Thursday, April 12, 2018

Making Progress in the Front Room......Glamping at its Finest!

While we are still very much a work in progress, we are making progress!!
It always takes up a good part of the day when we have to go into town for something.
Louis Dean needed more metal electrical outlet boxes, a circuit breaker and a thing to roll up our 225 foot water hose on. I went with him since two are better than one in remembering what we came for and how to get back to the ranch.

I was just as glad to ride along with him since I was feeling a bit lethargic.
We all cope with stress in our own way. I usually do one of two things. Either clean like a mad woman or go in a stupor. Today was Stupor Day!
When we got back home, I went to bed from 4:00 - 6:00.
I slept so soundly, I even dreamed.

While I rested inside with the AC on, Louis Dean was working like crazy out in the front room.

 I won't show you the area he was working on.....he's at one end and I'm keeping the other end as cleaned up as I can.

We have more walls up!
He will have to custom design a box around the camper door and will take the metal stairs out and make sturdy wooden ones, this closing in that last area. But that won't happen this month.

He's putting extra outlets in further down the wall. 
They are not down low and out of sight, either!
No, they are practically in the middle of the wall!
So.......I'm thinking he can build me a long shelf above them and I can hang some cute fabric from them and cover them up. I am really and truly the Queen of Cover Up!
He's already set up a table to hold the grill, toaster oven, electric skillet, hot plate and crock pot. 
Heavens! Everyone knows you can't cook inside a camper in Texas! It's like cooking in a giant tin can! So most of our cooking is done out here in the front room. That's why the many outlets are placed where they are. I'm not trying to make this place a real house. Louis Dean is building it and I am just trying to make it pretty. It's a Win! WIN!! We will always be glamping/camping down here and that's okay!

I have to tell you.....I am just ever so grateful to have this place to come to.
I've probably said this before but for years and years - as we would drive up to Colorado for our summer vacations and winter ski trips (I'm talking about in my past life before Louis Dean) I would look out the car window at the country roads and see the lanes with gates across them and farm houses beyond. I would often wonder what it would be like to stop at one of the gates and go through. Go down to the house and be welcomed. It's a dream I've had since the early 1970's and I am here to tell you that God really does give us the desires of our hearts. I also dreamed of camping and to be welcomed here at the ranch and embraced by Louis Dean's son and Sherry is something I will never take for granted.

After I took the other photos, I set up the art table for tomorrow.
Art is another therapy for me and I have chickens to paint!

Yesterday was Siblings Appreciation Day and I shared this photo on Facebook.
It was a card my son, Jesse, made back in 2009.
Linda, Deanie, Nita, Lonnie, Luann, and Shari.
I love my siblings and so proud of each one.
I especially want to brag on my sister, Deanie.
She has been amazing and no one cold have done a better job of taking care of Mother and putting her hospice care into place. She continues to struggle with her own health and has pushed on and through in ways that prove God is giving her the strength and the grace to do everything she has done.

Mother is back in the nursing home and by the end of the day, she was smiling.
She has Deanie to thank for that.

And lastly, I want to share that my Sister Luann and her husband are facing a tough time.
Monte has once again been put on hospice.
He's a Veteran who has suffered for many years and had many close calls.
I'm praying as much for my sister as I am for Monte.

The high winds here have knocked out my Internet a couple of times so I better close and post.
Thank you all for the thought, comments, messages and prayers.
I hope you know how much I love and appreciate each and every one of you.


Blondie's Journal said...

You and LD really know how to make the most out of a day. So---you both deserve those naps. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your living room.

That card with your mother and siblings is so, so special. I really wish I had more pictures of my sisters and brother (I'm fifth in a family of seven). My mother's box of pics went to my oldest sister Leslie, who passed away in 2007, and I don't know where it went after that. Many times my sisters went through the box and grabbed pictures they wanted. A very messy situation.

Do you have a new hairstyle in your profile pic? I love it no matter what!

Jane x

Linda said...

I do believe city ‘busyness’ and ‘stress’ are knocking on your country door. Don’t open the door to them, they’re bad company.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Prayers for all your family Linda. I am so happy for you both to be in the country. Good for the soul. Hugs

Bluebird49 said...

Praying for your mom, and for you and your siblings and all of the extended families! The stress of what is known and unknown in these is heavy and only God can truly lift the burdens!

Vee said...

Louis Dean has done a fabulous job creating that extra space, which helps make your camping experience much more fun. The two of you make a great team!

I have never understood why troubles come from many directions at the same time. God in His sovereignty knows and we can trust Him. Praying for your family today.

Susie said...

Linda, You extra room makes it bearable in the heat. You can open all those windows. It nice to not use a stove in the heat of summer. LD has done a fine job. I know he won't quit till it's like he wants and you will polish and spruce it all up. Love the card Jess make you. You all look good. Praying for you and all your siblings. Blessings, xoxo,love you, Susie

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Dear Friend, Know you are loved and that God is holding you in His arms!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I will surely keep your precious mother and sisters in my prayers....and you and Louis Dean of course. It makes such a difference when we all pray for one another. Your camper looks so cozy and relaxing! Take care! Hugs, Diane

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You definitely know how to make a house a home. It looks very cosy and welcoming there. Art is good therapy and I should be doing more of it myself. I've other projects to finish first. You are so blessed to have your hearts desires there. Will add your sisters husband to my prayers and continue to pray for your mom and your family as well .

Tina said...

You and Louis Dean are doing a great job making the camper your home away from home! And you're doing an especially wonderful job considering the amount of stress you're under. You and your siblings have done an inspirational job of making your mom feel loved and cared for during this difficult time. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all and I pray that you will continue to be able to find moments of peace, beauty and grace in the midst of your current trials!

Shirley said...

I like what you all are doing to your camper. I always wanted to live in the country, but that is something my family would not like. That is what you get when you live on a farm until your married life. It is the quiet and getting away from all of the noise of the city. I am continuing saying prayers for you. Take care. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri friend Shirley

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so sorry to hear about your brother in law in addition to your mother.. bob and i were talking about outlets in the wall just this past week. we were remembering that when we were growing up an outlet was a rare thing. the lights hung from the ceiling on a wire with a string to turn them on and if we were lucky there was a way to hook a cord up to that. we both lived in houses without outlets and in others that had one in each room. my grandmothers was one in each room and back then extension cords were dangerous. your front room is looking better and better each time you show it. I have always wanted to live on a ranch or farm like what you are doing now and a trailer is fine with me....

Carole said...

How fancy your front room is getting... sooon you'll have to call it a parlour! what you and LD achieve is amazing.

I have slob out (stupor) days too - yesterday, though I managed to organize all my little bits of fabric (used for food pics) - inspired by a blog I follow I wound each one round a piece of cardboard so that each fabric stands vertically and you can see them all wihtout pawing through them all. I felt absurdly proud of my efforts! Take care