Sunday, December 8, 2019

A Christmasy Saturday and our Sunday....

I worked in the gazebo Saturday and made some good progress!
Didn't get it finished but nearly.
I used lots of red Christmas plaid which will look fine throughout January.
We stopped working and cleaned up in time to meet up with a very special couple at Campo Verde Mexican Restaurant! 
I added a link to a Star Telegram newspaper article published December 5th.
It really is an amazing place!

Meet Marie and Tony with their daughter, Lana.
I've known Marie since she was 18 months old and love her dearly!
We had so much fun with them!
Tony and Louis Dean hit it off and found they have so much in common.
They both grew up in Abilene, for one thing, howbeit many years apart.
Louis Dean is 83 and Tony is 43!
It was amazing the things they both remember!
Louis Dean was telling them about living in Abilene where he and his buddy, Don Williams, rented a room from an older lady. She was so kind and motherly to them that Louis Dean still remembers her fondly. He said, "She was such a wonderful lady! I still feel all warm and fuzzy when I think of her. Mrs. Foster was her name."
Turns out - Mrs. Foster was a relative of Tony's!
Talk about it being a small world!

After we left the restaurant, we went over to Tony and Marie's house for dessert and coffee/tea!

The moon was shining down on their beautifully lit home!

It is like a Christmas Wonderland!

I thought I have a lot of tea!!
Just look at her collection!
Marie and I had the Nutcracker tea to go with that cake.

Oh, that cake!!!
Homemade through and through!!
How long has it been since you have had a truly homemade from scratch cake?
It had been a long time for me!
Cranberry filled white cake with an orange cream frosting!!
AND she sent some home with us!!!

Marie served tea in her favorite Christmas mugs and the cake on her Pioneer Woman Christmas plates. Louis Dean and Tony continued to talk about their connections to Abilene and he showed LD pics from the 'old days.' 

Everything was decorated so beautifully!

They have two of the sweetest dogs you would ever meet -
Pepe and Penelope!

Tony has a huge Christmas Village collection! 
 Marie has a tree with food ornaments on it right there in the kitchen!
 I love her Coffee Bar area! She keeps that decorated for all the seasons.

There was so much to look at that I just wanted to linger!

After dessert we watched the Bee movie!
It was so cute and clever and made the perfect entertainment to top off the evening.
I must brag about their daughter, Lana. She is 13 years old and the sweetest young lady!
She made us feel so special. She's creative like her mom and Marie is creative like HER mom.
As a matter of fact, Marie's mother painted with me for years and we both did a ton of crafts together back in the day. Lana and I have plans to do a Christmas painting together in July!  I taught a class here in the dining room at home for over 35 years. I haven't had a class for awhile now but for years I would have Christmas in July when we would start our Santa painting. I'd play Christmas music and serve hot chocolate with candy canes.....always making sure I bought a package after Christmas to keep just for July! Maybe my teaching days aren't over yet!

That evening was just what I needed!

Look what I found on my porch this morning!

A box packed full of breakfast goodies!
Biscuit mix and preserves from the Loveless Cafe in Nashville, Tennessee!
Thank you to my friend, Linda, for thinking of us!!
Between the hospitality of the Fosters and the kindness of Linda - I am feeling pretty special these days. 

Next year I'm definitely going to paint a Christmas scene with an old red truck!!

I have my pre op appointment in the morning and already checked in online.
We meant to leave for the ranch as soon as I get back - but my knee has been so painful I haven't packed yet. Not that we need to pack much! We will only be gone a few days. Our bee meeting is Tuesday night and we will be having a pot luck dinner after. I do need to pack my art!
It will take another 2-3 hours to finish that last manger scene I'm painting for the Fort Worth Chinese Christmas Tree.

I will do my next journal entry from the COUNTRY!
Goodnight, Folks.


Ginny Hartzler said...

What special friends; they treated you like royalty! I think it would be so cool for you to have a Christmas painting class! As I like to say "Let Your Light Shine"!! That cake is gorgeous! I can't remember the last time I had a from scratch cake! Or even a box mix, for that matter!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

What a joy to have such a special time together!

Bluebird49 said...

You should feel pretty special, because you are very special.
Marie's house looked like a Christmas Shop! I know youall enjoyed the visit!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

You ARE very special Linda. Thank you for sharing such a lovely time with your friends.

Vee said...

What good friends and a fun evening! Interesting and neat that the gentlemen had so much in common. Personally, I think almost any two men on the planet can find common ground given an opportunity. Your Christmas in July paint parties sound like an event. I remember when you did Tuesday evening paint parties. Have a good time in the country!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I can feel the Christmas cheer radiating from all your happy faces. It's wonderful to connect with old friends especially during Christms. That cake looks absolutely scrumptious. And a great way to end the evening. I pavement and a cake completely from scratch in a long time. I'm going to take yp your way of celebrating Christmas in July grin bit ib and di sine painting. I usually set it as the date to choose what I will paint for Christmas each year. Maybe you could share your painting class on line here on your blog. I'd love that. Enjoy your time at the ranch and take it easy on your kneee.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

SORRY for all he typing errors. I don't know what's up with me this morning.

Changes in the wind said...

What a special night you shared with your friends and a from scratch cake to boot! Isn't is wonderful that age doesn't dictate who your friends are:)

Estelle's said...

What a perfect and festive nice to be invited to this gathering...y'all are a popular couple always....hope the knee feels better hearing your plans for the season! Warm hugs!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yay for a country home visit! love the old truck in the card and the old truck decoration. your visit sounds good and it truly is a small world. who would think two people that many years apart in age would have a connection... the cake looks devine

Debby said...

Amazing coincidences. Beautiful decorations and wonderful friends.
I hope we get to read your article. ❤️

Carole said...

Glad your pre-op went well - and an added bonus losing all that weight by accident! way to go! Cheers

Chatty Crone said...

You had me at that homemade cake - cranberries - I would never have put those two things together but it looked wonderful!

Hootin Anni said...

Linda...just a quick note this morning

You have an email from Hootin' Anni's Yahoo account. I'll come back later to catch up.