Monday, May 14, 2018

Saturday With Summer and All My Children on Sunday

We had the nicest Saturday! No pressure and no stress and no headache!
I spent the morning doing housework and projects and a bit of yard work in the back.
I like the English garden look. Always have. So why I kept clipping it all as if I were giving the gardens a haircut - I don't know. So far I have only clipped back the Asian Jasmine under the den windows. I did that several weeks ago and after the shock it went through - it is finally growing back again. I have decided to restrain myself and gently clip areas and allow that luscious abundance of green to GROW! 
The cottonwoods have finished and the beards - or pecan flowers - have another week or two before they all drop. Louis Dean blew all the decks, driveway, patios and walks off on Friday. He even mowed the lawn. Come Saturday morning when we went out with a cup of coffee - everything was covered with the green beards - again! We are just going to have to deal with it all when we get back home from the country!

Summer came over Saturday afternoon.
I don't have pics of me or Summer although SHE looked good.
I didn't.
Louis Dean always looks good so I took one of him!
We visited and cooked a good dinner......

you can't go wrong with a good steak and these were delicious!
No bones but I did save the fat we trimmed off after cooking them to take down to Rufus.
Summer spent the night with us and for our evening entertainment, we watched a Hallmark Channel movie 'Darrow and Darrow.' Light and perfect for before bed. 

So there were three of us - Summer in the guest room and we in our bedroom.
We should have all slept soundly.
Not one of us did.
It was crazy how we each took turns roaming the house.
Louis Dean had restless leg syndrome plus he went to bed talking about the bees at the ranch and what he was going to do to take care of the situation.
It's always a bad sign when he goes to bed with something on his mind.
So.....I was ready to go to sleep and he kept talking until when he finally got quiet - I was wide awake. I got up and went out in the gazebo to read a few chapters of .......

I am loving this book!!
SO I relaxed while reading and pretty soon went back to bed.
About the time I was all settled down - Louis Dean got up.
Unbeknownst to him - Summer was up, too, and in the den.
She heard him rummaging around in the kitchen getting something to eat.
In order not to embarrass him - he had on shorts and a white t-shirt - she went back to the guest room by way of the living room and he didn't even see her.
After HE went back to bed, Summer still couldn't sleep so she got up and went back to the den.
But Louis Dean had turned all the lights off and finding the switches to turn them back on is not an easy task unless you know exactly where to find them. I need to write a manual to this house!
Instead of sitting in the dark in the den, she went back to the guest room and watched some programs on her phone. In the mean time - Louis Dean was back up and he continued to roam the house, settling down in his easy chair and then on the couch and then back in his easy chair.
He said the sun was coming up when he finally went to sleep.

I was the only one that had slept long enough to feel like getting up this morning.
I took one look at Louis Dean and knew he wasn't going to church!
Summer rallied and she and I dressed and left him in bed......sleeping at long last!

After church Amber, Mike, the kids, Summer and I all went to Dickie's BBQ for lunch.

My youngest son, Benjamin, surprised me when he showed up just after we had all sat down!

We had such a nice time!!
The kids made over Uncle Ben and Logan whispered in my ear, "Uncle Ben kissed my cheek!"
They are clearly crazy about him!!

After lunch, Summer and I went on errands and Amber and Mike took the kids over to swim at the pool where Uncle Ben lives.
It's like a resort with a sand beach and palm trees and everything!!
I know they all had a ball!!

Summer and I went to Walmart where they have large Yankee candles in summer/beach scents for just $8!! Amber told us about them. We stocked up!!
Summer spied the do it yourself key kiosk and she needed a new key to our house for when we are gone. I had made her one but it had been inadvertently thrown away.
Now she has a brand new one with the Dallas Cowboys logo on it!

It was a lovely Mother's Day!!
Since we are going on that Alaskan cruise, I have been trying to navigate the website and find the itinerary and see the excursions available. But I could not figure it out.
Enter Summer! She has it all set up for me now. 
PLUS, I checked on our passports and discovered mine had expired!
So Summer went to work again! She found the online site to renew my passport, printed out the right forms, we went up to Walgreen's to get our passport photos taken (Summer is getting her passport as well) and we took the envelope with all the documents and mailed it at the post office with a tracking number. The PO Box is right here in Irving so I should get my new passport fairly soon!

So I got to spend time with three of my four children!

My oldest son, Jesse, made this card on Facebook and sent it to me, then called and we had a nice phone chat!

After the day was over, I decided to bite the bullet and change out my closet to spring and summer!

That is such a job!
I bought some new tops and leggings and Capri's at very inexpensive prices while we were at Walmart. It was time to see what warm weather clothes I had so I pulled everything out of the closet and sorted and reorganized it all.
Three bags full will go to Goodwill.
The fall/winter things are now stored in the top of the closet and all the rest is neatly hung.

