Friday, May 18, 2018

Deanie Days and Country Days.....

My sister started the 'Deanie Days' back when she was struggling so hard with her health.
Thankfully she doesn't have to take as many of them as she did back then.
Now all of us call a day when we more or less stay in bed and barely have the energy to do what's absolutely necessary a 'Deanie Day!' And I have had two in a row!

Late yesterday (Thursday) afternoon, I came out of the camper where I had been holed up all day  in the Girl Bunk - which, by the way, Deanie also has a Girl Bunk - napping, reading and playing Scrabble and Words With Friends.

The horses were out there in the front yard and I fed them some celery stalks.

They are so beautiful and are letting me pet them more and more - even when I don't have food for them.

This is the boy horse and his eyes are blue and look kind of spooky but he's actually very gentle.

My attempt to show you how things are set up out here.
The shop is the white building behind where Louis Dean is building our utility room.
Once we get things done, we will paint the camper white to go with the new additions.
Also, after the Bee Keeper comes on Monday evening to take the bees, we will need to put up new walls as he will have to pull that one off to get to the huge hive inside.
I call this our front yard!!

Across the fence line is Mr. Jackson's cows.
Next week I'm starting a landscape of cows, pasture and will add a couple of big trees because that's what you can do when you paint!
Since my art was already out, I set down at the table and worked for an hour or two.
Painting is something I can do no matter how I feel.
It can even take my mind off of aches and pains.
It's a wonderful thing to be able to lose yourself in something.
Art and reading do that for me.

I went to bed at 8:00 last night. as in lights out and everything.
I just didn't think I could push myself one more inch.
I am chalking this extreme fatigue to a very low thyroid.....even though I do not actually have a thyroid gland. I had thyroid cancer 29 years ago and have been on medication ever since.
Once the new dose starts to kick in, I'm pretty sure I will get some of my energy back.
But not yet. I'm glad to be here and not at home where I would see so many things I need to do and places I need to go and people I need to see.

It was 10:30 when I woke up this morning.
I thought I was going to be more 'normal' but that didn't last long.
We read and had coffee and then I went back to bed and back to sleep.
Once again, it was late afternoon - 6:00 - when I came out here to the front room and started art again.

The Paris Texas Eiffel Tower is done.
I will continue to look at it for a few days and then if I'm still satisfied with it -
I'll glaze it, let it dry and it will be ready to give to my former sister in law, Sherry.
I think Summer and I are going to take a day trip up to Paris, Texas to deliver it to her.
Then we can see the Paris, Texas Eiffel Tower in person.

I finished Buddy this evening.
This is painted on fabric that is a reproduction of a feed sack.
They were popular back in the 80's and they were printed with the purpose of painting on them.
I'm a pack rat and have had them for years and years.
I eventually get around to using my arts and crafts supplies or I finally donate them.

The old license plate is hanging in the front room.

I also pretty much finished this piece.
While still not my favorite style, I like it a whole lot better than I did!
Sabrina painted one like this in art class back in 2002 and she wants me to paint a companion piece for the guest room there in Puerto Rico. 

I packed up the art table tonight so I can do some denim whacking tomorrow.
Plus I want to do some housekeeping out here.
It's not easy to keep house while you are still under construction!

I built the campfire tonight.
It is one of the most relaxing things in all the world - just to pull up your chair and gaze into the flames. Louis Dean told me the fire is nearly out. I'm writing at the table in the front room so I can still see it. Now it's time to go out and do a last sit and watch as it dies down.
Louis Dean has been getting a lot of things down!
There is one wall UP in the utility room now.
Since I have been lying low, it's been a good thing for him to have things to stay busy with.
His beloved Ellen passed away after a long illness so anytime I get the least bit down - he worries.
Sitting and chatting together before we go to bed is the best thing we can do to make sure we sleep well.


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Hugs Linda, resting when you need to is so important. LD is such a sweetheart and so are you.

Kathy said...

I had a "Franke Day" on Wednesday. It must be you g around. I do so enjoy all the wonderful pictures you post. I feel as if I am there with you. Thanks especially for the one showing where your camper is. It really puts things into perspective.

Kathy said...

I hate spell check. Hope you can read what I was trying to say.

Linda said...

Thyroid sounds reasonable for your exhaustion. Texas summer heat could be a contributing factor. As hard as I try I can hardly make myself stay in bed during the day. I have no idea why that doesn’t work for me. Sounds like it would be fun. You are moving right along with your paininting. Love the goat.

Bluebird49 said...

I am sorry you're running on low batteries, and when they get charged back up --- you will be up and running again! With Fibromyalgia, I have many slow days, and I just get slower. We're having a little more stress with David's illness and his sister, Kat's, sudden onset of emotional problems. Well, we're not sure when they started, because she always is more seclusive, and likes to be alone. I hope you'll see her when you pray for David. My little family seems to be besieged this past year. My son tells me that he's facing problems with his kids he didn't really foresee! We can never see into the future and it's probably good we do not!
Constantly hearing about school shootings have be fearful for all school children, too. I think our childhood days, at least, seemed safer.
I hope you feel better Saturday, but do listen to what your body tells you! (I wish I could do that as well as I advise you to!!)

Hootin Anni said...

You have been getting some wonderful paintings done! And L D is hard at work too! (I'd live in thst area 24/7 instead of the city!)

Beautiful horses & lovely, relaxing campfire!

Hootin Anni said...

that area instead of thst...sorry

Small Kucing said...

Have a nice weekend of rest :)

Arlene G said...

Feel better Soon Linda...I have hypothyroidism so I understand. Hope the med kicks in soon.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I do hope your are feeling better soon. Rest is the best thing you can do for yourself. Your front yard is amazing. What a view and the campfire sounds wonderful. There is nothing much that is so relaxing. Hope you have a good weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we are of an age that we do worry when one of us is 'down' or not up to normal selves.. hope your tired is gone by now. love buddy on the painting, love the horse, love your front room and trailer... jealous over front yard and petting horses and goats and finding fresh eggs..

Changes in the wind said...

Glad you are in the country and resting and I really love the painting of the girl!

Cheapchick said...

I hope you feel better - I do understand those low energy days and fortunately you can spend the time getting your energy back there at the ranch

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I bet you’re right a out your thyroid if you just changed dosages. GlD you’re able to rest and recharge!

Carole said...

Linda, I think it's your body letting you know you need some rest - and the great thing is you can if you want to! Even when you are throttled back you are doing more than most people! Did you watch the Royal Wedding - if you haven't yet, see if you can get hold of it - very uplifting! Cheers

Jodi W. said...

I'm going through the same thing Linda! I had my thyroid removed 5 years ago due to thyroid cancer. Going through another dose change now and feel horrible. Leaving for Gatlinburg TN in 2 weeks for our 10 year anniversary. Pray for me! I hope you start to feel better soon my friend!!! xoxo

Carla said...

I hate hearing you not being up to par. I sure hope that new thyroid medicine kicks in. So do Sabrina and Summer live in Puerto Rico full time? You probably said and I missed it. OMG I love that license plate painting! And you put a red tractor and not a bad green one. LOL. My Dad did not like green tractors. LOL