Sunday, December 15, 2019

Celebrating a Birthday and Christmas in Big Spring!

Before I went to bed Friday night, I had one last important thing on my to-do list!

Baking a Fireball Pumpkin Pie to take with us to Big Spring.
Great Granddaughter Kaitlyn requested one for the Concert and Dessert event on Sunday night.
I baked it and let it cool and then I got up in the middle of the night and popped it in the freezer so I could carry it frozen in an insulated bag. 

Louis Dean didn't sleep well and when he did fall asleep - he slept hard!
It was nearly 1:00 when we were in the car and saying a prayer right before we pulled out of the driveway.

We agreed to only stop for potty breaks and a sandwich.
It is 286.6 miles from Irving to Big Spring.
That should take 4 hours 9 minutes......
we made it in 5 hours and were really proud of ourselves!!
We have been known to meander our way somewhere and take forever to arrive!

The sun slowed us down some or we would have made even better time.
I drove from home until the sun started blinding me and then Louis Dean took over as he is taller than I and the sun visor actually works for him.....until it didn't.
That's when we pulled into this rest area so the sun could set and we could watch it.

We checked into our motel - and old fashioned kind where you can park right in front of your door.
Louis Dean is old school and likes them and I am easy to please. 
We like our room! I had requested and was guaranteed a downstairs room since I didn't want to do the stairs. I started to use but called the motel directly since I wanted a guaranteed down stairs - and it was the same price as booking online. It has a fridge and microwave so we have all the comforts of home - plus Louis Dean brought his own blankets!

We freshened up and dove the short 2 miles to Chandy and Chris and their Christmas House!

They went all out in decorating and it is gorgeous!
Kaitlyn even painted the fence before they started putting up the lights!

Little Bella left her fingerprints on her big sister's birthday cake!

No worries! The cake was delicious!

Granddad, Great Grandson Piercyn, Great Granddaughter Kaitlyn and I.
I missed getting a pic of Bella! We were here in September celebrating HER birthday!
We had a fun evening!
Wings, fries and CAKE!

I played with Kaitlyn's pet turtle.....she has two.
I suggested she name them Cuff and you remember what movie that came from?
Kaitlyn put on 'An  Accidental Christmas' for our evening entertainment along with lots of visiting.

We slept in this morning and ended up staying in our room and in bed until late this afternoon!
Talk about resting! We did it up right today!
It was 4:00 by the time we went over to give the great grands their Christmas gifts.

We made sure they were gathered in the living room and then Louis Dean went out to the car and brought in two guitars in their cases. I carried in Bella's gift bag.

Kaitlyn was SO surprised!!!

She had no clue!

Piercyn had made it known that he wanted a guitar 'just like Granddad's!'

He was in heaven!

Bella's gifts were also musical instruments......
a penny whistle from Scotland and a tambourine!
I love how she's wearing it around her waist!

We had such a lovely afternoon!

We went back to the motel room to rest and meet back up with everyone at church tonight for the 
Christmas Festival of Songs and Desserts.

Bella and her daddy waiting for the concert to start..

It was beautiful!
So is Kaitlyn.....

Look at that amazing pipe organ!

We were so happy to be able to be part of this special weekend.

Kaitlyn is now 15 years old and we were here to help her celebrate her birthday!

We are now back in the room ready to go to bed.
Tomorrow we will head home.
It's been a wonderful family weekend!


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Such a special weekend!

Ginny Hartzler said...

It was all just perfect! I do not remember seeing this family, they are beautiful and you are so blessed to have them! The guitars were a huge hit!Your sunset is gorgeous!

Bluebird49 said...

That sounds wonderful and exhausting! I'll bet the program at church was pretty; Kaitlyn certainly looked pretty. Their gifts were so nice. I would have nearly died from happiness if I'd gotten a guitar when I was 15! Even better, to actually have met my grandfather---much less my great-grandfather---would have been great. Truly a magical Christmas visit youall had.
I remember when David got a recorder for Christmas. He played so much that it mysteriously disappeared into a high chest of drawers and wasn't found for years! :) Wonder how long one can listen to a pennywhistle!;

Vee said...

What a thrill for Louis Dean to gift his greats with the guitars and other musical items. The beat goes on!

Susie said...

Linda, Sounds like a long weekend, but fun. Such a pretty birthday girl, she needs to smile more. I do not understand why young girls are not willing to smile for pictures. Emma is going thru some of that teen angst...or whatever they are calling it these days. LOL More musicians in the family and LD legacy lives on. :) Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

Changes in the wind said...

How wonderful to have such a special week-end and be able to rest as well.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That was a very special family weekend. Glad you were up to going and made sure to rest when you could. I hope they both enjoy their guitars and can play them with Louis Dean in yers to come. What a treat that would be for him.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

looks perfect to me. the gifts and the fun and the food... we only stay in motels with parking in front of the room, no lobby's, and must be ground floor. of course we have not stayed in one since 2005.. but if we did it would have to be that way.... ha ha on taking his own blankets. I take my own pillows.

photowannabe said...

What a wonderful weekend.
I'm glad you stay in a motel and can get the rest you need and then join family when you are ready.
Fantastic gifts for the Grands. and fun to be with family and hear your Granddaughter sing in her church.
It sounds like a Just about Perfect Weekend.

Carole said...

Looks like a great time was had by all.. Cheers ( and put your feet/knee up)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Glad to have shared in this special family weekend, and thanks for posting al the photos. Those guitars were a big hit!

Chatty Crone said...

How nice to give guitars - I bet they were surprised? Glad you got to celebrate her birthday. Sweet.

Rain said...

What a lovely time! I loved the photos, oh and the guitars!! :) The photo of the sun setting is gorgeous, even though it was blinding!!!

BeachGypsy said...

Linda this looks like a wonderfully fun time and I'm so glad y'all got to attend! Love all the pictures. Your Great granddaughter is so cute and those kids will surely remember ALWAYS the Christmas they got guitars!!!---how fun!! Are y'all home safely yet?

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Family times are so great! I love it when the family is into musical instruments. Our grandson plays the guitar. I received your Christmas card in the mail today. Thank you so much. So nice of you to spread Christmas cheer. Nancy

Jan said...

Sounds like a wonderful time! I'm so glad you and LD are enjoying your Big Spring family.

I never thought about bringing extra blankets to a motel, but I'll be doing it from now on!! We drove to Lubbock yesterday for our youngest grandsons' combined birthday party. We stayed in a hotel and just about froze! It was right around 20 degrees there last night and the room's heating unit just wasn't working very well. The "blanket" on the bed was very thin. I finally got up and put slacks,top and socks on and was a little warmer for the rest of the night!