Monday, December 2, 2019

Made With Love....

I've has such a nice easy Monday.
 Louis Dean was my knight in shining armor and went out to do my errands for me....the bank, the post office, the drugstore. He also took a big load of 'debris' to the Goodwill!
We also hauled lots of stuff to the curb for garbage pick up tomorrow!

I did my 22 minutes of stretching exercises and routine housework.
The highlight of my day was when Pam came by for a little visit and mentioned there was a package on my porch.

Turned out it had my name on it and look what was in it!!
A personalized casserole dish from a sweet friend in St. Louis!
Thank you so much, Jackie!
I just love it and will think of you every time I use this dish.....which will be often.

I've been enjoying the clean rooms and the living room has become my favorite place to rest.
I love my angel wall....and the three angel paintings . I painted the top one in 1996, the one below with the blue ribbon in 1997 and the one you can't see behind the tree in 1998.

This is an ornament I made in 1967 and it hangs on the Santa tree in the den.
It's one of the pleasures of this time of the year - holding small pieces of history in my hand.
Things I or my children have made in years past still mean something to me today.
I do hold on to more things than I need to but I am learning to let go of the debris that just clutters and means nothing. There's a box of memory ornaments I still have to go through and I am taking my time and not just pitching everything without looking at thm first.

I stayed in my pajamas all day and I think it's now time to shower and change into a nightgown.
December 2nd....this is going to be the easiest week of the month.
Next week every day is booked solid and that continues right up to Christmas.
I get confused trying to keep my calendar straight - it's like putting together a jig saw puzzle!
I am not coping and surviving this Christmas season. 
I am fully engaged every day and enjoying the small moments as well as big ones.

I'm doing my very best......

Hope you are, too!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Cute pajamas! I am glad you are making the most of every day this month!! Life is all about memories! Life IS memories! Your angle wall and little tree is gorgeous!!!

Bluebird49 said...

What a thoughtful and pretty gift!
I need to try and declutter, but my head needs clearing, too! I need to appreciate the moments more!
Yay for Louis Dean running errands. Ed runs many for me and I try to keep them at a minimum, and make them somehow be all in one day, if I can. I even order things online so he doesn't have much to do. I appreciate everything he does and need to tell him much more! <3

Carol said...

The casserole dish is very nice and what a nice gift. I am glad you are enjoying some stress free days. My husband and I did that on Friday to some extent. I am hoping December is enjoyable and stress free but I don't think it will be as I am so far behind already.

Arlene G said...

Love your pretty angels. Marvin did some ornaments like the one you made. He made them the first year we were married and he did it all by himself. I am not sure what possessed him as that is the only time in our married life that he ever did any Like you my tree is filled with special memories. It makes me happy just to look at it. I do have most of my shopping done...not a lot of going and doing so it should not be too stressful. Hope today is a good one and your knee is behaving.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I’m glad you’re not stressed! This should be an enjoyable time of year! That baking dish is great!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's nice to take a day to putter around in your pjs! We keep things simple so that suits me. I'm going to hike and pick up pinecones today! I've been looking forward to it! Hugs!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I hope the days ahead continue to be stress free. Christmas is meant to be enjoyed. you do have a special place to sit and relax and take the joy of Christmas in. Our homes should be a refection of who we are.

Changes in the wind said...

Love that casserole dish, what a great gift! Enjoyed seeing your angel wall and the info. Do you tend to look at it with a critical eye? I am afraid I would do that, thinking I should have done this or that. Hopefully you aren't like me and just enjoy them. I am trying hard to live in the moment too and not think about what needs to be done tomorrow:)

Vee said...

If anyone deserved a stress-free day, you did. A knight in shining armor is a very good thing!

What a wonderful gift from your friend all personalized and everything. No one will be able to keep it not knowing to whom it belongs.

Blessings this Tuesday, I’m in a snow globe. ❄️

Art and Sand said...

That casserole dish is adorable.

Carole said...

Linda, here's to managing stress this month... And to your knee behaving.. Cheers

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my Dec has nothing on it, other than my TOPS meetings on Thursdays and the 12th we will have our party instead of our meeting.. that is it for the whole month and all the way to Feb, which is the first doctor appointment on the new 2020 calendar. love your little tree with the angel paintings

Debbie said...

so nice of ld to help out for you, those errands can be killers!! we are going to do less this christmas season, last year we did too much!! i wish the decorations and light shows started earlier and lasted longer - we just don't have enough time to do everything!!

that dish is really nice and the perfect color for the christmas season!!!

i adore pj day's!!!

photowannabe said...

When Christmas becomes Work it ceases to have precious memories and the real meaning.
I'm so glad you took it easy and really had time to enjoy your own creative efforts.
Your angel wall is wonderful, and so are YOU..

Susie said...

Linda, So pretty at your house. I wish I had done some looks like we will have that little tree from last year. LD is a wonderful helping man. Ted has taken a bit of care of me. He's no nurse, just does help. I am thankful for that. Blessings to all, love , xoxo, Susie

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What a lovely surprise to receive in the mail, Linda, and one that you can use and remember your friend, Jackie. Yeah for Louis Dean doing all the errands so you could relax in your PJs, which we do a lot here. We currently have an 18-inch snowfall that happened from Sunday until today so we have been relaxing in our apt. Your angel paintings are lovely and perfect for any time of year. here's to a stress-free holiday season for us all.

Judy said...

Here's hoping your Tuesday was equally stress-free! May you have many moments to reflect and enjoy the advent season over these next weeks. Love the surprise that arrived for you.