Sunday, April 22, 2018

Sunday Scenes.....

We are down to the last day or two here.
 I think the first few days and the last ones of our visits down here are the most precious.

I fixed us a big country breakfast of scrambled eggs mixed with sausage, cheese and chopped green onion and had cherry preserves to put on top of our toasted day old biscuits.
We don't waste much food when we are here and what does go in the scrap bag will be fed to the goats.

As we sat in the front room with our coffee - because it was warmer out there than it was in the camper - we talked about packing up so we can go home tomorrow. Louis Dean said he really, really, would like one more day to finish up his project and pack away his tools. So we are staying until Tuesday now.

Now that we have an extra day, I decided to to quit stalling and pull up chapter 13 on my book and start writing. So far this trip I have taken the dozen chapters I have already written and went over them once again, adding a bit here and changing a bit there. Truth is - I was having trouble moving on to the next part. This afternoon, I spent a few hours writing about the last part of 1963 and on to 1964. I had just turned 15 one month before I gave birth to my daughter, Summer. I use photos and events to trigger my memories. All of us who are old enough remember where we were and what we were doing on Friday, November 22, 1963 at 12:40 in the afternoon. That was when Walter Cronkite interrupted the soap opera 'As the World Turns' with the news that President Kennedy had been shot as his motorcade traveled through Dealey Plaza. I was feeding my month old daughter a bottle in a tiny 2 room apartment.....and then my memories picked up from there and I was able to remember and write all the way up to Sunday, February 9th, 1964 at 8:00 PM. Can you guess what world event that was? Let me ask you you remember the Beatles first appearance on the Ed Sullivan show? I do. And I remember where we lived and what life was like for me at that time.
IF I am going to write this book - and I really feel like I am supposed to do this - then I am going to have to start churning it out and quit being afraid. It really is not all that personal anymore. Rather like I am remembering a story, although it is mine. I think I am rambling so I'm going to stop now.

I  took the scraps down to the goat pen where the chickens and roosters started chowing down! 
I don't think there was much left by the time the goats got back there tonight.

The goslings are getting bigger and only the largest one has grown feathers.
The others are still covered in down.

Old Mother Goose is still being extremely protective.
That's probably a good thing.

This was our Sunday Night Movie!
It's amazing the movies I have never seen before!
I liked it. That makes two good ones in a row.


One of life's sweet pleasures is going to bed after you've just made it up with fresh, clean and crisp sheets!
And a good book or two.
The Summer Book was a gift from my Finland Friend, Jutta, and it is delightful.
Goodnight from the Country.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Yeah, you get one more day!!! I was in high school when Kennedy was shot, and they let all the kids leave. And I watched The Ed Sullivan Show to see the Beatles. Second favorite was the little mouse Topo Gigio.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Linda, writing your history and your family history as you and all of your siblings remember is important. My Dad did that and I wished I would have asked him more questions about his memories. He blogged (and we have left it up) and he wrote a self published book of his life from his earliest through his growing up and starting his own family years as he remembered it. A treasure.

Anonymous said...

that book will be a best seller, I just know it!

Vee said...

Oh good! Another day in the country. 🐥🐐🐓 I enjoy reading about your thought processes regarding writing. I know that Forrest Gump was framed around current events, but had not thought your book would be. It’s a good device for memory and organization. Now I must learn more about Jutta’s gift to you. Summer is coming!

Susie said...

Linda, I know you won't mind one more day of country chores , sunrise and sunset. I know you can always have some nice fresh eggs to cook up a lunch or dinner. Like I pray you will get your book written and made into a book that we can all read. You are inspiring to many others. You know that old saying , "there's a book in all of us. " I remember calling my mom and both of us crying on the phone...the day JFK was shot. I was a young mom too. Blessings to you and LD, please be safe returning home. xoxo,love, Susie

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm glad you decided to stay an extra day. It takes the pressure off and makes Louis Dean happy too. I've tried to write some of my memories but it sure makes me sad. You and I both got married and had babies when we were SO young. I had 2 of mine while I was a teenager and by the time I was 21...I had 4 sons! I love my life and my sweet family but I remember how hard it was way back when. I'm proud of you for writing. You inspire me! Hugs, Diane

Arlene G said...

Keep up that writing Linda...we are all waiting on your book!! Enjoy your extra day in the country!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

So nice you have an extra day there for both of you. Writing your book is a work of love as you remember those days and share them. It seems so long ago now that President Kennedy was shot and that the Beatles were on Ed Sullivan, but I can remember watching them both and it seems like just yesterday. I don't think I could do half as well as you on remembering all that's happened. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one that toasts left over biscuits...They are good! And yes, fresh clean sheets and a good book is always wonderful ! Hope you have a Happy Monday. For the first time in a long while, we're to be close to 70 degrees and sunny !

Changes in the wind said...

Isn't nice to be able to change your mind and do what you want without having to make all kind of arrangements:) Writing is good for the soul.

Tina said...

Linda you do such a wonderful job of telling your story here on this blog that I feel as if I have known all of you for years! I know that your book will be the same way and an inspiration to all who read it! You have accomplished so much creatively on this trip to the country -- paintings AND writing some of your book?!? I am envious! Toasting leftover biscuits is such a good idea, why didn't I think of it before? They just never taste as good the second day! Have a great Monday in the country!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I was acting As the World Turns when I saw it on TV and call Daddy to tell him because he never watch TV in the daytime but now that I look at the date and it was on a Friday I can't figure out why I wasn't at work. I have only been married 1 months and was 19 years old I have absolutely no memories of any of that and I have no memories of my life when I was 15 no details that is just where I was and I would be hard put to come up with enough details to write more than three paragraphs

Latane Barton said...

boy, did I relate to your post this morning. The writing of a book (I can't wait til you finish so I can read it, too) - Yes, I was watching 'As the World Turns' when they announced Kennedy was shot.. in a small apartment but I had more kids than you did. - the way we start our day, it all was so familiar. Just like we were sisters or something. Have a great week. Love you, Latane

Anni said...

I remember both events like they were yesterday...jr.high for Kennedy & my birthday for the Beatles.

NOW..just let me lay down on those nice clean sheets and get some zzzzz's

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Oh yes - I do remember the Beatles first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show. I HAVE 3 OLDER SISTERS...WHO WERE SCREAMING AT THE TV HAHA

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I was born in early October 1963 and many of your words about that time could be said by my mom, too!

I understand your fear, it’s hard to go back and relive something’s in our pasts. God has moved you forward in your life, and He’s with you.

Wanda said...

1963 ~ Our Julie was 3 month old. I remember when they broke into the Soap Opera to announce the shooting.

I remember seeing the Beatles on Ed Sullivan but didn't remember the date.

I love that you are doing your book. What a treasure and legacy for your family.


Buttercup said...

So enjoyed your photographs and your post -- from beautiful biscuits to your fresh sheets. Morning to night!

Carole said...

I've now ordered up The Summer Book from the library - thanks for the recommendation. Cheers