Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Country Days....and an Update on Mother

We are loving our country days down here at the ranch.
I have had a lot on my mind lately what with Mother being in the hospital and Deanie bearing the brunt of the burden in seeing after her. I went for a walk yesterday afternoon to quiet my mind, think, pray and meditate. I first walked up to the big tank and sat in the end of a row boat that was up on the bank. 

This was my view.
You can barely see them if you enlarge this, but two of the goats are staked out there on the other side where they are eating the poison ivy. It doesn't bother them at all!

Then I walked up to the third tank and crossed over to the road leading to the gate.

April is the most beautiful month here -  with May being nearly just as nice.

There will be more flowers in May.

This is the first I have noticed any cactus on the ranch.

This looks similar - it's thorny and prickly but the red part is pretty.

I've been painting boards for the walls and Louis Dean has been putting them up.
He never gets as much done as he intends to but I was happy with these two new sections of wall - done by bedtime last night.

We went to bed early eating only a light supper of tuna salad and saltines.
I should have know he would get hungry in the night.
Normally I lay out a snack for him so he doesn't tear up the pantry rummaging around in there for something. He likes cereal so when he saw a banana in what he thought was a bowl (it was a colander!) - he filled it with Cheerios and poured in the milk.

He was shocked when the milk ran all over the place!
I was shocked this morning when I woke up to such a mess in the kitchen!
He had tried to clean it up.......but it was still a mess!
****Note to self****
Leave that man a snack sitting in plain sight that he can just pick up and eat!

We accomplished a lot today.
The entire wall that's on the camper side is now up and it looks good.
I'll have some pictures to share tomorrow. We are still 'glamping' but it's looking more and more like a real room!

I will close tonight with an update about our mother.

Deanie was at the hospital yesterday and again all day today.
Mother still smiles for any and all cameras!

They got her sodium levels up to 130 (135 is normal) before they started dropping again.
She was moved from the cardiac floor to another one yesterday and tonight she was released from the hospital and returned to the nursing home.
Hospice care is now in place and we are all preparing ourselves for what is coming.
It's not an easy task.
So many emotions.
On Sunday,  Louis Dean and I will drive to Fort Worth and visit Mother.
I'm hoping by that time I will know in my heart if we need to just go on home.
My siblings and I have known this time would come and yet it still feels strange.
Arrangements have all been made years ago so we don't have to think about that.
Hospice will provide Mother with a higher quality of care.
I guess I got used to what Dr. Goldman said every year .....that Mother would live to be 100.
She would always say, "Sh*t!"
She's been ready to go for a long time now.

I've been trying to wrap my head around all of this as are my siblings.
We really appreciate your kindness in praying for us.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Linda, I m so very sorry. I stayed with my mom as she left, and I know how very hard this is. Please take care of yourself, so you can be strong for your siblings. Hospice is wonderful. They know things that regular nurses do not, as this is their specialty. We had them for my mom and they do so much to help. They are really wonderful. I will be praying for all of you.

Luann said...

Has her hair turned white? It is hard to go threw this stage with a loved one. Monte is there again himself. The doctor tried to place him on hospice two months ago and he refused it but can no longer deny his days are short. A new season is upon us all and I pray the suffering will cease for all.

Kathy said...

I'm so happy to hear about the room coming right along. LD is a wonder for sure. I do believe along with you that he can do anything. The ranch is really pretty this time of year.

I am sorry to hear about your mother. It is hard no matter what time of life it happens. We knew my father was going, but my mom went to bed one night and never woke up. It is easier to be prepared, but very hard either way. I'll be praying for you, your mom and your family.

BeachGypsy said...

I am so so sad to hear this news. What a hard thing to face. You all will be in so many prayers.

Nancy Chan said...

I am so sorry to hear about your mother. It is difficult and painful but better to be prepared. Bless the hospice care givers. Be strong and peace be with you and your siblings. What a shock for LD to find the milk running all over from under what he thought was a bowl!

Bluebird49 said...

Oh Linda, I had no idea your mom was down to this shape, and I am terribly sorry. This a very hard time to go through!
I've been without Mama for 7 years, and I just dreamed of her this morning. She had fallen and I knew her final days were just ahead. I wasn't allowed to tell her though! Dreams are strange, especially since I rarely ever remember dreams.
I will be praying for all of you, sweetie.

Estelle's said...

We have been through this with our own parents and it is a very, very difficult time. I know Hospice was a gift each time. I think you will find this gives your Mother much comfort. Life changes doesn't it? Prayers for your family.

