Monday, April 23, 2018

The Gift of a Day.....

We have had such a wonderful last day here on the ranch. The weather has been perfect. Not too chilly. Not too hot. Not too windy. Just right.

Louis Dean took the feeder down from the first tree we had it in and hung it up in the tree next to it.
This way he can easily see it from where he sits in the front room.
Last year very few birds even noticed the feeder.

This year it's a regular gathering place!
There is much activity going on all day long with the red-winged blackbirds with
as many as five, six and seven of them taking turns at the feeder.

Our Chicken Little likes to eat the seeds that fall to the ground and I saw both chicken and bird eating close together this afternoon, not taking any notice of each other.

I admit we have become attached to her.

She was pretty beaten up when we arrived but her feathers have grown back and she seems as happy as she can be.

It was a good day to be in the country!

The flowers are popping out left and right.

When we return in May there will be bouquets all over the place.

Dean and Sherry mow in such a way that they leave living bouquets around the place.

I'm going to miss this place.

But it's time to get back to the city.
I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday and I am going to go over and visit Reaoma after wards.
On Friday I will be heading to Fort Worth to see Mother and Lillian.
I plan to shop in Irving Thursday afternoon and buy some nutritious snack things they can keep in their room. When I talked to Lillian last week, she said they went to the dining room for a special dinner and it was awful. They served shrimp with no sauce of any kind and noodles.
Now that I know Lillian likes shrimp cocktail, I'm going to pick some up at the grocery store and take it in an insulated bag for us to all eat when I visit. Maybe take some crackers to go with it.
I'm truly open for suggestions on what kind of snacks would be good for them to have. Mother has new teeth that are still bothering her some. I need things they can keep without refrigeration.

Louis Dean was so happy to have such a good work day.

He's finishing out under the eaves and putting in two electrical outlets.
He thinks they are for flood lights and maybe so.
But I know I will be able to hang my fairy lights all over the place and plug them right in!

We have had a stack of boards piled up that needed painting and I got all of them done but two.
We both agreed that we can get up and work for a few hours before we pack up and load the truck.
Just as long as we get home sometime tomorrow. Hopefully before dark.

We are simple food today. No cooking.
I was able to finish whacking up the denim into squares, write another chapter for my book, feed the goats, do some housework and addition to painting all those boards for Louis Dean.

Our last campfire for April.

My favorite time here is the hour or so in the evening as the day fades away and the night drifts down. The day time sound of the goats, chickens, roosters, horses, and dogs and cows change to the night sounds of frogs and insects and things I can't even identify.
Once it is fully dark, we longer a little longer looking at the starry sky.

Now we have come in for the night.
We want to try to go to bed earlier since we still have a few things to do before we close up the camper and head home.

I close tonight with thoughts for my sister, Luann, and her husband, Monte.

Monte is on hospice and she wrote that he has taken a turn for the worse.
I took the following from her Facebook post:

"Thank you for all your continued prayers. Know that they are being felt. God has never felt closer, Know that Monte is transitioning, pain and anxiety free. God is so good! A new season of life is upon us both. I know he is looking forward to being pain free, mentally and physically for the first time in a VERY, very long time. The effects of the Vietnam war are almost over for him. Godspeed my love."

My thoughts and prayers have centered around Luann and Monte this past week.
I can't imagine what they are going through but I am lifting them both up to the Lord in prayer.


Cheryl said...

Linda, I began reading your post with a smile, because any day that is not too hot and not too cool and not windy . . . well that is a day to enjoy to the fullest! (We actually had such a day here. Gorgeous!) So nice to hear of all that you and Louis Dean accomplished with your day. I am always amazed at all you two are able to do in a day!

But as I got to the end of the post, I was moved to pray for your sister and for her dear husband who is transitioning into eternity. Such a hard thing to say good-bye to a loved one. May God's grace surround them.

Susie said...

Linda, I like your new pet chicken. I think she will miss you. You and LD did a lot of work this trip. So glad the weather was good. I like your prayer at the end of your post. I say something similar to it , when I am praying for so many in need of God's good love. Have a safe trip home. Blessings to all, xoxo,love, Susie

Arlene G said...

Safe travels on your way home, Linda. You all accomplished a lot this time. So glad that your sister and her husband are believers and know that this world is just temporary. I was trying to think of snacks that do not require refrigeration. Maybe some of those little puddings and applesauce that come in plastic cups. Peanut butter crackers for Lillian sorry your mom is having issues with her teeth. That does make it hard on her.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You really got a lot done with your extra day there. Hope you can get done what is needed for today and have a safe trip home to the city. Will pray too for Luanne and Monte. May the dear Lord bless them both with comfort and peace.