I kept in mind the fact that I would need to be able to get to some dressy outfits for my cruise.
While I could get this dress ON.....I will need to lose about 5 pounds if I intend to wear it!
I have time.

The bedroom is back in order, closet is done and the doors shut.
The dishwasher is humming and Louis Dean is sound asleep - praise God! - in the guest room.
I bought a bigger diffuser for the bedroom and will take the small one I have been using down to the camper when we go tomorrow. Tonight I am using lavender and orange essential oils.
I turned the bedroom AC on and it will be cold and fragrant when I open the door in a few minutes to go to bed. Perfect sleeping conditions!

It's well after midnight now. I didn't even try to get in under the stroke of 12:00!
We will be heading down to the ranch tomorrow.
While we meant to leave early, I think it will be a bit after noon now.
We definitely need to get some sleep before we go!


WE said...

Great, looks like you all had a lovely time together this Mothers' day...

Carol said...

Sounds as though your Mother's Day was a good one. I have spent the entire weekend doing nothing so I will certainly be busy the next few days. My kids tried to surprise me with a trip to the zoo, but it was supposed to rain so we postponed and you might know it never rained a drop!

Susie said...

Linda, So glad you got to be with three of your too. talking on the phone with your fourth, me too. So good that sweet Summer is always willing to help you with your computer searches. Glad you had a great Mother's day. I love mine also. Take care and stay well. Blessings to all of you, love, xoxo,Susie

Arlene G said...

What is it with sleeping Saturday night? I was the same way. I could not sleep!! So glad Summer helped you get your cruise excursions planned. It is nice to have Tech Savvy children. Looks like you had the perfect Mothers Day. I did too! Thankful for my three kiddos.

Nancy Chan said...

Love to read your post! Happy mother's day! Everyone had a great time. You will enjoy your cruise!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You had a lovely weekend! I had my turn with sleeplessness last night! I think I need a new pillow and I know we need a new bed!

Changes in the wind said...

So nice to have your kids with you on Mother's day and I think Summer is a angel is disguise.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i enjoyed the who's on first, wandering trio story. bob never has trouble sleeping but i do, my problem is if i get up and wander Jake gets up and will INSIST that bob get up. this means i have to lay in bed and tough it out. have fun at the farm and loved the stories of your day with you children and grand children

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Like you I spent the day with all my children - all be it one way or the other. Even had a face time session with my youngest. Mothers Day is definitely a day to celebrate. I didn't realize you were leaving again so soon. Have a safe trip! I know how much you love the time spent at the ranch.

Bluebird49 said...

Are you the real Energized bunny after all?
Have a great time in the country, Linda...and post!!

bj said...

So glad you had a great Mothers, too.
You are going to love your cruise. Mr. Sweet and I went on our 50th anniversary, a gift from our kids....It was GREAT...and such pretty country in will love it.

Estelle's said...

Lawd, look precious!!! So happy to hear you enjoyed your special day...I know how much your children adore you!I do think LD gets more handsome with each day.....

Debby said...

You look adorable. I'd love too to Alaska. What a night you had. Sounds like a fun day followed. ❤️

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your story about everyone roaming the house at night, and going around back ways, etc. is hilarious!! It really reminds me of a Marx Brothers movie! Well...Louis Dean's arch enemies, the bees! Now I am a bit concerned about his plan. I hope he doesn't have another bad encounter with them! No wonder he couldn't sleep. I want to hear all about what he does, and how it went! You look so cute in those leggings and top, just like a teenager! Now I must make a trip to WM...especially if I could look like this! I have never heard Of ASIAN Jasmine! How is it different, and does it smell the same as regular Jasmine?

Pudge450 said...

Your photo of Louis Dean looks like a Norman Rockwell painting. Have you heard of the relief of restless leg syndrome using a bar of soap? If not, you should google it. Lots of people swear by it. Just don’t use Dial or Dove. Don’t know why.

Carole said...

Just googled the soap thing - weird! Have a good trip to the country tomorrow. Cheers

Nonnie said...

I feel for all of you not being able to sleep. It's so frustrating. Sometimes when I am awake for more than a couple of hours I fix myself a glass of milk with honey in it, heat it up, and then add 1/4 tsp of nutmeg and it helps me. It is very important not to add more than 1/4 teaspoon though. Your pictures are wonderful and the one of you with your kids and your son with the kids is precious. Your first pic of Louis Dean is very good. Truly, all your pictures are always good. I'm happy for you that you are on top of the passport thing and you get to go to Alaska. You will absolutely love it and I look forward to reading about it.