Penny said...

Oh Linda, my dear friend, I am so sorry to read your news. Alrhough we all know that our days on this earth will end, it is so hard to face when one loses a loved parent. I wish your mum gentle days ahead, and kindness and carimg from the Hospice team, and for you, I wish and pray that you find peace and strength to cope with what lies ahead XXX

Carol said...

Oh Linda, I am truly sorry to learn of your mom's fragile state. She seems so happy and looks great in your photos. I pray for peace for the family as her days here will end at some point. We have a dear friend that is in hospice care at this time and it is difficult. My love and prayers to you!!

jamarson1 said...

Sending you prayers for peace and clarity. None of these decisions are easy. God will take care of you. He always does.

Susie said...

Linda, When you go see your mother, please hug her for me. The last thing I did for my mother, was rub her feet. I told her I would rub them so she could walk with Jesus, I do not know if she even heard me as she was passing with her ten remaining children circled around her bed. Wishing you peace in your heart Linda. We all will be here for you. Blessings to you and LD , love you, xoxo, Susie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

So sorry to hear this news about your mom. No matter how well we are prepared it is always difficult to accept. Will be praying for your mom and you and all the family. Just the thought of losing someone we love, is very hard. Your mom is in the best of hands and that is important. Treasure the time you have. None of us knows when that will be so it's always best to appreciate each other and show them how much we care. Glad to see the wall is up, things are really coming along. You do have a beautiful place there to pray and meditate. Taking a walk is always good for stressful days.

Arlene G said...

Adding your mama to my prayer list Linda. I am glad Hospice will be there to help all of you in this difficult time.

Teresa P said...

Praying for you and your family during this difficult time. Your Mom will get great care in Hospice and they will be great support to your family as well. My husband and I have been through this with our grandparents and his Mom who passed away last May.

Take care of yourself and continue with your walks to calm your mind and try to get plenty of rest. I loved the story about Louis Dean and the colander! That sounds like something my husband would do as he always gets up in the middle of the night often to get a snack.

Jan said...

I'm so sorry. Keeping you and your family in my prayers, Linda.

Cheapchick said...

I am so sorry Linda, I didn't even realize your Mother was in hospital until I got caught up on my blog reading this morning. We all have a time, like you say, your Mother will go when ready. Hospice workers are generally the very best at what they do, have super huge hearts and are extremely empathetic as it takes a special person. She will be in good hands. Hugs

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Praying for your Mom and all your family Linda as you are going through this part of life. Hospice is such a kind place to be at this time. Hugs and Love.

Rain said...

Linda, your post is very cute today...I laughed at Louis Dean's colander disaster....I try to leave snacks for Alex too...much easier that way and he appreciates it! :) I saw the goats! I enlarged that photo, what a nice spot to sit and think. :) I am thinking of you and your family. We all know the inevitable will happen, but even as much as we prepare for's still shocking and saddening. Sending hugs. xx

MadSnapper n Beau said...

That view from your boat is just spectacular and my favorite photo of the day is the one with the fence running through the trees with all the green grass behind it just nothing but trees grass and a fence beautiful. Sorry to hear about your mom. And you have so many wonderful pictures to remember your mom bye on your blog and I'm sure around the house to you've done such a fantastic job of documenting your family history here on this blog.

Unknown said...

I love you. I know this feeling. It hurts, yet you know the pain they're going through. You don't know what you will do without them. But you know life does go on without them. Our faith in God makes us realize we will see them again but the sorrow you feel overwhelms our senses. Life will be less heart breaks...i love you

Carole said...

Linda, nothing I could say will help - but your mother is lucky to have a loving family looking out for her. Wishing her and all of you peace. On another front - pouring milk into a colander ... priceless.

Shirley said...

Linda, I know what you are going through. It is hard and you keep hoping that it won't happen, but that is not fair to them when they are ready to go. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You can never have to many. I laughed about Louis and his cereal. You need a chuckle or two to help you. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend Shirley

Vee said...

Oh my! If that “cereal” bowl had not made such a mess, it would be hilarious!

Having walked the road you are on too many times in the past eight years, I know that emotions can run high. I will be praying for you all and asking The Lord to remind you to run to Him whenever you are feeling He is there to carry the burden. He loves you all so... I am so delighted to know that your mother is looking forward to home. Sending love across the miles...

Mary said...

Susie, your Mother heard you. A nurse told me when my Dad was dying, to keep talking to him, as the hearing is the last to go. She heard :)

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I’m praying Linda.