Tina said...

Your last April day on the ranch sounds beautiful! Your Chicken Little is so pretty, she is going to miss you both! The only snacks I can think of to try are soft oatmeal cookies, Fig Newton type cookies, Clif Bars (in the healthy food or granola bar aisle) come in lots of different flavors and they even have a kid version that might have more flavors they would like? Bananas. What about the fruit/vegetable squeeze puches that kids like? I've never tasted one but the kids seem to like them so they can't be that bad? Praying for Luann and Monte. It's so incredibly hard to lose a spouse and I pray he has a peaceful transition and she finds some peace and solace. Safe travels to you and Louis Dean!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i can't beleinve you have been there 3 weeks, time is fleeing... the chicken look so happy, no wonder the eggs are good... all that spring time green and flowers is good to see...

Changes in the wind said...

Your extra day was a prosperous one as well as enjoyable. Hope your chicken little will be okay without you. Was thinking about the foods you could take and thought of the can tuna with crackers, cheese with crackers and there is the nutrella with the bread sticks, small cans of canned fruit, sardines with crackers, granola bars, canned pork and beans, fruit juices, canned shrimp with crackers, Vienna sausages,
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Prayers for your sister and brother-in-law.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Luann has such a wonderful attitude, and is so brave. And she is right. You know those tiny round Baby Bel cheese wheels? In little mesh bags. I have seen them in the store without refrigeration, and they are soft and have lots of protein. But you would have to double check the refrigeration part. I love your country pictures today! Chickens have emotions, and get attached to people! They make good pets, too. a lot of people around here have them in their backyards.

Kathy said...

I get the snap peas or the lentils that are made into snacks. Although they are crunchy, they can dissolve in your mouth. So sorry to hear about Monte. It's both a sad and happy time. Prayers for them all.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Hi Linda, I just read your comment. Thank you so much for your wonderful comments, and most of ALL for your prayers!! I truly need prayers, as I am dealing with bone chips in my knee, and maybe part of my colon removed. Home P.T. is supposed to start coming. I now think of your Summer Dee and try to be like her. To answer your question; we went to our granddaughter's play at pre-school. I hate going in a wheelchair, but I had to. At least I was there for her, and she lit up when she saw me. I will be posting it next. Anyway, the pre-school is in a church, so we had parked there and Phil was looking for the ramp when I spotted the redbud and cross. I DO remember the enquirer saying!!! I am going to a pain clinic on Thursday, and hope to get some results.

Vee said...

Joining you in that prayer. Amen.

Debby said...

I'm sorry about your BIL. By our prayers was perfect. So glad he is pain free. It still will be hard. That was a terrible war that we still suffer from.

bj said...

I'm sorry about your BIL and so glad to know there's no pain. That is the one thing I try to remember to thank God for every day...Bill had not a minute of pain with his cancer...and he slipped into Jesus's arms sooo gently. When I start missing him so much, I try to remember how blessed he is to be in the place he worked all his life to be in.
Sorry your have to leave the farm but getting back home is also good. Love to you....

Carole said...

Do you think they would like pot noodles? One of the carers could add the hot water for them. Noodles are nice and easy to eat. You can also get little pottles of jelly and fruit in the supermarket that don't need to be kept in a fridge.

Another thought - you can get little mini fridges reasonably cheaply - that might help the snack/drink situation.

Cheers and safe travel back

Judy said...

We are so enjoying our bird feeder this year as well...hung it where we could have a better view! Have a good 'last night' rest and safe travels back to the city.

RobinSC said...

We had this same problem with my Dads facility. We ended up getting him a mini fridge for his room so we could keep healthy snacks and dinner alternatives on hand.
I was going to suggest the fruit squeeze pouches or fruit cups as well. Would PB&J be too tough to eat? Olives or pickles? They also have some great protein bars now. Clif Bars have a softer texture. The trail mix kind is my favorite. Shelf stable salami and cheese?

Small Kucing said...

Oh i see you have sweet little bamboo orchids there or at least it look like bamboo orchid. i have a small pot too but never bloom

Linda said...

Thank you for these ideas! I don’t have an email connection to send you a reply so I hope you see this and will email me....mine is on the side bar of the blog.

Debbie said...

I am sorry to hear of your Monte. But as you say....he is "transitioning". Jesus is waiting patiently, with arms ready to fold around Monte as he enters those gates. Your post was a delight to read, Linda. Full of peaceful moments in the country. Have a safe trip to the city.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Your sister wrote so beautifully about her husband. Prayers