Thursday, December 21, 2023

Christmas Week! It's Already HERE!

 I don't know how it got here so fast - but Christmas is only 4 days away!
Christmas Eve is the day I gather all my family and many friends around and that makes it only 2 more days since this one is almost over.

Summer called me Monday and said she and her friend, Macon (who is like a son to her), were on the road from Arkansas to Texas!

Summer met Macon and his wife,  Lorna, at the Bar-J Ranch and they have bonded as close as family.
She and Macon are staying with us for a few days and I needed to kick it in gear and get the guest room ready!

It had been a couple of MONTHS since I had cleaned in there!

It took me four solid hours to clean everything, strip the bed, make it up with Christmas linens, covers and pillows.

Cleaning is good therapy and I am grateful that works well for me.

I even added a Christmas tree and colored lights!

The guest room used to be the 'Cat's' room and, even though the litter box, food and water is in the sewing room, they still love hanging out in here and looking out the window.

Once I got the room ready - I switched gears and headed over to Amber's!

We went to see Harrison play a hockey game against his dad - it was parents against the Warriors and it was so much fun!

I was sitting RIGHT there when Mike scored!!!
In the end, I think the kids won!

Then we all gathered at a local pizza place and that was as much fun as the game!

Just look at Amber's gorgeous hair!!!

I came home from the Bells.....I can drive any time day or night from Amber's house to mine due to the lighting on the tollway - praise God!

Macon and Summer arrived and I totally forgot to take pics - I am really falling down on that lately.
We visited and Macon and Louis Dean stayed up into the wee hours of Tuesday morning playing music together in his room while Summer and I went on to bed!

I made a now favorite recipe for a cheese oven omelet for breakfast before I went out to search for Tuesday Treasures with Brenda!

For whatever reason, I was a bit blue and at first I did not think I would find one single treasure...
but God blessed me as He always seems to do.

Nothing earth shattering but all very meaningful to me.
Some Christmas clothes and good books and beautiful things.

That's God's way - to bless us in simple ways that encourages our hearts.

This Western Santa was only $1.50 and I put him by a western style tree in the den.

I find so many beautiful treasures at Texas Thrift but one of the biggest blessings is Christine - our favorite cashier! She is such a sweet lady and I wait extra time in line so I can check out with her.
She was telling me about a movie she saw on Freevee - 

That's what we are watching right now as I write this journal entry tonight.

I asked Christine if she was free on Wednesday night and told her about our Christmas service and gave her my information and an invitation to Fellowship along with an invite to our house afterwards  for appetizers and dessert.

So Wednesday afternoon Macon and Summer were busy designing and making Christmas treats!

Nutter Butters all dressed up as reindeer and snowmen....

They made magic!!

Pam picked us up for the Christmas service and I so love and appreciate her.
She is always looking out for us and, while I promised her mother, Reaoman, that I would be there for her daughter - Pam has more than been there for me.

Fellowship is such a class act using modern technology for the glory of the Lord!

I love being a part of this amazing church family!

As we were leaving, guess who was RIGHT behind us???
Christine and her husband!!!
Now this is a mega church with hundreds and hundreds of people at every service and they were RIGHT BEHIND US???
That's a God thing!!

They were on their way to our house for refreshments when they got a call from their grandson and he needed them to pick him up.

This is not the end but a beautiful beginning of a great friendship!!
This is God taking Tuesday Treasures to a whole 'nuther' level!!!

After church refreshments......

Brenda and Billy.....

Macon and Summer....
this is the beef and cheese dip that is so good!

Always a pic of Billy and Louis Dean!

It's a countdown to Christmas Eve.....

Today ( Thursday) was a day of rest and recovery.....

Macon and Summer went off  for some sight seeing and errands.....

I went to bed early on Wednesday night and was up early this Thursday morning.

I meant to sleep in but that didn't happen....

Louis Dean and I had a late lunch ....

and watched Greyhound.....

After that I went to bed for a three hour nap!

I find comfort in things like a fragrant candle - this is my Christmas candle from Brenda.

I am full of so many different emotions tonight.....
Joys as well as sorrows and concerns.

My sister, Deanie is a much more private person than I am - so I will not go into all the details except to say that she fell a few days ago in the shower and was taken to the hospital.....
she will be okay but she was all bloodied up and is black and blue and has a broken nose but is  recovering.

And then Nita's son had an emergency quadruple bypass surgery and, PRAISE GOD, is recovering and may be going home this weekend. 

Christmas is a gift and a blessing.....always.
Life happens and causes us to stop and seek the Lord in our sadness and conflicts and burdens and we are comforted.

God meets us where we are..

God bless you, and keep you and fill you with His grace, peace, and love.


Rita said...

Anything with Tom Hanks is good. I had watched this one. Always more interesting when based on true events.

Sorry you have people you love dealing with health issues. You also have wonderful family and new friends. Looks like that was a lovely concert at the church. Merry Christmas. :)

Anonymous said...

Life happens,indeed!
Love ya Linda

Estelle's said...

Wishing you all a very blessed and Merry Christmas Day Linda....thank you for the lovely posts throughout the year....

Donna said...

I just try to remember to always just, Believe. I just give it to God and keep on rolling...nothing else to do...
Merry Christmas!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

prayers for you family, both those who have health issues and all the rest. life goes on and we never know from one day to the other what comes next. hugs and love coming your way. I just tried prime and netflix and neither has Greyhound. will watch for it to show up. I do love Hanks

Arlene G said...

I wish I lived near you Linda, I would be right there for treat night!! I hope you and Louis Dean have the merriest of Christmases!

Deanna Rabe said...

Ah Linda! Prayers for your loved ones! Poor Deanie!

My cards haven't arrived yet so y'all will be getting it before New Years!

Enjoy the blessing of your beautiful family, and God's greatest gift, Jesus!

Love you Friend!

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

So good to chat yesterday. I am blue this Christmas too...ugh. so much to be grateful for and yet still so down. Good thing we have Jesus to rely on. Blessings, friend!💜

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I hope you have a Merry Christmas full of love.

Susie said...

Linda, Praying everyone gets well in time for the big day, Jesus Birthday . :)You are about the busiest lady I know. Praying for all of you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Love and blessings, xoxo, Susie

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I hope that your injured family members will be feeling well enough to enjoy Christmas Day festivities, Linda. You certainly have had a full slate of things going on before the holiday and how nice that included family and friend visits.

We send all good wishes to you and Louis Dean and your family fir a wonderful Christmas and all the best in the coming new year.

Debbie said...

what a wonderful post, i really enjoyed every work!! i hope you are all healthy enough to enjoy christmas but you have had some great days this past week. i LOVE the picture of you and ld holding hands, that is so sweet!!

i hope i said thank you for the christmas card, it is, as always, one of my favorites!! merry christmas!!

Wanda said...

When I have those mixed feelings and emotions, I like to remember that Jesus experienced everything we do. He did that so he could feel our burdens and concerns....Praise God He is the burden carier,and the give of strength!

I love you and will be praying for your family this wonderful season of Christ's Birth.