Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Our Country Tuesday and Wednesday! Catching Up!

Tuesday morning Louis Dean and I were sitting out in the front room having our coffee and reading time when he said, "Come over here and look, Linda! You need to get a picture of this!"

The reflection in the window looked as if the candle in the tin pail was sitting on a shelf in the freezer outside on the deck. I love that he thinks of things he knows I would like!

Our Little Henrietta stays so close to us that she is sporting some white paint on her feathers!
She has obviously been getting way too close to me painting the wall boards!

Tuesday evening I took a few carrots down and held them out to the horses and here they came!

Such pretty things!

We are loving our days and our nights down here!

We were closing up the front room and turning out the lights when Louis Dean said, "Come here, Linda! You must take a picture of this!"

Henrietta was on the third rung of the ladder propped up against the camper and roosting there for the night! Louis Dean said the moon was a sliver and Venus was shining and all was right in our world.
I agreed with him.
We sat out for a few more minutes and went to bed about 9:30.
That's why I didn't blog last night.
I was asleep.

This morning - Wednesday, April 18th - we had to go to town.
As in Waco town. We ran out of white paint yesterday and the can LD thought we had as an extra had been through the freezing temps of this past winter and was practically unusable.

Country scenes on our way to town.

We seldom see another vehicle on our way in.....

It's like we own the country!

Just before we came to this point, one other truck approached from the other direction.

Once we get to the paved roads, then we see other cars.

But it's miles and miles of gravel road before we get there.

And I never tire of these country scenes.

We did our chores and shopped Home Depot for paint and other supplies.
Louis Dean suggested lunch at Luby's and that was a Win! WIN!!
We ate so well that the one meal served us for all day.....until Louis Dean ate a big bowl of Cheerios before he went to bed tonight. I had a bowl of watermelon.

We got back to the ranch and I took another nap.....I took one yesterday about the same time as today.

While HE did what he does, I painted.
I took the pic of the hen on her nest of eggs back in January.
It is one of my favorite photos.

So I printed it off and am trying to paint it.
I based it in today and will add details and definition tomorrow.

I painted this back in 2002......not a happy year for me.
This is what it looks after I worked on it this afternoon.
I should have taken a before pic......
tomorrow I will work on the lady.

Another project I should have taken a before pic.....
This is one of Deanie's Santa collection.
She gave it to me after Christmas and said, "Make him look good!"
This was after one session.
I hope to finish him up tomorrow.
I have been feeling so creative down here this trip.
I need to bring my art every time I come.

I forgot about this one......she kind of reminds me of our Henrietta......
but it's from a photo of another bird down here that I took a picture of back in January.

In other in Family in Summer news......

Summer is still enjoying her time in Puerto Rico and being with Rayne and Sabrina.

She loves island and beach life.
This is her Happy Place.

Puerto Rico is bracing itself for a tropical storm - which is a concern for all the ones who went through Hurricane Maria......and that includes Summer, Sabrina and Rayne.

Summer ran errands all morning and then suddenly the power went out on the entire island.
This was not due to weather but something else.

The last I heard from Summer just a couple of hours ago was that the storm is approaching.

So I close before midnight with my news from the country and from afar.
It is amazing to me how different life is from one place to another. From one life to another.
From where I used to be in life to where I am now.
I suppose it is true that nothing - absolutely nothing - ever stays the same.
We are all in the process of becoming .......
just what we are becoming is very much up to us......


Carol said...

How very true you are in that it is up to us to make our way in life. I am slowly learning that I must do what makes me happy and not what everyone else wants me to do. I just enjoyed a 5 day trip with friends and I love to travel. I must do without my husband as he does not like too.

Susie said...

Linda, I am loving your paintings. You are enjoying your peace and relaxation there. I thought of Summer when I heard about the power outage in P.R. Said a prayer for her, Rayne and Sabrina. Hope you and LD have a great time there today. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Blessings to all of you, xoxo, Love, Suie

Estelle's said...

Linda, I enjoyed this post so much. Change is in the forefront.....the country scenes have made my day...thank you...beautiful artwork too!

Vee said...

Another storm?! I had not heard this (because, as you know, I live under a rock.) Praying that the storm passes by without incident.

You know, every family needs a lawyer, a doctor, an accountant, a nurse, a teacher, and an artist! How fun that you can perk Deanie’s Santa up and “make him look good.” Enjoy your days! (I know that you do.)

peggy said...

Linda, just wanted to say I enjoyed every one of your pictures this morning. But what I loved most was your closing statement. I just put it in my journal. Love from Michigan.

Arlene G said...

We are heading to our happy place this morning, Linda. We have been gone for three weeks so we are happy to be on the road. I love your paintings....and a bit envious of that great talent.

Tina said...

Now whenever I hear news of Puerto Rico I think of Summer! Hopefully they will be able to get power to everyone there soon! Your paintings are wonderful and I can see why your creativity flows in the country - it's so peaceful and beautiful! I would love not seeing another vehicle for miles and miles! It's so funny that Henrietta has decided you and Louis Dean are her "family"! I loved your thoughts on change at the end of your post, I think I might put them in my journal this morning too! Have a wonderful Thursday!

Changes in the wind said...

Love that drive!! and your painting are beautiful.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I love seeing your art! You are very talented.

Carla said...

I'm in awe of you painting. the hen on her eggs is so sweet. Beautiful drive to town

MadSnapper n Beau said...

life is different even from you home to your home away from home.. love the chicken painting, you are so talented. you know I LOVE COWS. the black ones and the long horns, i love them all.... ha ha on the painted chicken, the one with paint ON it not a painting. you enjoy life and it shows in every post