are adorable, and to know they get to take turns visiting, how precious is this? Sweet precious adorable children and what amazing grandparents they have!

Wishing you a good nights rest and hope you're feeling better in the morning.

Arlene G said...

We brought Margaret home with us from Baylor's birthday party. It is fun to have a five year old in the house!! My daughter and I took the girls to see Cinderella. It was wonderful! I would like to go and see it again when said five year old is not wiggling in my lap. Nana's lap is better than the seat at the theater.:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Logans' Laughter is adorable. my grandmother loved TN Ernie Ford and had a dozen 45's by him, and also she loved Eddie Arnold... have not thought of either of those for many years

Deanie W said...

All the quads are so sweet & have such good manners!❤️ I love them so😊

Vee said...

Omigoodness! Hadn't even thought of potty training...exciting times times four! Harrison sounds like a very patient little glad that it was his turn. =D Gotta get to the PC so I can hear this laugh.

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog! You must have lots of energy to keep up to those sweet grandchildren! The two that live near us are 5 and 7 and I wish I had more things to entertain them here as they are bored with what I have I thinki. Thanks for sharing the essential oil plug ins. I am saving the direction! Nice meeting you! Nancy

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog! You must have lots of energy to keep up to those sweet grandchildren! The two that live near us are 5 and 7 and I wish I had more things to entertain them here as they are bored with what I have I thinki. Thanks for sharing the essential oil plug ins. I am saving the direction! Nice meeting you! Nancy

Carla said...

Potty training times 4 oh boy. Sounds like it's going well though
Love childrens laughter

Susie said...

Linda, Your sweet LD is looking good. Those kids...they are growing so fast. I think the little ones will like trying to out do each other potty training, so it should go pretty well.Hope so. I watched the tutorial , I will try to make myself some of those. They sure are not cheap at bath& body. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
p.s. It just finished sleeting..yuck.

Jan said...

Thanks for the essential oil plug in info. Enjoy your blog. Your grands are cute.